Making waffles with Laura


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
An interesting dream came to me a two nights ago. At first I didn’t know whether the dream was worth mentioning or not, but then I tried, in semi awaken state, to analyze it, and found out that perhaps there is some deeper significance in it.

The dream started with Laura in my apartment. I didn’t know why was she there, only that she was, and that she brought several people with her. But I could see only Ark there, sleeping on the couch.

Laura was in the other room, making a mixture for the cookies. But at the end she wrote a cross in the air above mixture, like you would write in Reiki treatment, and then blew with her breath into the mixture saying that this symbolizes the fire.

After that she made a couple of cookies in the waffle maker and then gave it to me. I was not so good in making waffles, but the taste was still very good so I was happy.

But then I heard a door bell, and when I opened I saw that all of my neighbors gathered in the hall because they couldn't stand the noise that we were making in my apartment.

At first, I couldn't understand why are they complaining, because we were not noisy at all, but when I saw that the same neighbors were making much bigger noise themselves I became very angry at them and said how the things were much better when my building was smaller and had only four apartments and how I wish that I am in my village house because there I am alone and nobody bothers me. And then I woke up.

Well, the last part is actually true in real life, but I couldn’t make any connection with the first part of the dream. If there really was any connection and not just some random frequency reading from my dream crystal, which tends to give me strange dreams ever since I got him.

Well, I tried to think about the possible meaning of all of that immediately after I woke up, because sometimes I have some unusual ability for dream interpretation after I have deeper dreams, and came to some interesting possible explanations.

What I came down to is that Laura actually represented my emotional center and Ark my intellectual center. And that in the dream my intellectual center was asleep and my emotional center working. And that it was using my emotional or spirit energy to create something to imprint a new circuits (waffles) into my brain. And that is what bothered other parts of my personality (many I’s) which complained about the noise but were not concerned at all about the noise that they were creating in my mind.

In some of my previous dreams I had a theme of destruction of old programs, and now it seems to have switched to creation of new ones.
Hello Persej, the first thing that struck me is the very strong link between Laura who makes waffles and the "oracle" that makes cookies in the movie "Matrix". Ark, is representing "The architect in" Matrix. "As for the neighbors, I do not know who this can be. Perhaps jealous people?
There are some interesting symbols in your dream, Persej.

I think it may be helpful if you went through each event or scenario in the dream and wrote down what happened and how it made you feel. Whether it was something you felt in the dream or felt once you awoke or how you feel about it now, write it down. From what I understand, it’s the emotional center that dreams, so there may be some emotional issues connected to the dream that need processing.

My two cents. :)
Kisito said:
Hello Persej, the first thing that struck me is the very strong link between Laura who makes waffles and the "oracle" that makes cookies in the movie "Matrix".

Haha. Yes, it's interesting that I had that part in my dream. :)

Ark, is representing "The architect in" Matrix. "

Yes, well the male often represents the intellectual side of things.

As for the neighbors, I do not know who this can be. Perhaps jealous people?

I don't see why would my neighbors be jealous of me. I have no dispute with them, other than we are very disorganized living unit. Which is the case in entire country and which now the government wants to solve with some new laws that should bring us closer to EU standards. But that is another story. :)

But it could be that some parts of me might be jealous of my attention to Laura and this group.

Menrva said:
There are some interesting symbols in your dream, Persej.

I think it may be helpful if you went through each event or scenario in the dream and wrote down what happened and how it made you feel. Whether it was something you felt in the dream or felt once you awoke or how you feel about it now, write it down. From what I understand, it’s the emotional center that dreams, so there may be some emotional issues connected to the dream that need processing.

My two cents. :)

Thank you for suggestion, Menrva. I'll try to do that, but this crystals hasn't gave me a single clear dream ever since I got him. All the dreams were very fuzzy in their meaning and feeling. Perhaps I'm still emitting too much noise in my being to get a clear signal. :/

And perhaps that is what Laura, whoever she was in my dream, was trying to correct with her 'magic spell'.

There were not much feelings in this dream other than I was happy that I had a tool to work with and anger that other people were not being appreciative of the work that I was doing. For them it was just a noise, and for me their work was a noise.

I think that sums up my feelings in general, but whether or not there was something more behind the scenes in that dream I still don't know.
As for the neighbors, I do not know who this can be. Perhaps jealous people?

I don't see why would my neighbors be jealous of me. I have no dispute with them, other than we are very disorganized living unit. Which is the case in entire country and which now the government wants to solve with some new laws that should bring us closer to EU standards. But that is another story. :)

But it could be that some parts of me might be jealous of my attention to Laura and this group.

I think your neighbors can represent your personal entourage.

My two cents.
I would say that Forum is part of your everyday life and that you care about people from Forum like they are really with you in your daily routines.
Menrva said:
From what I understand, it’s the emotional center that dreams, so there may be some emotional issues connected to the dream that need processing.

