MI5 offers fear by email


FOTCM Member
As if the spam problem weren't big enough already, MI5 jumps in under the guise of "intelligence" :lol: and "national security" :rolleyes:


El Reg said:
MI5 offers fear by email

Terror alerts by email

By John Oates
Published Monday 8th January 2007 15:16 GMT

The Security Service MI5 will announce tomorrow that subscribers to its website can sign up for email notification of changes to the current threat level.

A spokeswoman for the Home Office said: "There will be two electronic lists, one for people interested in updates to the threat level and one for changes and updates to the website. This aims to improve public understanding of the service's work and to offer faster information about threat levels." Anyone can sign up to the lists.

There are five levels of threat: low, moderate, substantial, severe and critical. The level is set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre made up of representatives of 11 government departments but run by MI5.

The level is currently "severe", Home Secretary John Reid said in early December that the chances of attack over Christmas was "highly likely"

There's more on how scared you should be here but sensitive readers should be warned the page contains a picture of John Reid.

The site also puts to rest the myth that MI5 only recruits people who are shorter than 5'11". In fact only mobile surveillance staff have to be shorter than 5'11".

More myths laid to rest here.
That said, head over to Spy Blog and read how British "intelligence" is handling people's information...

MI5 e-mail alert signup shambles - all email subscription web forms sent to the USA, without encryption.

Not only is it sent non-encrypted, it's sent to third-parties. Surprise.
Oops! Read this too late. I already signed up (was hoping for some hilarious "alerts" that could be publicly ridiculed) but at least took the precaution of using an almost defunct email address.


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