Minor pain and numbness- left side extremities including face

For about 3 months now I have been having numbness and tingling on the left side of my body. This all started when the left side of my leg and top of foot was asleep when I woke up one morning. That asleep-numbness feeling lasted about 2 weeks. Then I progressively started feeling a light numbness and tingling in all my left-side extremities. I'm thinking this could be circulation issues, because I have felt brain fog, dizziness, and I get hot and flushed in face or sometimes my hands and feet will be really cold and stay like that for awhile depending on temperature conditions. The doctors office is running nerve test and has done blood work. S far everything has come up normal. I also have acid-reflux disease, which causes anxiety when I have an episode of heartburn. I have noticed a correlation that when I have these anxiety issues associated with acid reflux, my numbness and dizziness feeling seems to worsen. I can almost feel the blood flow in my body, whether its a lack there of or an increase in blood pressure. Has anyone experienced symptoms like this before? Any thoughts would be great. I am a little worried, but more confident since test, so far, have come up normal. FYI: I have been smoking for 7-8 years, I'm trying to exercise more and have a better diet. Thanks to anyone who can help.

I should mention also that the numbness and pressure on left side of head and face almost feels like sinus pressure. I do have a history of bad sinuses of course this is worsened by smoking. I'm hoping that this is just a sinus issue, but I don't want to assume anything. Thanks
Hi KnowledgeJunkie2012,

First off, I'd suggest that you see a doctor to find out if there's anything serious going on. Second, after that, if you haven't done so already, you may want to check out the diet threads - specifically, Life Without Bread and see if there are any improvements you may want to make in your current diet. The things we eat are often the cause of many illnesses - some manifest physically, some mentally.

From looking over some of your past posts, I've noticed that you've written about unusual occurrences. I don't think it's coincidental but rather further proof that may point to the idea that your life may be trying to communicate that there's something you may want/need to change in order to be healthier. Just my initial thoughts.

Added: Just curious, you said you made some improvements on your diet. Can you say where you're currently at?
I would suggest a full brain scan, too. Just to be on the safe side.
I had these exact symptoms for the past couple of years, getting worse before getting better. I have just recently gotten it checked with a GI specialist, a vascular specialist and a neurologist, and came up all clear. I have had a nerve conductivity test, a vein ultrasound and an MRI of the brain. Just knowing that nothing is seriously wrong makes the symptoms more tolerable. Applying DMSO cream and magnesium oil has had a positive effect, as well as taking extra doses of B vitamins (my levels were OK, but I could feel the difference).

For the sinuses, I do ginger compresses (before bedtime, apply vaseline or 8-hour cream on the face first, than grated ginger patties wrapped in cheese cloth, keep on for 20 minutes or so, than wipe face). There is also a product called Sinus Buster (based on hot pepper extract), you spray it up your nose and go !@#$, it makes your eye tear up so bad, but the relief is instantaneous. I do the above if I am coming down with a cold, it seems to prevent it turning into a sinus infection.

One more thing: I noticed that my symptoms are connected to emotional issues. YOu might want to consider what's happening in your life, what events and/or people may be bringing you down so that you can no longer stomach them or hold up facing them.

Please do keep us posted!
I've been having similar symptoms, plus heart racing for last 4 months or so, and had sinuses issues long before that. Docs also did not find anything abnormal. But like Hildegarda mentioned, Vitamin B seems to help a lot, for me increased intake of L-thiamine helped in particular. Soaking feet in hot water before bed time (I've used epsom salt) also seem to help. As far as sinuses, I do oil pulling twice a day and it seem to really help me with keeping sinuses under control.
I also find it to be related somewhat with emotional state, I would get unexplained panic/anxiety attacks, not sure though if it because of the symptoms or panic/anexiety attacks actually causing the symptoms.

Good luck KnowledgeJunkie2012, I hope you get it under control and feel better soon !
I really appreciate the comments guys. Thank you. I just recently had a panic attack/ freak out moment a few hours ago. I was running late for work and I smoked a cigarette on the way as well(as I said before the acid reflux seems to be associated with this anxiety). All the sudden I'm driving on the freeway and I start to feel that racing heart feeling, then the acid reflux feeling kicks in, and of course that mimics the feeling of a heart attack. It went all down hill from there, as I felt like I was hyperventilating and my chest was hurting. I am almost for certain I had a panic attack. I had to pull over after I was stuck in traffic feeling like the world was closing in on me. One of the worst feelings I've ever felt. I finally made it to work, and asked to go home so I could relax. I feel a lot better now after I told myself that I need to quit freaking out. I have never had a panic attack before, so it's very strange.

