McCain's history


The Force is Strong With This One

Have you guys stumbled across this yet?

I am beginning to think that we are witnessing a final battle for the official psychopathic take over of the US; just choose your flavour.

It is likely that equally creepy stuff can be uncovered for obama and biden.
And I find that amazing considering McCain went through years of torture in a prison. Any normal person with selfish and shallow former predispositions would most likely be extremely humbled by such an experience. Hell, I don't see how a normal person could do what he did even *without* having faced death and torture - but *especially* after such an experience, which should knock the shallowness right out of you and make you appreciate life in a much deeper way - right? Instead of running to his wife and kissing her and telling her he loves her, that he is sorry for being a shallow prick in the past, that he never truly appreciated life or realize what he had until everything was deprived from him... no instead he just went on being a shallow prick like nothing even happened. I don't understand how that is possible unless you're really just some sort of machine and no experience, no matter how horrible or life-changing for anyone else, will phase you at all.

It's amazing cuz if you look at McCain, and just think of all the horrors he went through, you almost want to feel sorry for the guy. You start to automatically project your own humanity into him, and just assume that all this HAD to have left a mark on him somehow, that he has developed some sort of wisdom and appreciation for life from all those experiences. Suffering, hitting rock-bottom, coming face to face with your death - it would do that to a person right? Add to the the fact that he's 78, you'd think he'd be "over" childish materialism and just due to his age alone would have a more profound outlook on life and its meaning, having "been there done that" and all.

Apparently not. But it's always so damn hard to accept that, that someone can look human but be a machine underneath, un-phased by anything that happens to them. Not learning and developing as time goes on, not "growing" as a person at all, only getting more adapt at manipulating and satisfying own impulses for power.

Bah who am I kidding, have you seen this guy's "smile"? The repulsive and eye-gougingly fake monstrosity that he passes off for a "smile" proves he's a psycho all by itself. I mean seriously, who needs psychoanalysis when you got a guy who smiles like he is being inflated with a truck-tire pump? He looks like he tries so hard, but never gets it quite right. But if it is simply chronic constipation I apologize! I do think he should take it easy before a stroke cometh, or his face explodes.


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