Mass Protests in Turkey


Jedi Master
Yesterday, the government tried to cut down the trees in the only green area in Taksim (the central district of İstanbul) and the people tried to stop it. Police came as they always do and threw pepper gas canisters, aimed pressurized water on the people.
See the pictures here:

Al Jazeera:
Huffington Post:
Footage from Vimeo:

Mainstream media in the west has been virtually silent on this, except for a few trickles here and there, but apparently there's thousands of people gathering to protest the violent suppression of #occupygezi, which was a sit-in to protect a local park in Istanbul from developmental plans. The police responded with tear gas and water cannons attacking some individuals. It's outrageous how hysterical governments are over civil disobedience. It's like that non-violent tradition is being beaten out of us.
On a semi related note, over 80 European cities are protesting today against the "troika" (Central European Bank, IMF and European Commission) :


Wow, Spain is really spearheading the organized opposition. Good on them.

Came to add another link I found, about reports if year has being used :|
Re: The Taksim Park Revolution, İstanbul

Revolution in İstanbul part 1 by Anonymous

_ (part two)

- (part 3)
These protests have spread all over Turkey like wild fires. It is not only for cutting down of trees but against the government. Last night I participated in a protest in our district of the city which is about 40 km. from the city center. It lasted until 1:00 am and the slogans shouted were: Government resign, we are soldiers of Mustafa Kemal (founder of modern Türkiye) People of all ages, children with their parents and a band (playing marches) were present. People from the overlooking apartments were clanging pots and pans. Right now The Taksim square is full of people including actors, actresses, painters etc. One of the actors is the man who is playing Suleiman the magnificient in a turkish series titled The magnificient Century.

RT gives extensive coverage about the protests
At last there is a glimmer of hope for overthrowing this fascist government. The silent half of the population, the "Crazy Turks" have woken up. For the last 11 years this government has sold almost everything to global corporations, now they are selling our railroads.

They are attacking our private freedoms, like drinking (You cannot drink anywhere 100 m. from a religious institution or any kind of education building) they have passed a law to this effect.

This is like the Second Independence war. The protesters, mostly young people, students have not bowed and fled from the protest, yes, they have retreated but came back again and again.

In Ankara people have confiscated the shields of the police :

Now the people have surrounded the building of Prime Minister in Ankara.

Also, the people are guarding the Ataturk Culture Center, another building in Taksim, which the government wants to demolish.

Hitler of Türkiye is ill (really). He is epileptic and actually he cannot serve as a civil servant, let alone as a prime minister according to our laws.

These are just snippets..
Weakening of ordinary people is for me one brave and beautiful thing. It is not nice if it is a rioting and bloody fight, but if something ugly and old must be changed.
Here is an interesting blog from person who is part of protesters:

I hope that this rioting is made from pure people mind, not from psichopaths in power. We saw lots rioting in Middle East, after which we had new governments made by USA and other Western countries. We have new Egypt, Libya... Syria is still resisting.
light worker said:
Weakening of ordinary people is for me one brave and beautiful thing. It is not nice if it is a rioting and bloody fight, but if something ugly and old must be changed.
Here is an interesting blog from person who is part of protesters:

I hope that this rioting is made from pure people mind, not from psichopaths in power. We saw lots rioting in Middle East, after which we had new governments made by USA and other Western countries. We have new Egypt, Libya... Syria is still resisting.

True, I hope not. The media was pretty silent for the first few days, so it may be they west was trying to figure out how to spin it in their favor, which hints it was unanticipated. We will see if they can remain free of western interventionism.
Hi light worker,

This blog entry has made it onto SOTT now (taken from another source):
Hi to all,

I have been following the events for a few days now and wanted to offer my perspective. I am not in Turkey, but I have read many reports and personal stories, so I hope I can shed some light on the situation

The whole issue started with protection of trees in Gezi Park which is the only green place at the city center. At that point, there were 50 protestors who wanted to defend the trees. They were very peaceful and offered pastry to the police just before they were attacked by police. You can see the video here:

Then people become enraged because of this police brutality, and when I say people, I mean all sorts of people. It is not just young university students or nationalists or leftists. It is everyone who got fed up by the oppressive regime of this government limiting alcohol distribution, telling people how to behave. People said: Enough!

So people from 48 cities out of 81 went to the protests and in the major cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Adana, they met with excessive police force. Some were saying "Oh police do as commanded" but we have seen thay they act with such hatred and rage against the protestors. In some cases, attacking a single woman with 10 policemen.

I can not find all the resources I found past few days to show police brutality, but let me just say Turkish media ignored the protests due to government pressure. While there was news about protests in CNN, its Turkish franchise CNN Turk was showing penguin documentaries!