But I definitely have been under a lot of stress this past year, with trying to work out my marriage and figuring out steady income so I can find some security( I really could care less about money or being rich, it's really all become so insignificant to me). This due to the fact that, I've discovered in the past year that our world is one giant illusion/conspiracy(I had an inkling my whole life). However, in the U.S. especially, your financial standing is considered so important as we all know. And of course the woman I love with all my heart, my wife, is still blinded by this illusion. So I'm really just trying to find "stability".

I will definitely consider and utilize the advice y'all gave in the replies and continue testing at the doctors office. As far as my diet: I really just began starting to eat more vegetables and cutting down on carbs and dairy. I still need to do more research on the nutritional threads on the forum. Thank you again for the advice, I will keep y'all updated on my condition. I will leave this reply with a question: could any of my health factors have any relation to 4d STS technology/implants or government use of HAARP? I'm not saying I'm so important or anything, but how common is it for the PTB to destroy someone's health because they may know too much or are investigating into dangerous/ forbidden topics, as we pretty much discuss on this forum daily...lol. Y'all have a good one. Thanks
Hi KnowledgeJunkie2012,

I can certinaly relate to having a panic attack and boy, are they extremely frightening! A very unpleasant experience every time. And I always thought 'this is it', and I wondered what I could have done more in my life to help others and to work on myself. Also my memories of good times and loved ones. How precious each moment is. It's all very cliche, but it truly is true! It reminds me of a quote from Gurdjeiff on 'death'.

Gurdjeff- From the last hour said:
Imagine, that you have only a few minutes, maybe an hour left to live; somehow you have discovered exactly when you will die. What would you do with this precious hour of your stay on Earth? Would you be able to complete all your things in this last hour, do you have a conscious idea about how to do it?

[…]The organic life is very fragile. The planetary body can die at any moment. It is always one step from death. And if you could manage to live one more day, it is only a chance accidentally given to you by nature. If you will be able to live even one more hour, you can consider yourself to be a lucky person. From the moment of conception we are living on borrowed time.

Living in this world you have to feel death each second, so settle all your life affairs, even in your last hour. But how can anyone know exactly his last hour? For the sense of security make up your things with nature and yourself in every hour given to you, then you will never be met unprepared. […]

Question: How to act if you do not feel that there is something unfinished?

Gurdjieff aswered after a pause. He took a deep breath and replied:

Ask yourself who will be in difficulty if you die like a dog. At the moment of death you have to be wholly aware of yourself and feel that you have done everything possible to use all, within your abilities, in this life which was given to you.

Now you do not know much about yourself. But with each day you dig deeper and deeper into this bag of bones and start knowing more and more details. Day by day you will be finding out what you should have done and what you have to re-do among the things you have done. A real man is one who could take from life everything that was valueble in it, and say :"And now I can
die". We have to try to live your lives so that we could say any day :"Today I can die and not be sorry about anything".

Never spend fruitlessly the last hour of your life because it can become the most important hour for you. […] Knowing that the next hour can become the last one for you, absorb the impressions
which it will bring to you as a real gourmet. […] The master knows how to take from each tasty piece the last bit of the most valuable. Learn to be the master of your life.

When I was young I learned to prepare fragrances. I learned to extract from life it's essence, ist most subtle qualities. Search in everything the most valuable, learn to separate the fine from the coarse. One who has learned how to extract the essence, the most important from each moment of life, has reached a sense on quality. […]

It could be that in the last moments of your life you will not have the choice where and with whom to be, but you will have a choice to decide how fully you will live them. The ability to take the valuable from life – is the same as to take from the food, air and the impressions the substances needed to build up your higher bodies. If you want to take from your life the most valuable for yourself, it has to be for the good of the higher; for yourself it is enough to leave just a little. To work on yourself for the good of others is a smart way to receive the best from life for yourself. If you will not be satisfied with the last hour of your life, you will not be happy about the whole of your life. To die means to come through something which is impossible to repeat again. To spend your precious time in nothing means to deprive yourself the opportunity to extract from life the most valuable.

[…]And now I will give you the exercise to prepare for the last hour on the Earth. Try not to misinterpret any word from the given exercise.

The Exercise

Look back at the hour that has passed, as if it was the last hour for you on the earth and that you have just acknowledged that you have died. Ask yourself, were you satisfied at that hour?

And now reanimate yourself again and set up the aim for yourself. In the next hour (if you are lucky to live one more) try to extract from life a little more than you did in the last hour. Define, where and when you should have been more aware, and where you should have put more inner fire.

