Memory Lapses


I have been experiencing little memory lapses. Keep forgetting little things. But it seems it is not just limited to me. I have over a dozen peolple working in my office. They all have the same problem to some extent. Strange....Are you guys having any? I would love to know.

Recently I have had odd memory lapses where I lose my train of thought or forget what I was going to say and generally make a fool of myself. It has never happened to me before, very strange.
Was sharing UFO tales with someone the other night, when my train of thought was clearly interrupted by a whistling in my left ear which threw me off completely. What was remarable was that when I 'came to' after a couple of seconds, I was speechless, unable to gather my thoughts, so I ended up babbling some nonsense which killed our convo! My first reaction was 'ATTACK!' However, I'm more inclined to file this away with several other weird memory lapses I've been having lately.
I tend to get sidetracked, more then forgetting things. Like i'll intend to do something and then something else pops up and distracts me for a moment or two. Usually i remember what i was doing and go back to finishing it, happens mostly at work when im posting on the internet or reading articles or some such. Could just be my ADD nature...
starsailor said:
Was sharing UFO tales with someone the other night, when my train of thought was clearly interrupted by a whistling in my left ear which threw me off completely.
I have a similar thing quite regularly which is really hard to describe, it's like my ear starts ringing suddenly for a few seconds, the tone of the 'ringing' changes as well in the same pattern each time. I was meaning to mention this sometime.

We've all got IMPLANTS!

Help us

Sometimes we can not remember our last year, our day or even our last minute?
And we are astonished that we can not remember our last life past?
If we are unable to remember nearly 99.99% of our own lives, this suggests that these memories would be lost.

However, starting from the postulate that nothing is lost, we must a priori observe that these memories are in a space-time that escapes us.

So either these memories have their own lives independently of our existing "I" in 3D, or they are always related to our existential "I", and then we are a fraction of a larger self.

If we accept the second hypothesis, then the memories would be space-time units.
However, are these lost memories of our "existential self" maintained by another "I" with a physical body? Does each time we lose memory, another existential "I" is created? This also includes that we could be the physical creation of memories lost by a "other self."
So, if every time we lose the memory we create other "me", we also open other temporal dimensions. If this is the case, then how can we reconnect to a more united consciousness, ie without scattering? I can understand that scattering is the experimentation of unity, but it is also the fragmentation of consciousness, of unity. So the question that seems to be what we have been asking ourselves for generations is how to become aware of lost memories, ie how to become aware of our other dimensional "I", our "other past and future lives"?
Also, we may think that if our "me" is transferred to 4th density, it would not automatically transfer it to 4D for the other "me" living at the same time.

I see for the moment two kinds of memories:
1. Dimensional or quantum memories:
a) Those who created us (lost memories) by one of our "me".
b) The memories we create, through our own "lost memories".
2. The memories of "our self" in the cycle of incarnations and karma.

I am not competent to find the memories, I have difficulties also with the recapitulation of Gurdjieff.
However, there seems to be a link between quantum memories and karmic memories.

In quantum memories, I assumed that the loss of memories resulted in the creation of an "other self."
In karmic memories, we observe that we come to the virgin world of conscious memories. At the approach of our death, we also observe that memory begins to lose itself, to escape. This memory, which can be the fruit of different illnesses, such as alzeihmer, can either create another quantum "I" or be projected directly into our next incarnation.
" Nothing is lost, everything is transformed ".
The question is whether this loss of memory is the need for an "other" quantum or karmic body, or whether memory would create the existential body?

I ask myself, if every time I find the memory or else I have new ideas, if I do not steal the memory of another "me"? I could also think that I can kill another "me" by recuperating his memory. Also, is it better to say to have a greater consciousness, rather than to say kill another "I".

If tomorrow I recuperate from my karmic memory, that is to say that I perceive some of my past lives, my future lives and my quantum lives, is this an undeniable sign of going into 4D?
On the other hand, if I do not recover any karmic or quantum memory, then am I still bound to remain in this density at my next incarnation?
I want to say no, but maybe we are not fully aware of the memories that we recuperate in the course of our lives. The qualities that one possesses are often memories recuperated karmically, the impressions of "already seen", " déjà vue", "the effect mandela" perceptions of time that are deformed, are also perhaps quantum memories that we recuperate.
Also, this perception that I have at times lose my memory and perhaps the work of another "me" that is trying to merge our "me." "I want to believe" that to become aware of this is not to split, but to merge.
Your suggestions are welcome.
Amoeba said:
I have been experiencing little memory lapses. Keep forgetting little things. But it seems it is not just limited to me. I have over a dozen peolple working in my office. They all have the same problem to some extent. Strange....Are you guys having any? I would love to know.


I do get these as well, and gosh I notice it in people around me a lot more.

I've generally put it down to my recent coming off of an age-old addiction to a certain plant, as my mind has been a bit loopy since then. Hoping it improves some as time goes on, but at the moment I couldn't really say whether it was normal or not. Here in the U.K. we call them brain farts :lol:

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