This lead to an interesting reaction from people. They boycotted all the media outlets and the other companies the TV channel owners have such as banks, restaurants etc. Prime Minister went on air to calm people down, but instead he made things worse saying he will not take orders from a few brigands and we should do as he commands because he knows the best. He took 50% of the votes, so he is entitled to everything. Obviously, this did not help and things get bigger and bigger. Today, Turkish stock market dropped around 10% which should give some pause to the government.

Yet, Prime Minister went on to visit several North African countries without addressing the problem and as he was answering questions on the airport he said: "I have 50% of the population who wants to go out against this protestors, but I stop them." Yeah, lets have a civil war then, over your ego.

As for the independence of the movement, I am certain it started independent, but where it will go is hard to predict. There are already parties and ideologies that wants to take over the movement here and there, but people are warning them that this battle is not theirs alone, there are no parties or ideologies that is leading the movement, but everyone is represented. There is a slogan I really enjoy that says:

We protect our religion without AKP(pro-Islam party), our Ataturk without CHP(pro-Ataturk, pro-secular party), our nation without MHP(nationalist party) and the Kurds without BDP(pro-Kurdish party). We are the people.

Which basically says, we don't want or need any political parties, leave us alone. It is important to note that undercover police are trying to infiltrate, and there are some who want to derail the movement, which was gladly shown by the media to support the government. I followed Occupy movement and how it got destroyed, same thing can happen here, but now people know that they have power over government and nothing will be the same from now on, at least that's what I think.

Another thing that made me tearful is how people are helping each other. I have never seen or heard anything like this where protesters that were attacked by pepperspray were helping each other with medicine, all the home owners in the district took them in, gave them shelter for resting, hiding and medical emergencies. Medical students offered their service at different emergency points, pharmacies delivered solutions against pepperspray for free. Truck and bus drivers block the roads, so police vehicles can't pass through. We have seen all sorts of things and we have seen the true face of everyone when the resistance started. So it was a beautiful weekend for truth.

I put a link that has very nice images, I am sure you will enjoy it:

Just my two cents, fwiw.
What the MSM has been saying is about the 'park' and 'trees'. It is much much more than this. It is about the symbol that they are removing from the people.

Below is a good documentary report in English with Turkish subtitles. It is important to share this.

On my friend's site people were complaining about the 'journalism' quality etc. My reply on sharing is:

It is the TRUTH that is important not the messenger. This IS the TRUTH as to what is really happening for those that are awake and have the eyes to see the erosion of humanity in front of our very eyes. Erdogan proved his side with the zionists immediately he reneged on his friendship with Assad and the Syrian people. This important documentary showcases the last vestiges of freedom of speech and 'democracy' which is paving the way for a totalitarian world prison. Ordinary people will awaken to a world controlled by the psychopathic 'elite'. It has already gone too far. The result of which will be a repeat of concentration camps ie those that do not obey the evil and torturous kabal who create continuous massacres of innocent people for their own power and greed will be 'dealt with'. Legalised murder and torture and economic control and stealing of people's savings and livelihood is already happening in a world purposely made crazy so the Zionists and their ilk can completely dominate everyone else (NWO). ONLY knowledge protects. As Beste quite rightly says - PLEASE SHARE the TRUTH so it can stand above the propaganda and the lies of the main stream media!
There's a fantastic video of last week's highlights:

The First Week of Resistance in İstanbul -

Really inspiring stuff and absolutely no MSM coverage.

Also, this: Turkish protesters raise $55,000 for full-page ad in New York Times -
The voice of the Turkish opposition may be about to be heard in America's newspaper of record, thanks to enthusiastic participation in a crowd-funding campaign. Raya Jalabi of the Guardian US reports:

A crowd-funding campaign has raised over $55,000 in under 24 hours to help pay for a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for democratic action and new dialogue on Turkey.

The Indiegogo campaign – "Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action: OccupyGezi for the World" – called on contributors to raise a stated goal of $53,800, and asks people to "wake up". The campaign has 1,344 backers so far.

"We want the world to hear from Turks themselves about what's happening in Turkey," reads a campaign mission statement. "We want the world to support us as we push for true democracy in our country."

The campaign is steered by three individuals – Murat Aktihanoglu, Oltac Unsal and Duygu Atacan – who claim to represent the "Turkish People" with "no organizations, parties or affiliations".

Campaigners are asked for help in drafting a full statement to be printed in the ad. Over 150 commenters have contributed so far. The first draft of the ad begins:

The violent response to a peaceful protest to save Istanbul's Gezi Park symbolizes an autocratic government's increasing encroachment on the civil rights of the country's citizens. We hope for new dialogue—one that can restore the trust of Turkish citizens in a government that positioned Turkey as a global economic power, but which is now getting recognition around the world for condoning harsh police retaliation that strikes at the pillars of democracy.

Woot woot Turkey! Non-violent mass scale demonstrations are the way to go!

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