And now open your eyes wider, and by this I mean - open more possibilities for yourself, be a little more brave, than you were in the previous hour. Since you know that this is your last hour and you have nothing to loose, try to gain some bravery - at least now. Of course, you don't have to be silly about it.

Get to know yourself better, look at your machine as if from the outside. .. Now, when you are dying, there is no sense to keep your reputation and your prestige.

And now onwards, until the real last hour, aspire with persistence to receive the most you can from life that is of value, develop your intuition. Take just a few moments each hour to watch at the hour that passed, without judgement, and then tune yourself to extracting more from the following hour.

If we look at each hour like at a separate life unit, you can try to do as much as you can to use every unit totally. Force yourself and find the way to make the next hour much more than the one before, but also be aware that you have taken care of the debts you collected till now. Increase the self-sensing and self-knowledge of yourself, and also increase the ability to master yourself, this will change the work of your machine, which is always out of your control. And these abilities can become the indication of the real changes. And it is absolutely unimportant what the machine is thinking about this.

...To live the rest of your life rehearsing your death hour by hour - is not at all pathological. None can receive more from life than the cancer patient, who knows approximately when he will die. And since he already recognized how he wishes to spend the rest of his life, he will not have to
make the total change in it, but he will be able to go somewhere, where he always wished to go, but would not do it in other circumstances.

[…]If we will be able to extract the finest substances from the coarser, sooner or later we will have to pay for it. This law is called The Law of Balance. That is why we will learn how to pay immediately for those what we receive from life. Only then we will not have any debts. To pay immediately – this is what is called "real doing". "To do" - is to think, to feel, to act, but
"real doing" - is to pay immediately.

To do - may mean only one thing: to extract the essence from each moment of life and at the same moment to pay all the debts to the nature and yourself; but only when you have "I", you can pay immediately.

Real life is not a change of activity, but a change of the quality of the activity. Destiny - is destiny. Each one of us has to find himself in the whole order of things. It is not too late yet to start doing it now, although you have spent the greater part of your life in sleep. Starting
from today you can begin to prepare yourself for death and, at the same time, to increase the quality of your living. But do not delay with the start - maybe you really only have just one more hour of life.

Question: Can we share this with others? I think it is very important what we have heard about this evening.

- You can retell it word by word, but until you will not do this for yourself, it would mean nothing for others. Existence is the means, or the instrument, for action. Think about this and you will find out why it is so.

Question: Therefore, we cannot pay the debts, if we do not exist, or if our
"I" is absent?

- Why do you have such a need to pay? Pay for what? If life is only a coincidence, then there is no sense to go on. This does not mean that you have to end your life with a suicide. Opposite, you have to put all your effort into 'to live'. Ordinary man always lives, just going with the flow.
He is not just sleeping, he is absolutely dead. To really live, it is necessary to support the efforts of nature, to take actively from life, and not to act passively - wherever it flows.

Extracting from life the most precious, you have to be able to operate your emotions. See how fairly you can estimate yourself. Look attentively at yourself and you will see many remarkable ways to be fair. Each time notice for yourself different moments when the desires appear. Act as before, but always be aware of their presence. Transport to the world the part of your
blood, but one of the higher level.

At the end of each hour after you have estimated its usefulness, imagine that you just woke up in the absolutely unknown in comparison to the previous one gone by. It is important to note that the apparent continuation of the last hour is in reality changing with every hour, although things and people seem the same as before. With the time you will learn to see yourself as a spirit of a special substance, who is coming from one world to another, as an uninvited guest of nature.

Looking from this point of view evaluate everything you do in your life. Looking at the results of all your efforts of the past and think what sense they all have now, in the last hour of your life.
I remind you once again, learn to live each of your hours with a bigger benefit. Create a detailed plan of the last hour of your life. To understand how one should die, you should grow deep roots into life, only then you will be able to die like a human being, not like a dog. Although, it is not given to everyone - to die. You can become manure for our planet, but it does not really mean do die. To die to this world forever - is an honour. For this honour you have to pay with Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering. You have to earn this right.

Try to imagine yourself relatively clearly the last hour of your life on earth. Write a kind of a script of this last hour, as if you were writing the script for a film. Ask yourself: "Is this how I want to dispose my life" . If you are not satisfied with the answer, rewrite the script until you
like it.

