Maybe if we learn from cockroaches?


The Living Force
The article is about communion with cockroaches, quote:

Unclean, smelly, repulsive. :) :( In many ways we could describe roaches, but they have personality is usually not one of those ways. However, a team of scientists not only discovered that you chasing insects have personality, but also found that when more cockroaches together to create some type of group personality.

"Many studies have proven personality in some other invertebrates. But no one commented on the American cockroaches, "says Isaac Planas sitja, behavioral ecologist at the University of Brussels and author of the study.

More than two decades of research have been recorded personality personality - ie, permanent behavior such as courage, shyness, sociability and aggressiveness - in the range of invertebrates, octopus over kopnica (water striders) to spiders. Planas-sitja attract roaches are not because He loves them, but because they do not live in communities with leaders and followers - to the social castes for which it was difficult to see the personality of the individual. "All are independent even though the social," says Planas-sitja.

To confirm that cockroaches have personality, Planas-sitja and colleagues paste the tiny radio-frequency identification chips on the chest baskets 304 cockroaches in order to monitor the insects after they are placed in a new environment. Scientists have divided the animals into groups of 19 to 16 individuals (all males aged approximately 4 months, because the age and sex of animals can affect their behavior, which is why it would be difficult to detect types of personality). Three times a week team put each group in the middle illuminated, plastic, round the arena, which is surrounded by an electric fence that cockroaches would not have escaped. Two identical disk plexiglass covered with red filters were floated right over the arena, creating red circles that are cockroaches (which is the color of light) perceived as shelters. Each shelter was large enough that all cockroaches squeezed under it.

Scientists are more than three hours to measure the amount of time each cockroach spent inside the shelter and how each should be first inclined to it. To see whether cockroaches reached consensus on where to collect (indicator group personality), are recording how insects were below which the disc at the end of the experiment. The analysis showed that, as in other species (of the spider to the lion), these cockroaches are shy and brave individuals. Shy cockroaches sought shelter as soon as they entered the arena, while the brave individuals more researched, published these in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It is important that the cockroaches behave the same in every test.

Despite these individual differences, at the end of each experiment group were still being rumbled under the same shelter. "There is a collective dynamics - social impact - that erased personal differences of individuals. Thus in the group everyone has similar behavior as everyone else, "said Planas-sitja. Such conformity is happening even when scientists know that some roaches never seek shelter, while some some groups spend only a short time under it, which is based on previous experiments. But changing behavior as soon as they find themselves in a group. "Then they all run to the shelter," said Planas-sitja, who hopes that further experiments to find out why and how this happens.

The team believes that "common outcome (group personality) different from the sum of the individual personality and that was quite interesting." Noa Pinter-Wollman, animal behaviorist at the University of California says that "it implies that the whole is greater and more important than zesebnih parts". Spiders, bees and ants also have group or colonial personality.

Odile Petit, ethnologist with the research agency CNRS in Strasbourg, adds: "The way in which a group show personality is very exciting and intirgantan. Show that individuals and their personalities important even in simple animals. "

Source: sciencemag
This is fascinating. Insects are amazing. cockroaches are repulsive, true. But they are here, and they are here since millions of years, so the study of them is important. Thanks for the article.

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