Message in a bottle?

Mrs. Peel

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I had this dream last night. My dreams never make any sense, they are just bits and pieces of nonsense usually. The gist of this one, leaving out the nonsense bits, was that I was standing with a friend and saw something falling from the sky. It looked like a small cannister of some sort. It hit the ground, and before I could reach it, another person picked it up and opened it, and their eyes opened wide in shock and they started to take out some paper(s) and run off with them.

Before they did, I grabbed the paper to see what it said, part of it was a drawing of a person seeing an alien (this part I'm fuzzy on). You know the idea of a person trapped on a desert island who sticks a note in a bottle and throws it out to sea and hopes somebody finds it and recsues them? Well, as I woke up, I was given the thought that this "cannister" was the equivalent of the bottle thing, and somebody who was being held by aliens sent it out... :scared:
Bizarre. OK, I'm not much at dream analysis, but if dreams are on one level, the interactions of different parts of ourselves, who do you think are the different people? You (as you), the person who ran off, the person who made the drawing, and the person in the drawing?

Maybe the drawing is representing the "screen" (as in screen memory :umm:), not necessarily of aliens per se (though it could be), but of a person being held in thrall by something foreign to them. The drawing is a sort of second-hand memory, as opposed to witnessing something directly. The person who ran away seemed to want to keep the information from you. And it came from "out of the blue". Unexpected and by surprise.

You've got a good one there.

fwiw, it sounds kind of like the other half of Deedlets dream here....if that's even possible??
In her dream humans had been abducted and where trying to warn those on planet earth about them.....

Also if you hadn't seen it
Laura said:
Just want to add that there seems to be a whole lot of EM activity going on here on the BBM and that could be activating a lot of things including doing a sort of "forced resonance" on people, causing lots of old stuff, fears, programs, etc, to come to the surface in the marvelously symbolic language of the subconscious.

There are a lot of people posting a lot of weird dreams at the moment.

As with all dreams its probably worth looking at the emotions the situation generated.....then asking where they may have come from (internal/external/past/present)?
RedFox said:
As with all dreams its probably worth looking at the emotions the situation generated.....then asking where they may have come from (internal/external/past/present)?

Well, if it matters any, my husband had some old, cheesy, black and white horror movie on TV last night right before bedtime. :lol:
Just wanted to say that your dream kind of reminded me of a dream I had back in 2002. This dream was my first "alien abduction dream" which was the start of many sequences in my life that lead me to finding the Cass material.

I'm not going to get very deeply into it but in the beginning of it I was standing in the street with a friend and looking for UFOs. ( I used to do that a lot back then) and all of a sudden we saw a UFO and a silver cannister looking thing fell out of the sky and we presumed it fell out of the UFO. My friend brushed it off I remember but I was convinced it was some sort of message from aliens. When i went home- I went to sleep and I had a VERY vivid alien abduction- which to this day I don't know if it was a 'dream' or 'projection' of actual events. But it was very intense and ended with me finding out the aliens weren't our friends and was running away from them.

Just wanted to share because your dream reminded me of the beginning of that dream/incident.

[was just about to post and saw your post mrs. peel so maybe it's not so related but I'll still post just in case :P]
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