Look at life like at business. Time is your money for life . When you came into this world, a definite amount of money was given to you and this you cannot exceed. Time is the only currency with which you pay for your life. Now you see, how you used the biggest part of it in a stupid way. You have not even reached the main goal of life - to have rest. You failed as a
businessman, and as a user of life - you deceived yourself. All your life you thought that everything is given to you for free, and now suddenly you discovered that - it is not free. You pay for using the time, that is why each moment of your stay here costs something.

So how would it be possible for you to reimburse at least somehow these losses? Check, if the deficit on your bank account is only temporary or is it perhaps constant? Did you loose the time or could you invest it succesfully? If you have spent all your money on vacations, then there is
nothing to do but to be sorry about the past.

For many years you have been spending you life as if your parents gave you a bank account with unlimited credit. But now the amount is used and you see that you are all alone and that there is none to rely on. There is no more time on your bank account. Now you are forced to earn each hour of your life. All your life you behaved like a child and spent time just like a newly married couple on their honeymoon.

Our main enemy, which is hindering us from applying the necessary efforts - is hopelessness. I know, you will have many excuses not to prepare yourself for the last hour of your life. The habit is a big force, but starting once, you can learn to do each time more and more.

Do not fiddle all day, force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything. Think about the rehearsal of your last hour as if it was ballet exercises - you have to do it all your life.

I thought of this when I had my panic attack, because it surely felt like I was about to die. Perhaps you will find a use of this of some sort, or perhaps not FWIW :)
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
I will leave this reply with a question: could any of my health factors have any relation to 4d STS technology/implants or government use of HAARP? I'm not saying I'm so important or anything, but how common is it for the PTB to destroy someone's health because they may know too much or are investigating into dangerous/ forbidden topics, as we pretty much discuss on this forum daily...lol. Y'all have a good one. Thanks

KnowledgeJunkie2012, I do hope you find some relief with your health issues and what has been happening with the recent panic attack. I’ve never read specifically that health factors could be due to implants or technology, but in terms of that and HAARP I think it could have an effect. If diet and health in general has a person already struggling with being mechanical and reacting to what is happening in the world (ie due to stress) then could be that such states of mind and body are amplified by such technology. Who knows really what added beaming and the such could have on a person. Also if you read ‘The Wave’ I’m pretty sure it is mentioned in snippets of the C’s transcripts how many times Laura and others were abducted and information on implants. Seems like everyone, until they start to wake, up is abducted and has implants since we are in essence cattle to 4D STS. What impact this could have on health, especially for someone that is waking up to the state of the world and reality, I’m not sure about, but awareness and knowledge would seem to help with such things. My recommendation would be to read ‘The Wave’.

On more ‘normal’ causes, I’ve posted before that I think depression and bipolar disorder increased diagnosis are related to the increase of wifi and cell phone use though there is little written about the topic and that if a person is exposed to fluoride (it calcifies in the pineal gland in the brain http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/health/pineal-gland/ ) and exposed to increased EMF that this combination might have negative consequences. Again very little is found on the possible relation.

I think the PTB only go after specific people that can or are making waves and then if they really want to they kill them http://www.sott.net/article/212776-Ethnic-specific-weapons-The-real-story-behind-the-murder-of-Dr-David-Kelly Yet, the overall path of what is happening with food (GMO), pollution, etc I think is enough where it looks like they are lining things up to sicken everyone with all that is going on. So they are out to destroy everyone’s health and I don’t think if you are just reading and gaining knowledge that TPTB go after you. FWIW.
Bear said:
... and that if a person is exposed to fluoride (it calcifies in the pineal gland in the brain http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/health/pineal-gland/ ) and exposed to increased EMF that this combination might have negative consequences.

Now that you mention it, I find It's funny (odd) in a way that in my case, on top these symptoms doctor decided to prescribe Fluticasone Propioate (Fluiride corticosteroid) to help with the sinuses. It definitely put a smirk on my face :p
First it was dentist prescribing tooth sensitivity fluoride toothpaste, now this ? Fluoride to the masses ? Ehhh, no thanks !! :)
Bear said:
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
I will leave this reply with a question: could any of my health factors have any relation to 4d STS technology/implants or government use of HAARP? I'm not saying I'm so important or anything, but how common is it for the PTB to destroy someone's health because they may know too much or are investigating into dangerous/ forbidden topics, as we pretty much discuss on this forum daily...lol. Y'all have a good one. Thanks

KnowledgeJunkie2012, I do hope you find some relief with your health issues and what has been happening with the recent panic attack. I’ve never read specifically that health factors could be due to implants or technology, but in terms of that and HAARP I think it could have an effect. If diet and health in general has a person already struggling with being mechanical and reacting to what is happening in the world (ie due to stress) then could be that such states of mind and body are amplified by such technology. Who knows really what added beaming and the such could have on a person. Also if you read ‘The Wave’ I’m pretty sure it is mentioned in snippets of the C’s transcripts how many times Laura and others were abducted and information on implants. Seems like everyone, until they start to wake, up is abducted and has implants since we are in essence cattle to 4D STS. What impact this could have on health, especially for someone that is waking up to the state of the world and reality, I’m not sure about, but awareness and knowledge would seem to help with such things. My recommendation would be to read ‘The Wave’.

