Man Claims To Have Video Of Alleged UFO


Padawan Learner
DUBLIN, Texas (CBS 11 News) ― The military now says it was training over Stephenville the night dozens of people reported seeing UFOs.

But a video surfaced yesterday of the so-called sighting.

The man who captured the alleged UFO did not want to be identified, so he handed the video over to Seven Allen, a private pilot.

In response to the military's explanation of the UFO sightings, Allen said, "It's terrible they can't keep track of ten F-16s better than that. I can tell you where my dog is at the moment."

In the video, the UFO constantly changes shape. "It probably has the ability to do what it pleases," Allen said.

The Mutual UFO Network looked at pictures of the video and said there was nothing remarkable about them.

Video at source CBS 11 TV
That streaky worm-like effect was probably caused by the shaking of the camera; it happened when I was playing around with someone's mobile phone - put on a brighter setting in a dark room - pointed at a stationary LED light. Undoubtedly there was a light in the sky but those shapes look exactly the same.

The reporter calling them "hieroglyphics" is just ridiculously presumptuous.
"It's definitely not friendly..."? Wow, I can't believe the man they were interviewing actually said this, how is he to know whether it, whatever it is, is friendly or not.
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