I am requesting feedback concerning some ongoing situations in my life, and confusions bouncing around in my head.
I graduated from high school about a year ago, but I have barely done anything with my life since then, because I don't know what to do (although I seem to have made some progress in internal work). The world is a freaky place , and I don't even have my home life stable, so I don't know if I could handle College or a job. Just after graduating, I spent some time resting, just playing video games a lot because I could barely muster the willpower to do anything else. After a while, this "stage" passed, and now I want little to do with video games, although I still manage to get sucked into my habit of playing them. I find it EXTREMELY hard to muster the willpower to do any work, even towards things which seem very important to me, such as cleaning the house (which could only improve my family's life), or reading things which I feel I desperately need to (such as various works suggested on this forum). I'm overwhelmed by the vast amount of material on the cassiopaea website, and although I've made some headway reading, I don't know how I'm going to work with all of it and make something of myself. I'm going to try and separate my most prominent concerns into paragraphs. I'm having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is worth writing...
Firstly, our house is a mess. I live with my mom who has health issues. Due to those issues and circumstances over the years, she has been unable to keep house over the years. She hasn't made my brother and I clean partly because of emotional issues from constant work she did helping her mother as a child (apparently, she had little or no personal life as a result), because she doesn't want to make us resent her, and because she doesn't have the physical ability to do all of the necessary work. Cleaning things up is something I desperately want to do, but I never manage to motivate myself. It feels like a lot just doing dishes and cooking (which is basically my job). If I clean up the table one day, it is stacked within a week or two again, and I haven't ever managed to keep it clean day by day. On top of this, I feel guilty when I throw things away because of all the landfill pollution stuff, although I don't really know what else to do.
My mom is allergic to soybeans; something we just discovered. She has been weak and had energy problems all her life, and we now think it's very likely that the allergy is why. It may be the reason she developed scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine), and also is likely the reason she took so long to recover after she got surgical rods placed in her back. She had faint spells, she would occasionally go hot, and she usually itched, but the most prominent signs suggested it might be a blood sugar problem - at least that's what the doctors looked for. One day, a year or two after her surgery, my mom was at college and actually went blind, an hour after eating breakfast. Once, in conversation, I mentioned the possibility she could be allergic to something, or some combination of things. The domino effect was that we discovered her soy allergy. So at least I've helped something, but now I'm in an uncomfortable situation, because being unable to eat virtually ANY store foods really depresses her. She hates cooking, and now she's forced to cook fresh foods to survive (though I really do most of the cooking right now), and everything tastes the same to her. We can't eat out except at one local italian restaurant, and we're not eating much, or well. I'm already thin by nature, perhaps too thin because I've developed a talent for going without food (Although my stomach's not caved in or anything). It's probably my selfishness, but I really balk at the thought of spending hours cooking every day (In a messy kitchen with no counter space) trying to make foods with enough variety that she doesn't go crazy, yet... I definitely don't want her to go crazy because of my laziness, and I feel worthless for not doing more. Another big problem (maybe bigger than a lack of variety) is that it's very her for her to get quick food now, since everything must be cooked.
A difficulty arises from my interest in esoteric development as well. It is very important to me, although the whole thing feels too large to grasp, and I fear even as I write this that your group here could be a clever manipulation just like so much in the world. The worldview presented here is terrifying, and there are just so many facets and so much writing that I feel I might drown in it all, or more likely just never achieve anything real. There is definitely something wrong with the world as it is, and I couldn't imagine just ignoring everything and going back to sleep. I've already lost interest in everything that I used to enjoy, so I couldn't go back. So it's rather like I'm tumbling down a dark, unknown pit, with demons grinning at me from the walls, trying to learn how to land before I run out of time and hit the bottom. Some would say I'm young, but I feel like I've lost too much time already.
A few weeks ago, I met a young neighborhood boy, who befriended me and has been wanting to play with me every day since. But it's kind of one-way. Mostly he wants to do things and I follow him because he seems to really enjoy my company. I thought that this would be a good way to practice "external considering", to help break some of my cycles, but it feels wrong, largely because I can't seem to conjure from within myself feeling of equal excitement when I see him. I feel bad because I sort of dread when he knocks on the door, even if I've had a few days to rest. I'm sure that I have some strong emotional problems here that are blocking things up, but I don't know how to work on those. I must be wound up tighter than I ever thought. I feel guilty when he calls me his "best friend" and says I'm "the nicest guy he knows around here". He's scheduled to move in a month, so I guess I'll try to learn what I can before then. I know it's a learning experience; if only I knew how to learn.
I feel that I probably ought to get a job, but this worries me too, because I can't imagine how I'd work on cleaning the house (not to mention the food issues) once I had a job to do as well. Yet, it would be nice if I could lift some of the monetary burden, and having money would allow me to buy books such as those suggested around here. Yet, I would have less time to read them.
Today I just finished reading the page on the cassiopaea website about organic portals, and that has further confused me, because how am I to get anywhere esoterically if half of the people I meet are energy siphons, and I can't tell the difference? For all I know, that kid could be an OP draining me for all he's worth, but he could also be a kid who really needs a reliable friend.
I also despair a bit when I see how many trials and how much work Laura and others seem to have gone through toward uncovering truth and putting puzzles together. I can't imagine working that hard, yet I feel I ought to be working towards it at least, but how?
Also, I find it very hard to keep regular sleep hours. I can easily read well into the night or lose the time doing anything that holds my attention, but when I get off of a regular sleep schedule, I begin sleeping 12 hours at a time and don't feel rested even then. For example, it is 3:35 AM right now. My ideal bedtim would be about 7 hours ago.
Anyway, I'm sorry for the length of my bemoanings. Make what you will. Many here will have experience that I lack; all feedback is appreciated.