On more ‘normal’ causes, I’ve posted before that I think depression and bipolar disorder increased diagnosis are related to the increase of wifi and cell phone use though there is little written about the topic and that if a person is exposed to fluoride (it calcifies in the pineal gland in the brain http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/health/pineal-gland/ ) and exposed to increased EMF that this combination might have negative consequences. Again very little is found on the possible relation.

I think the PTB only go after specific people that can or are making waves and then if they really want to they kill them http://www.sott.net/article/212776-Ethnic-specific-weapons-The-real-story-behind-the-murder-of-Dr-David-Kelly Yet, the overall path of what is happening with food (GMO), pollution, etc I think is enough where it looks like they are lining things up to sicken everyone with all that is going on. So they are out to destroy everyone’s health and I don’t think if you are just reading and gaining knowledge that TPTB go after you. FWIW.
agni said:
Bear said:
... and that if a person is exposed to fluoride (it calcifies in the pineal gland in the brain http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/health/pineal-gland/ ) and exposed to increased EMF that this combination might have negative consequences.

Now that you mention it, I find It's funny (odd) in a way that in my case, on top these symptoms doctor decided to prescribe Fluticasone Propioate (Fluiride corticosteroid) to help with the sinuses. It definitely put a smirk on my face :p
First it was dentist prescribing tooth sensitivity fluoride toothpaste, now this ? Fluoride to the masses ? Ehhh, no thanks !! :)
It makes sense that PTB would wanna go after those individuals that are really making an impact in our reality. And for the record I am a little more then halfway through " The Wave". So many juicy details in that series along with the other 20 books I'm reading now, which requires even more objectivity and weeding through the disinformation.

It is curious Agni or more like astounding and expected that your dentist and doctor prescribe fluoride products. The Nazi's gave the Jewish holocaust victims fluoride in order to make them more docile and easily controlled. That was just a trial run of what's to come, from the NWO/Consortium. It really makes me upset sometimes to think about what the PTB is trying to accomplish and the magnitude of the sheeple masses' ignorance they are manipulating this entropy towards. Now I am realizing more then ever I can not stress about these issues, not to mention stressing about my own personal life problems, but let events shape the way they are supposed to, because its obviously effecting me physically. So I am going take a step back, get healthier, keep retaining knowledge and watch these amazing times unfold as the wave approaches.
KnowledgeJunkie2012 said:
I just recently had a panic attack/ freak out moment a few hours ago. I was running late for work and I smoked a cigarette on the way as well(as I said before the acid reflux seems to be associated with this anxiety). All the sudden I'm driving on the freeway and I start to feel that racing heart feeling, then the acid reflux feeling kicks in, and of course that mimics the feeling of a heart attack. It went all down hill from there, as I felt like I was hyperventilating and my chest was hurting. I am almost for certain I had a panic attack.

This sounds like vagus nerve irritation due to GERD. There is a lot of information on vagus nerve and its function on the forum's health board. Look in particular for "vasovagal reaction" or related search terms. Eiriu Eolas is a great program that has been very helpful in optimizing vagus nerve function, which had lead to many benefits for many users. The forum has tons of information on that too.
I empathize with you with your panic attacks, they are really scary like death is coming to visit you. What helped me very much and still help me sometimes when I "feel" that a panic attack is showing is nose is the Rescue Remedy of Dr. Bach. Or simply taking the essence of Mimulus (for fear) helps me also.

I hope you will be ok, take care of yourself. :hug2:
Such things could be caused by some kind of 3D EM waves and a single person doesn't have to be "targeted" it could be just an overall blanketing of an area. It could also be a picking up of cosmic influences which could be general changes in the cosmic environment or could be 4D or both. Those are the things that the ketogenic diet is designed to protect us from: it is neuroprotective and can also enhance the immune system. One thing seems to be certain: if you eat the diet "they" promote, you are vulnerable to their controls which is why they want you to eat that diet to begin with.
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