I've been following a thread, Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets
In the thread Davida pointed out:
To which Laura followed up:
I've been feeling these intense energies myself (even right now, making it somewhat difficult to type).
I've been wondering, if the Earth is indeed Mina between the two streams of the Sun and Nemesis, then what is the cause of the memory, and could it in fact be Atlantean in origin? I recall reading somewhere in the C's transcripts that the Atlantean civilization suffered a self-inflicted cataclysm that left a karmic burden. I wonder if we are entering the exact "time" during which these events happened.
Perhaps the recent growing desperation on the part of Israel at being rebuffed by China and Russia over Iran sanctions, and an apparent preparation for direct attack with the shipment of hundreds of bombs to a British island in the Indian Ocean could indicate how this memory might play out?
This could all just be idle speculation. Just some food for thought.
In the thread Davida pointed out:
Davida said:This post made me think that rocks may not be the only things Nemesis is pelting at earth.
Laura mentioned lately about this big blue marble of ours being bombarded with EM waves lately and the “cyclic catastrophes” come to mind, I think about the “stone technology and T.C.Lethbridge” particularly the episode that Laura mentions about when Lethbridge’s wife Mina walking into a “depression” on the beech between two streams. (See Secret History of the world)
Since the sun has its own magnetic field moving out interacting with all the planets, one could in an abstract way say that it makes a stream (although many), if the sun has an opposite, it to would create its own stream moving out interacting with all the planets and the two twins could make for two streams in our solar system.
If this big blue marble is Mina and everything is in a position pretty much as it was in a past event, everything being all the planets and stars and the yet unknown where the earth may have experienced global extension events or something else, the memory of what ever it was/is that took place in the past/future crossroads could be felt in some way or other, one might/could experience all sorts of hyperdimensional experiences depending on who you are maybe.
I'm stretching the two streams a bit, but the twin sun's might make for two rivers and everything else just the landscape, past, present or future… Anyway food for thought..
To which Laura followed up:
Laura said:I think Davida is right: we are feeling these energies lately. They are making me downright edgy. I feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers!
Perhaps those "in the know" know that something is going to become evident soon and they are preparing the ground... ?
I've been feeling these intense energies myself (even right now, making it somewhat difficult to type).
I've been wondering, if the Earth is indeed Mina between the two streams of the Sun and Nemesis, then what is the cause of the memory, and could it in fact be Atlantean in origin? I recall reading somewhere in the C's transcripts that the Atlantean civilization suffered a self-inflicted cataclysm that left a karmic burden. I wonder if we are entering the exact "time" during which these events happened.
Perhaps the recent growing desperation on the part of Israel at being rebuffed by China and Russia over Iran sanctions, and an apparent preparation for direct attack with the shipment of hundreds of bombs to a British island in the Indian Ocean could indicate how this memory might play out?
This could all just be idle speculation. Just some food for thought.