While struggling to keep my daily internal dialogue down, one night I had a revelation of how much do I talk even in my dreams. All night, in every dream that I had that night, I was constantly talking, like a monologue, like I was telling myself what I was dreaming, like a narrator scenes in movies. I was very surprised to realize that. It doesn't happen every night, but maybe it was just amplified that night because I was working on this issue in the previous days. It did happen before when I was also fighting against some bad habits.

So what if, for the people whose intellectual center is overly active during the day, and emotional asleep, the same structure reflects in their dream state? And perhaps blocks some emotional processing or insights that usually happens in the dreams? Or maybe even energy recharge in some way?

In any case, I'm still waiting for those waffles.
The neighbors; your analysis characterizing traits as people is insightful.

I was going to suggest as your consciousness broadens it is encountering other minds. And they are encountering yours.

When you were in your cottage, you were alone with your thoughts. Then you moved to a 4 plex as you grew. Now you're in Babylon. Lots of minds, lots of ideas. And handsome young ginger biker cubs.

Mastering normal life with greater awareness is a challenge for them and you. They viscerally recognize an organic threat in you to their corrupted ideas. It's a real threat, because as you get rid of garbage you clear space for redeployment of energy.

This 'charisma' radiates from you, or properly, you inhabit a trandimensional space. (Self-actualization). As I understand the cassies, interfering planes result in a death to one or the other. Serious stuff.

Only, you have the tools to exist

You can't fool yourself any longer, 'shit's real', and is even now informing physical reality. As you manifest, you rock the boat. You are responsible for yourself, and now this responsibility extends to showing compassion for others as you influence their world. This is not something that is talked about much. We all affect each other. Everything is connected. Energy precedes and informs the precipitation of matter. As above, so below.

They are like your children. You are confronting them with the death of their ideas by your mere presence. That's a real bummer. Milk will be spilt. Cubs will waaa waa. But they are ready, or they wouldn't be there.

So confidently and beguilingly assume your rightful place in front of Fulcanelli's furnace, Mom, and have cookies ready for your unconsciously enlisting students. For they are also your true teachers.

....and tell Ark his shift as a Back Doorman is starting. Awakened masculine left brain vigilance/absolute awareness protects absolutely. gotta catch those red headed cubs sneaking through the back door!
While reading the book The Brain That Changes Itself, I came upon this section:

A dramatic example has been described by Dr. Bruce Miller, a professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, who has shown that some people who develop frontotemporal lobe dementia in the left side of their brain lose their ability to understand the meaning of words but spontaneously develop unusual artistic, musical, and rhyming skills — skills usually processed in the right temporal and parietal lobes. Artistically, they become particularly good at drawing details. Miller argues that the left hemisphere normally acts like a bully, inhibiting and suppressing the right. As the left hemisphere falters, the right's uninhibited potential can emerge.

In fact, people without disabilities can benefit from liberating one hemisphere from another. Betty Edwards's popular book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, written in 1979, years before Miller's discovery, taught people to draw by developing ways to stop the verbal, analytical left hemisphere from inhibiting the right hemisphere's artistic tendencies. Inspired by the neuroscientific research of Richard Sperry, Edwards taught that the "verbal," "logical," and "analytical" left hemisphere perceives in ways that actually interfere with drawing and tends to overpower the right hemisphere, which is better at drawing. Edwards's primary tactic was to deactivate the left hemisphere's inhibition of the right by giving the student a task the left hemisphere would be unable to understand and so "turn down." For instance, she had students draw a picture of a Picasso sketch while looking at it upside down and found they did a far better job than when doing it right-side up. Students would develop a sudden knack for drawing rather than acquiring the skill gradually.

Which I think corresponds with the dream that I described in the first post of this topic. So last night, while I was waiting to fall asleep, I tried to stop any thoughts that I had. Not just inner dialogue, but also any visual things. Now, I wasn't trying to stop any visual images that might come spontaneously, things that you would get in a semi dream state, if you can understand what I mean. But I would try to stop visualizations that would come from my conscious analytical part, like when someone asks you to visualize something and you do it by will.

So I fell asleep after some time doing that, and in the morning I had a super vivid dream. I was even a little aware that I was dreaming but I didn't want to wake up because details of the scene in the dream were very vivid, very close to reality, that I was really impressed by it. I don't remember when was the last time that I had such a dream. Maybe when I just started taking iodine, but even for that I'm not sure if it was this vivid.

So, it seems that my left side of the brain was inhibiting my right side not only during the day, but also during the night, inhibiting my sleep quality. That is why I said in another topic that I would get a good sleep only when I was too tired to have those ruminating thoughts before sleep.

Laura also talked about these left/right sides of the brain in this chapter of the Wave:

When the story says that Orion raped his love, the meaning is clear: the left-brain took over the function of the right brain, which was the direct conduit to universal powers of creation within the individual. Eve consorted with the wrong side.
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