A new TV show...
"PLOT: When an unparalleled series of meteorites plummet to Earth..."
"I didn’t expect this Mini-Series would come out so fast, as far as I know, it will be shown on NBC on June 4th and June 11th."
From IMDB...
"I'm generally a fan of this sort of end of the world, apocalyptic disaster movie, but I really have no idea why this was made or needed to be made, especially given the overall quality of the finished product, predictable, uninspiring, unimaginative and largely uninteresting. You will likely forget this one soon after seeing it as I'm sure I will."
"PLOT: When an unparalleled series of meteorites plummet to Earth..."
"I didn’t expect this Mini-Series would come out so fast, as far as I know, it will be shown on NBC on June 4th and June 11th."
From IMDB...
"I'm generally a fan of this sort of end of the world, apocalyptic disaster movie, but I really have no idea why this was made or needed to be made, especially given the overall quality of the finished product, predictable, uninspiring, unimaginative and largely uninteresting. You will likely forget this one soon after seeing it as I'm sure I will."