Michel Desmarquet

Michel Desmarquet was taken to planet Thiaoouba for nine days by Human extraterrestrials from that planet.

Main message from ETs to Michel to spread: Material technology, without spiritual knowledge, is leading us to inevitable global catastrophe on Earth. Technology should ASSIST in the spiritual development and not be used (as it is used now) to enslave people within monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary anyway. Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually. No matter how much we defend our current beliefs, doctrines and traditions, nothing can change the TRUTH and the order established in the Universe. Believing is not enough.

and for example :
Q. What about toilets on Thiaoouba ?

A. On Thiaoouba they use a kind of device that looks similar to our toilet, but isn't. It simply disintegrates the waste as it comes out - into elementary particles I guess. No water, no paper, no smell, nothing. Michel was scared that this machine might disintegrate his private parts...

Q. There are tons of info on Grays, Reptilians, Plaedians, TauCetis, Cassiopeans, Arcturians, Andromidans etc. on almost every Web site I visit but nothing on the Thiaooubans ?

A. There are many ways to distort the truth. People on Earth are busy amusing themselves with theories, fairy tales and scary stories - they are not yet ready for Reality... By the way, Thiaoouba is The most frequently used word in the Bible.

Translators twisted it from Hebrew as Yehova. You have to admit that this word has been known on Earth for thousands of years...

In particular, the "angel of God" in the first contact with Moses demanded to be called Thiaoouba (Yehova) ‘‘for generations to come’’. This demand is still recorded in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament (Torah). Priests soon distorted this and now Hebrew people are not even allowed to pronounce this name (!!!)

God is God and YHWH is Thiaoouba - the name of the planet, on which everyone is at least as evolved as Moses, Buddha or Jesus.
Q. What about Grays and other aliens seen on Earth ?

A. There are some races of people on a similar level of mentality to ours, visiting us on Earth. Michel was given telepathic permission from Thiaoouba in 1995 to talk about Grays in front of TV cameras in the USA. Gray people are from a "planet of sorrows" too, and on their own planet they have completely lost their immune system, as a consequence of their "civilized" activities. Simply speaking they are going extinct very quickly.

They have the technology to come to Earth and they come here to watch the reactions of our immune system, because we just started loosing ours in 1948. They hope, that by observing our reactions they can help themselves. They have implanted about 150 people world-wide (not 5 million as some say) with monitoring devices. People from Thiaoouba watch this activity too and clearly say that there is no danger.


So I think it's quite a large amount of disinformation going on.
So it sounds like he's somewhat contradicting what the C's are saying??
I haven't had a chance to listen to all of his videos or read all of his writings, I wanted to know what the forum had to say before I wasted my time reading it...

there's just so much misinformation out there, and I try to read as much as I can, but sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time to read everything! :scared:
LadyRodgers said:
So it sounds like he's somewhat contradicting what the C's are saying??
I haven't had a chance to listen to all of his videos or read all of his writings, I wanted to know what the forum had to say before I wasted my time reading it...

there's just so much misinformation out there, and I try to read as much as I can, but sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time to read everything! :scared:

You don't have to read everything. If you are truly worried about "time running out" have you started working on observing and controlling your programs/buffers in yourself? This is the one thing that is really important. Have you read any of the recommended books that would help you start doing this, such as In Search of the Miraculous, the Narcissism Big 5, The Wave series, Diet and Health, etc. Also, knowing about psychopaths which there are several good books about them also.

Just one books at a time, make sure they are the right books and remember, time as we know it is an illusion.
thanks for the recommendations... I've been reading the "Wave Series" and am just about complete. I found myself sometimes having problems concentrating on the topic at hand, I like to blame the Lizzies when that happens!

I've also been trying to following the high protein recommended diet as well. I haven't meditated as much as I should, but I'm trying to change my life style to allow more time for that as well. Baby steps right?

I do realize that I have a lot of catching up to do, and I'm working on it when I can.
LadyRodgers said:
thanks for the recommendations... I've been reading the "Wave Series" and am just about complete. I found myself sometimes having problems concentrating on the topic at hand, I like to blame the Lizzies when that happens!

I've also been trying to following the high protein recommended diet as well. I haven't meditated as much as I should, but I'm trying to change my life style to allow more time for that as well. Baby steps right?

I do realize that I have a lot of catching up to do, and I'm working on it when I can.

Yes, one step at a time. :)

It's good that you are changing your diet as well. :thup: Don't forget to load up on fats, too. L-Carnitine, potassium, salt and magnesium.

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