Kniall said:
Although it's pretty elaborate if it is a hoax, what with video footage from 5 different angles, it seems a bit too 'CGI', especially the 'head' of the object, the fireball itself. Someone did an analysis here:
I saw it too, it is an interesting analysis … although, I came to the question, if it is possible that the technology (dispositive used to obtain the video- cellphone?) might be not the adecuate? Because, you see, the one from between Characas and Venado – train passing by, is in the middle of nowhere (point A is Venado Town, at North, Characas Town, the meteorite seems to be perpendicular to the train, I might be wrong, and this internet is quite slow, but the railroad seems to be almost transversal to the 63 freeway –I tend to get confused with directions)_,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+M%C3%A9xico&hl=es-419&ie=UTF8&ll=23.155513,-101.079712&spn=0.414152,0.774536&sll=22.819226,-101.201935&sspn=0.103796,0.193634&oq=venado+san&t=h&gl=ES&hnear=Venado,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+M%C3%A9xico&z=10
There is also the video from down town center of San Luis Potosi: second 10 from the first video posted by chrismcdude and here: _ ( the video seems to be taken in Plaza de los Fundadores, down town center of San Luis Potosí, besides the church (the cupola its seen to the left )and in front of the truncated corner building) and there are also other people taking photographs or videos)
Plaza de los Fundadores, San Luis Potosí: _,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+M%C3%A9xico&hl=es-419&ie=UTF8&ll=22.152056,-100.978067&spn=0.000815,0.001513&sll=22.182795,-100.943928&sspn=0.026069,0.048409&oq=san+luis+potosi,+centro&t=h&gl=ES&hnear=Centro+Hist%C3%B3rico,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+M%C3%A9xico&z=19
I also found this website in which appear some sort of weird noises on a radio station: _ Extrange disturbances in the reception of radio waves in San Luis Potosi, known as “electronic voice phenomena”, in which paranormal bookish people link such interferences with phantom phenomena or beings from other dimensions. In this audio, the radio girl mentions the meteorite as well. But in this website _ , also mentions the accion of HAARP, and UFOS/balloons? in Matehuala the same day of the meteorite. Lights in the sky of San Luis Potosi ¬_ _
So the comment by Olesya “Could it be that this "meteor" has something to do with US, Russia, Canada joint military exercises that started about the same time? _[Link]” at SOTT comes into mind.
Either something is happening in San Luis Potosí and/or there are people mixing real with fake things…