Meteorite blasted a hole in the roof of a house in Oslo, 6th of Feb.


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- Sensational meteorite discovery in Oslo
2.8 kg space rock punched a hole in a house outside the city .
Geir Barstein
Tuesday 18 February 2014 , 12 noon : 02
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SHARED : The two biggest parts of the 2.8 -kilo stone split in the clash . The large piece was protected from the weather between the planks , while the small - which is considerably more equipped - was found next to the entrance hole. Photo: Geir Barstein

SHARED : The two biggest parts of the 2.8 -kilo stone split in the clash . The large piece was protected from the weather between the planks , while the small - which is considerably more equipped - was found next to the entrance hole. Photo: Geir Barstein

Expert Morten Picture by Norwegian meteor network reviewing the incident as sensational . Here he explains why the stone is a meteorite . Video / Editing : Geir Barstein / Dagbladet
Burst INTO THE HOUSE: A meteorite 2.8 kg thundered through Steinar Enghs porch on Radio Road on Korsvolltoppen / Brekke in Oslo. Engh found on 6 February this year , but nobody knows exactly when it hit . Probably stems from Oslo meteor that rained down on the capital in 2012, say experts . Photo: Geir Barstein

Burst INTO THE HOUSE: A meteorite 2.8 kg thundered through Steinar Enghs porch on Radio Road on Korsvolltoppen / Brekke in Oslo. Engh found on 6 February this year , but nobody knows exactly when it hit . Probably stems from Oslo meteor that rained down on the capital in 2012, say experts . Photo: Geir Barstein
Space rock : Meteorite expert Morten Picture says they are 100 percent certain that there is a space rock . Photo: Geir Barstein

Space rock : Meteorite expert Morten Picture says they are 100 percent certain that there is a space rock . Photo: Geir Barstein
HULL : The rock punched a hole in the floor and tin plate on the front porch of the patio, but did not come through the bottom plank made ​​. Photo: Geir Barstein

HULL : The rock punched a hole in the floor and tin plate on the front porch of the patio, but did not come through the bottom plank made ​​. Photo: Geir Barstein
SLO HULL : Steinar Engh shows where the meteorite hit the porch. Photo: Geir Barstein

SLO HULL : Steinar Engh shows where the meteorite hit the porch. Photo: Geir Barstein
ENTRANCE HOLE : Steinar Engh initially thought it could be rubble from mobility work, and called tinsmiths to repair the damage. Photo: Geir Barstein

ENTRANCE HOLE : Steinar Engh initially thought it could be rubble from mobility work, and called tinsmiths to repair the damage. Photo: Geir Barstein
- Sensational : Meteorite expert Morten Image (left ) says Steinar Enghs findings are sensational . Photo: Geir Barstein

- Sensational : Meteorite expert Morten Image (left ) says Steinar Enghs findings are sensational . Photo: Geir Barstein
Debris : Meteorite pieces and remnants of tin plate it went through. Photo: Geir Barstein

Debris : Meteorite pieces and remnants of tin plate it went through. Photo: Geir Barstein
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- We just walked along the road , claiming the women.
( Dagbladet ) : Powered by irritation due to a possible water leak , took Steinar Engh ( 69) ladder grips 6 February. What he discovered was extremely rare and unexpected : A meteorite had smashed a hole in the villa on Korsvolltoppen outside Oslo.

Experts reviews found that sensational . They only know of three previous cases where meteorites have hit an inhabited house in this country .

- I noticed that it had formed a large icicles on the ceiling of the terrace , and thought that there was no water leaked down from the occupant's porch on the second floor. I climbed up a ladder and found a hole in the floor. Next was a small stone, says Engh .

Engh threw the stone out on the lawn. 69- year-old first assumed it was some rubble from blasting had caused the damage , and called for a plumber . It was suggested hole metal plate and wood that make up the porch floor, but Plánek forming the roof of the terrace below was still intact .

He ran a hand down the hole .

- And then I found the large stone . It was dry and well into the roof , and it was just luck that I discovered it. If not it would have been built into the house forever , laughing Engh .

The damage was repaired the same day, but Engh said he suspected that the stone with the black surface layer could be a meteorite . He contacted a neighbor who works at the Natural History Museum in Oslo , which was later confirmed that it was about a space rock .

- To an honor to be able to hold a meteorite , which was once on the ground. The stone has been out on a 4.65 billion -year journey, and then it hit my house , Engh says to Dagbladet .

The stone , which probably moved at a speed of up to 300 km / h , split into collision : one large piece , one small and numerous small fragments.

- Sensational
Together they weigh 2.8 kg , representing the fourth largest enkeltmeteoritten found in Norway , according to Norwegian Morten Picture by meteor network , one of the nation 's foremost experts in the field .

He has investigated hits the spot as well as stone and is one hundred percent sure that it concerns a meteorite .

- It is very, very typical. You see it very well on the black surface layer , the so-called burning retina. Inside you will find small "corn" called kondruler . It was the primordial matter that floated around the room when the solar system was formed , says Image .

- This is really sensational . We know of only three previous occasions where meteorites have hit inhabited house , he said.

But when the rock crashed into the house is an open question. According Image rotate it out after all likelihood, if enough an Oslo meteorite , after the space rock as the rain over the capital sometime in early March 2012.

Time mystery
The controversial Grefsen meteorites , owned by Knut Jørgen Roed Odegaard and his wife Anne Mette Sannes , weighing a total of 4.6 kg and is the largest of its kind in Norway in 100 years.

The fragment was found among other Rodeløkka , where it had gone through the roof on an allotment .

The controversial pieces that were found on Grefsen and owned by Knut Jørgen Roed Odegaard and his wife Anne Mette Sannes , weighing a total of 4.6 kg , but is not officially analyzed and verified in the international meteorite register.

Enghs house is located right in the area where collectors anticipated that several pieces fell down , along the estimated route that followed the space rock as it broke through the atmosphere.

- If you look at the stone , it is almost identical to the second Oslo meteorites. Chances are it is another meteorite fall is extremely small. It would be like winning the lottery three times in a row , says Image .

Engh is unsure when the hole in the porch may have occurred .

- We do not know. I'm never on the porch, and my tenant uses the very rare, says Engh , who have wondered if it might stem from a blow to his wife and daughter heard last October .

He has provided samples to the Natural History Museum ( NHM ) , University of Oslo so that they can perform analysis . In a few weeks it will be clear whether it is a new Oslo meteorite , or whether it stems from an entirely different and unprecedented case .

Geologist and Associate Professor Rune Selbekk at NHM agree that it most likely is an Oslo meteorite .

- They are very, very similar in utseeendet . Now we take a so-called thin-section to check the internal structure , and then we will see if there is a different case . The probability is small, but it's there , says Selbekk Dagbladet.

Meteorites can be very costly if they are of a rare type. The variant Engh found called chondrites and is common , but it is big and has hit a house - which is very unusual, even worldwide - means that the value can reach several tens of thousands of dollars.

Engh , however, do not hurry to get rid of it.

- In the first place I'll take good care of it . It should be recorded and investigated at the university, and I have no immediate plans to sell it or do something else. It should be safe and dry , he said.

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