Missing Nuke?


Padawan Learner
Not seen much mention of the possibly a warhead may have gone missing during the reported B-52 transportation several days ago.

Several news sources including the original (Military Times) claimed 5 nukes had been accounted for when the B-52 reached Barksdale Air Force Base.

"A B-52 bomber mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, resulting in an Air Force-wide investigation, according to three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident."

This report has now been amended to "...mistakenly loaded with six nuclear warheads..."


Along with the media kicking in to cover this up of course.


There's so many lose ends and possible traps in this story, it's even difficult to get any hard facts as to was the flight really ever made?
If it was, the breach in protocol needed to get the planes loaded with warheads definitely implicates people at the very top, especially as the B-52 isn't the normal method of warhead transportation.

Half of me thinks this may have been concocted as an excuse to have Langley Air Force Base stand down tomorrow to allow some event to happen shortly not including a warhead, or...maybe a US (or European) city is to be hit with the warhead, with Iran taking the blame.


At first both seem too obvious, but obvious is good if you want to create an angry populous to mask major last ditch looting of a planned economic crash maybe?

"A huge downside purchase of “put” options by an unknown investor or conglomerate in Europe has both investors and NWO watchers abuzz worldwide. Someone has placed a $4.5 billion bet that within 30 days the European stock market will take at least a 33% nosedive. Such an event would be tantamount to the market crash of 1929

The two sales are being referred to by market traders as “bin Laden trades” because only an event on the scale of the 9-11 “terrorist” attacks could make these short-sell “put” options valuable."


From _http://cryptogon.com/?p=1299]Cryptogon.com:

Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave
September 14th, 2007

Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happened—by accident—for a dozen different reasons, or more.

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released.


Was he on duty when those nuclear weapons were loaded onto the B-52, “by accident”? If anyone has any further information on this, please let me know.

I expected to see many more deaths of Minot and Barksdale Air Force personnel in the wake of this incident.

Have I missed any others?

Via: KXMC:

Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia.

Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia.

Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August.

Information on how Blue died has not been released.
And, if you mention the words "missing" and "plane", the image that comes to mind, thanks to the MSM, is that of Steve Fossett.
When I loaded nukes for USAF, there was only one Security Police cop inside the bunker, with the jet and weapons loading crew. The cop was ordered to shoot us if we got out of sight of another crew member, "2-man concept". So whatever happens inside a nuke loadout is only witnessed by one cop, and the load crew. Eliminate the cop to eliminate the only witness.

In England in the 1980s, US nukes were only targeted at WESTERN Europe, including US troops. That's according to my senior supervisor during a nuke loadout, as he said in disgust with his head in his hands.

My job in USAF also included sabotaging US nuke bombs, sabotaging US military aircraft, and sabotaging US military bases, using conventional C4 explosive shaped charges and detonation cord, in controlled demolitions. This was during a routine wargame in contingency for "retreat" from hostile armies. This is a common job for 1,000s of US soldiers every day.

But when the order comes down, nobody questions it, like when my base helped bomb Libya in an unprovoked first strike. During Operation El Dorado Canyon, US special forces RESCUED President Qadaffi, immediately prior to USAF and RAF bombing his house and killing his daughter, "in order to prevent an international incident in case other international politicians had been visiting his home". That real-world invasion was during a "routine wargame"...

Throw in Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio, and this does not bode well for U.S.
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