Thank You
I graduated from high school about a year ago, but I have barely done anything with my life since then, because I don't know what to do (although I seem to have made some progress in internal work). The world is a freaky place , and I don't even have my home life stable, so I don't know if I could handle College or a job. Just after graduating, I spent some time resting, just playing video games a lot because I could barely muster the willpower to do anything else. After a while, this "stage" passed, and now I want little to do with video games, although I still manage to get sucked into my habit of playing them. I find it EXTREMELY hard to muster the willpower to do any work, even towards things which seem very important to me, such as cleaning the house (which could only improve my family's life), or reading things which I feel I desperately need to (such as various works suggested on this forum). I'm overwhelmed by the vast amount of material on the cassiopaea website, and although I've made some headway reading, I don't know how I'm going to work with all of it and make something of myself. I'm going to try and separate my most prominent concerns into paragraphs. I'm having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is worth writing...
Firstly, our house is a mess. I live with my mom who has health issues. Due to those issues and circumstances over the years, she has been unable to keep house over the years. She hasn't made my brother and I clean partly because of emotional issues from constant work she did helping her mother as a child (apparently, she had little or no personal life as a result), because she doesn't want to make us resent her, and because she doesn't have the physical ability to do all of the necessary work. Cleaning things up is something I desperately want to do, but I never manage to motivate myself. It feels like a lot just doing dishes and cooking (which is basically my job). If I clean up the table one day, it is stacked within a week or two again, and I haven't ever managed to keep it clean day by day. On top of this, I feel guilty when I throw things away because of all the landfill pollution stuff, although I don't really know what else to do.
My mom is allergic to soybeans; something we just discovered. She has been weak and had energy problems all her life, and we now think it's very likely that the allergy is why. It may be the reason she developed scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine), and also is likely the reason she took so long to recover after she got surgical rods placed in her back. She had faint spells, she would occasionally go hot, and she usually itched, but the most prominent signs suggested it might be a blood sugar problem - at least that's what the doctors looked for. One day, a year or two after her surgery, my mom was at college and actually went blind, an hour after eating breakfast. Once, in conversation, I mentioned the possibility she could be allergic to something, or some combination of things. The domino effect was that we discovered her soy allergy. So at least I've helped something, but now I'm in an uncomfortable situation, because being unable to eat virtually ANY store foods really depresses her. She hates cooking, and now she's forced to cook fresh foods to survive (though I really do most of the cooking right now), and everything tastes the same to her. We can't eat out except at one local italian restaurant, and we're not eating much, or well. I'm already thin by nature, perhaps too thin because I've developed a talent for going without food (Although my stomach's not caved in or anything). It's probably my selfishness, but I really balk at the thought of spending hours cooking every day (In a messy kitchen with no counter space) trying to make foods with enough variety that she doesn't go crazy, yet... I definitely don't want her to go crazy because of my laziness, and I feel worthless for not doing more. Another big problem (maybe bigger than a lack of variety) is that it's very her for her to get quick food now, since everything must be cooked.
A difficulty arises from my interest in esoteric development as well. It is very important to me, although the whole thing feels too large to grasp, and I fear even as I write this that your group here could be a clever manipulation just like so much in the world. The worldview presented here is terrifying, and there are just so many facets and so much writing that I feel I might drown in it all, or more likely just never achieve anything real. There is definitely something wrong with the world as it is, and I couldn't imagine just ignoring everything and going back to sleep. I've already lost interest in everything that I used to enjoy, so I couldn't go back. So it's rather like I'm tumbling down a dark, unknown pit, with demons grinning at me from the walls, trying to learn how to land before I run out of time and hit the bottom. Some would say I'm young, but I feel like I've lost too much time already.
A few weeks ago, I met a young neighborhood boy, who befriended me and has been wanting to play with me every day since. But it's kind of one-way. Mostly he wants to do things and I follow him because he seems to really enjoy my company. I thought that this would be a good way to practice "external considering", to help break some of my cycles, but it feels wrong, largely because I can't seem to conjure from within myself feeling of equal excitement when I see him. I feel bad because I sort of dread when he knocks on the door, even if I've had a few days to rest. I'm sure that I have some strong emotional problems here that are blocking things up, but I don't know how to work on those. I must be wound up tighter than I ever thought. I feel guilty when he calls me his "best friend" and says I'm "the nicest guy he knows around here". He's scheduled to move in a month, so I guess I'll try to learn what I can before then. I know it's a learning experience; if only I knew how to learn.
I feel that I probably ought to get a job, but this worries me too, because I can't imagine how I'd work on cleaning the house (not to mention the food issues) once I had a job to do as well. Yet, it would be nice if I could lift some of the monetary burden, and having money would allow me to buy books such as those suggested around here. Yet, I would have less time to read them.
Today I just finished reading the page on the cassiopaea website about organic portals, and that has further confused me, because how am I to get anywhere esoterically if half of the people I meet are energy siphons, and I can't tell the difference? For all I know, that kid could be an OP draining me for all he's worth, but he could also be a kid who really needs a reliable friend.
I also despair a bit when I see how many trials and how much work Laura and others seem to have gone through toward uncovering truth and putting puzzles together. I can't imagine working that hard, yet I feel I ought to be working towards it at least, but how?
Also, I find it very hard to keep regular sleep hours. I can easily read well into the night or lose the time doing anything that holds my attention, but when I get off of a regular sleep schedule, I begin sleeping 12 hours at a time and don't feel rested even then. For example, it is 3:35 AM right now. My ideal bedtim would be about 7 hours ago.
Anyway, I'm sorry for the length of my bemoanings. Make what you will. Many here will have experience that I lack; all feedback is appreciated.
Thank You