'Mind control through emotional domination'


Dagobah Resident
The "crisis of the now" involves an incessant, strategic bombardment of the population with a never-ending stream of contrived crises that demand immediate attention in the present. This psychological bombardment is waged primarily via the mainstream media which assaults the viewer by the hour with images of violence, war, emotions and conflict. Because the human nervous system is hard wired to focus on immediate threats accompanied by depictions of violence, mainstream media viewers have their attention and mental resources funneled into the never-ending "crisis of the NOW" from which they can never have the mental breathing room to apply logic, reason or historical context.

The example to highlight smoking is unfortunate, but the rest of it seems very on-point.

Thanks for the link, Kalibex, succint and spot on article. Except as you said the smoking part....consider the "Health Ranger" source! :rolleyes: :cool2:
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