Duke palatine
The Force is Strong With This One
One of the things that I have picked up on repeatedly in High Strangeness is the amount of weirdness around families of military personnel. Now I don't live in the States but in England and things may not be as intense over here.
My father now retired was a military aircraft designer and worked for the Defense research establishment which is now called Quinetic. He spent much of his time working with British aerospace industries and American companies that I don't know the name of.
My mother was born into an airforce family her father was a military police officer.
I brother joined the airforce after leaving collage.
Is it common amongst members of this forum to come from such backgrounds ?
I on the other hand was a total stranger to their world and hated the talk of war and weapons in our family home, my memories of childhood are externally patchy and I have very little memory before the age of 12.
At age 15 I had my first strange altered reality experience and had several more in my twenties.
Four years ago I saw an orb light UFO and since that time i have been convinced with every fibre of my being that society and the state we live in is going to collapse.
Iv taken a fairly spiritual view of the world slightly mystical my whole adult life and like most people I drank from the public cup of lies and disinformation believing that the state basically had our best interests at heart however messed up it all is.
Now I know differently but I still want to verify this stuff for myself I'm 46 years old and no longer believe stuff without some evidence to back it up, I'm still at the early stages of verifying what I read and the interviews I watch on YouTube. Thank God for the Internet, we would be buggered without it.
I recently watched an interview with a guy called Dr Bill Deagle who amongst other things claimed to be a prophet, is this guy for real, what makes him make such claims ?
As you can probably tell there is much that I'm still struggling to come to terms with.
I do my job each day running a team of development managers, I live in a corporate world do all the same stuff I have done for years pay my mortgage and go to the supermarket......do you know what I'm getting at.
I have a strong place within myself that I experience peace and it is to that place I invite the truth.
My father now retired was a military aircraft designer and worked for the Defense research establishment which is now called Quinetic. He spent much of his time working with British aerospace industries and American companies that I don't know the name of.
My mother was born into an airforce family her father was a military police officer.
I brother joined the airforce after leaving collage.
Is it common amongst members of this forum to come from such backgrounds ?
I on the other hand was a total stranger to their world and hated the talk of war and weapons in our family home, my memories of childhood are externally patchy and I have very little memory before the age of 12.
At age 15 I had my first strange altered reality experience and had several more in my twenties.
Four years ago I saw an orb light UFO and since that time i have been convinced with every fibre of my being that society and the state we live in is going to collapse.
Iv taken a fairly spiritual view of the world slightly mystical my whole adult life and like most people I drank from the public cup of lies and disinformation believing that the state basically had our best interests at heart however messed up it all is.
Now I know differently but I still want to verify this stuff for myself I'm 46 years old and no longer believe stuff without some evidence to back it up, I'm still at the early stages of verifying what I read and the interviews I watch on YouTube. Thank God for the Internet, we would be buggered without it.
I recently watched an interview with a guy called Dr Bill Deagle who amongst other things claimed to be a prophet, is this guy for real, what makes him make such claims ?
As you can probably tell there is much that I'm still struggling to come to terms with.
I do my job each day running a team of development managers, I live in a corporate world do all the same stuff I have done for years pay my mortgage and go to the supermarket......do you know what I'm getting at.
I have a strong place within myself that I experience peace and it is to that place I invite the truth.