Men of God, Land of Ruins- S.H.Williams



Men of God, land of ruins,
The mystic prime breaks stones of old
Into a thing of the new.
Behold, I am a dim fragment of Lucifer,
Staring at the waves through
A peeling vegetable glass, darkly.

Men of God, land of ruins,
The mystic hymn builds from within
Into a thing of the new.
Behold, the spinal ache kindles
Memories of our lost estate,
Where the grass is always greener.

Men of God, land of ruins,
The dire pummeling of a dying race
In vain attempts at arctic exile.
Behold, the Devil's company
Rides with the hive,
Never satisfied by the past.

Men of God, land of ruins,
The pious kneel before that
Which evades their understanding.
Behold, the stoic priest
Invests his tears
In account for revelation.

Men of God, land of ruins,
I sail through the blood
Of my extended family.
Behold, I am a dim fragment of Lucifer,
Staring at the waves through
A peeling vegetable glass, darkly.

"Men of God, Land of Ruins"
There were multiple copies of this so I had to delete the duplicate copies. I realise that you're new (and also finding the technology a little unfriendly) so just letting you know what's going on.
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