Message when exiting a dream

Last evening I had a snooze and as I was coming out of the dream I was in, I was told to remember "naneno venedici". I repeated the name and this time the name was emphasized as "naneNO venedici" I asked why i had to remember this name and was told that he was the dragon slayer.

I have done a slight search today on the internet, but can't find anything to suggest that the dream had any meaning/validity, but maybe someone else can make sense out of it, if there is anything to be made sense out of.

At present I am pregnant, so I don't know whether the dream has anything to do with that.
I did the same as you and did a search for "Naneno Venedici" and the search engine asked if I had meant to type "Nano Venedici". The search returned a hit for a book titled "Common Terms in Computer Science: An Anthology" written by a Jesus Venedici. From the excerpts from the book I found online, the book seems to explain computer science terms using character sketches. Maybe there is something in this book? But that does not explain "Naneno Venedici" being characterized in your dream as a man (the pronoun 'him'). Those are just my two cents.
for what it might be worth ???

i translated naneno here:
with these results:

Croation (CP1250) - drifted by wind or water
Japanese (ShiftJIS) - whirlpool
Serbian (CP1250) - deposited, drifted by wind or water, alluvial, inflicted
Slovinian (CP1250) - to gather, to carry together, lay on
Turkish (CP1254) - mint. peppermint

nothing there on venedici but,
and other various sites, covering flood stories from around the world, Venedici is mentioned.

Yaqui (Sonoran, Northern Mexico):

On the 17th day of February, in the year 614, it rained for fourteen days all over the world. The waters rose and destroyed all living things. Yaitowi, a just and perfect man who walked with Dios, was saved, along with thirteen others and eleven women, on the hill of Parbus (today called Maatale). A few other people, seven birds, seven asses, and seven little dogs were saved on other mountains. After the flood, two angels appeared to two of the survivors, and the angel San Gabriel came, sent by Dios, telling the people to "go by the way of our Dios and Father." When they arrived at Venedici, they heard the voice of Dios, who promised the rainbow as a sign that no other flood would destroy earth. [Giddings, pp. 106-108]

there is also reference to Venedici mountains in Ptolemy's Geography. i didn't bother to pinpoint it on the map.
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