meditation meanings


The Living Force
Hi Laura, as always, I appreciate your special insights and opinions so I hoped you may have time to send me your perspective on an experience I had a while ago during meditation. I think it had something to do with changes in my vibration/perception but with a zap. I found myself in a crimson cave with what looked like an altar covered with crimson cloth and on it sat a crystal skull. Without fear or hesitation I placed my physical hands on the skull and felt such a rush that I can only compare it to placing ones head out of the window of a speeding vehicle. In that moment the cave was filled with a pastel rainbow colours,all of them, and I just floated upward slowly with a feeling of constant exhilaration but my physical body remained below with hands on skull. Later I found myself on the floor of an uncompleted white temple, big round pillars already erected, when I was struck by lightning and it was even more ecstatic and no pain at all.Again the colours all around me. I was completely aware but my physical body was totally inanimate and unresponsive to my husbands touch and indiscernible words. I relaxed more and then I opened my eyes and I was back out of the meditation. I can only guess what it all means but I have a sense that it may be significant as my meditations did not used to be so vivid and detailed. I would not like to think that it was just a dream of sorts. What would your interpretation be? Thank you, Stellar
stellar said:
Hi Laura, as always, I appreciate your special insights and opinions so I hoped you may have time to send me your perspective on an experience I had a while ago during meditation. I think it had something to do with changes in my vibration/perception but with a zap. I found myself in a crimson cave with what looked like an altar covered with crimson cloth and on it sat a crystal skull. Without fear or hesitation I placed my physical hands on the skull and felt such a rush that I can only compare it to placing ones head out of the window of a speeding vehicle. In that moment the cave was filled with a pastel rainbow colours,all of them, and I just floated upward slowly with a feeling of constant exhilaration but my physical body remained below with hands on skull. Later I found myself on the floor of an uncompleted white temple, big round pillars already erected, when I was struck by lightning and it was even more ecstatic and no pain at all.Again the colours all around me. I was completely aware but my physical body was totally inanimate and unresponsive to my husbands touch and indiscernible words. I relaxed more and then I opened my eyes and I was back out of the meditation. I can only guess what it all means but I have a sense that it may be significant as my meditations did not used to be so vivid and detailed. I would not like to think that it was just a dream of sorts. What would your interpretation be? Thank you, Stellar

Hi, Stellar: How do you interpret your experience? Do the objects and colors in the experience have special significance for you? How does this relate to the work?

For me a dream or meditation with alot of Zip and Pow may have very little importance when I boil it down to basics. Like a movie with great special effects but little plot or meaning.

Sometimes, during the day, when I find myself being a tiny bit less mechanical, or more empathic it seems quite profound.

Hi stellar,

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Hi Stellar,

And a very warm welcome to the forum.

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You'll also find frequent references on the forum to the "Big Five" psychology books, which are extremely helpful tools towards acquiring a basic understanding of your own "machine". Should you decide to explore those books at some point in the future, Laura suggests that they be read in the following order: The Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout; The Narcissistic Family by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman & Robert M. Pressman; Trapped in The Mirror by Elan Golomb; Unholy Hungers by Barbara Hort; and In Sheep's Clothing by George K. Simon.

Please note that the health issue is also an important matter if someone wants to clean his own "machine". So, after reading the diet and health section, if you want to go further, we encourage you to read some good books about that. Here's the recommended books : The Ultra Mind Solution (Mark Hyman) , The Ultra Simple diet (Mark Hyman), Detoxify or Die (Sherry Rogers), What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders (by Stephen B. Edelson and Deborah Mitchell), and Beating and Treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (by Rodger Murphree). They synthesize much of the information pretty nicely.

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The meditation you're referring to, is it the EE program or some other form of meditation?

I think Mac is touching upon an important point which is to not become distracted by what is seen during these meditations. My personal interpretation (and I could be completely off) is that this was a kind of awakening of the mind. Several people on the EE thread have posted about seeing "dreams" that have the flavor of going from a dark place to a light place. I had one when I first started EE about being in a dark room and then suddenly seeing a door open towards me. On the other side of the door was a blue sky with white clouds. While it was pleasant, I try not to attach to it but rather concentrate on continuing the meditation.
Hi Mac, thank you for the questions as they make it easier for me to form my idea of what the meditation may have meant.
Just to answer truth seeker's Q. this happened before EE program presented to me.
In retrospect : I think that the cave represented the darkness (ignorance/unknowing)Ive lived in including the crimson surrounding (denoting the base chakra of red?) and all that that meaning might explain regarding physicallity. Upon the alter which could be a holy symbol - though covered by more 'material' physicallity - lies the crystal skull. From what reading I have done on the symbol of the skull, it pertains to a desire of knowing the spiritual (knowledge) or touching the spiritual.
Then there are the colours of the rainbow which are also the colours or the seven main chakras that I've read about. NOW - as I reach out for the 'spiritual' my 'colours' begin to stir, to do something according to my intent. As my essence rises it witnesses the whiteness (a proper combination of the rainbow colours ) of the next scene but I am struck by lightning (not sure about that symbolism - too much too soon without properknowledge?) before I am able to witness the completion of the new temple (me in some form?).Preliminary conclusion : I cannot skip steps that must be taken in order to combine the 'four bodies' harmoniously. Inadequate knowledge can be very unhealthy to the point of danger!!

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