Mobbing, Isolation and the Work


The Living Force
Hi all,

I am new to the forum, though I had been deep into reading the posts and books. To start to open here is hard. I notice how much I have closed up myself, due to all the injuries and hurts in this predators world. Since long I want to write here. But also continuous external negative events kept me busy and in the end of the day, I was too exhausted and had no strength left for the initial steps. Now I want to ask input on my presently most difficult issue in life.

My job is to be in charge and teach a small team in a certain field of research. It involves two kinds of constant challenges: on the level of research and on a social/psychological/personal team level, including taking care of high integrity, morals and personal responsibilities. I run the group as a service oriented team, which fits me well. For most in the group this is fine too.

But there is a reoccurring pattern: Continuously there is one member of the group, each time a different one, who would keep me busy for a long time on an energetic level. I think it goes like this: First the person seems very enthusiastic and eager to participate, learn, share, "really so happy to be on board". Everything is on the positive side.

Then comes the phase of daily routines, including seeing me sometimes stressed or tensed, when I am overstrained, overworked. I tend to get fast, sharp and direct, when I am stressed. This type of person begin to go into a reactive mode, take things personal and become emotionally manipulative.

When I notice such behavior, I give one or some tries (depending) to address the issue directly, and the mechanical reaction of this type of person will tend to avoid the issue, play it down, just lie that all is fine. They will keep on sulking. The relation gets sour and begins subtly to negatively influence the whole team. Atmosphere becomes heavy, things turn slowly foul and sour for all. Normally its me only that notices the underlying negativity long before. In our work context, there is no space for lengthy personal talks. But actually this is what this type wants from me: attention, attention and behind that to save them from whatever…

So my main point is: I continuously find myself in the position to reveal the nastiness of a person to the rest of the team, because they would not notice. To make them indirectly aware, why the person will have to leave, to stop further damage for all in the group and the work. This keeps me busy instead of doing the work that I want to do, including my self work here!

Lately this context happened with dramatic consequences. I had to make a team member leave, a secretively ambitious, self oriented and manipulative, the "poor wanting to be saved"-type. The person finally left silently but full of internal hatred.

Now I was informed, that the person had (parallel to leaving) secretly contacted the one and only organization, that is the most important in my field of research and is trying to get into their network.

Since long I had planned to contact them, as THE most important issue professionally! But as I was consciously kept busy with this kind of negativity, I postponed and postponed. I finally contacted them, around the same time the person left. They wrote back, that they happily will arrange a first meeting. 6 weeks passed, they would not answer. I wrote again. They don't answer anymore!

My gut feelings says, that this person is now subtly manipulating the members of the organization. The person is very subtle, secretive and seductive. If the person succeeds this might have big consequences in my life.

I reacted with 2 weeks of sleepless worries, not knowing what to do, loosing energy and all that program. I am still stuck with that specific issue. And I want to get clear baout this reoccurring pattern in my life!

Questions and input very welcome. Thanks.
Hi Breo.

First, did you have a chance to read the book, Snakes in Suits? It talks about psychopaths in the workplace, how they apply their charms and divide and conquer tactics to promote themselves and how in the process make everyone else's life miserable with their lies and con-games. There are also great tips in it on how to deal with these types. You might want to check out this forum thread too, Snakes in Suits.

Now, i am not sure this is the case with the person you mention, so could you provide some specific examples of what he did to upset the team work?

And regarding the research network you want to be part of, it is often the case that members of organizations are busy and not punctual when it comes to answering back, at least this has been my experience. Perhaps you can try contacting them again, even by phone, and see what happens? And I am not discarding your gut feeling here, i am just offering another perspective, just in case. And i am sure glad to see you networking here :) These are just my thoughts, for what they are worth...
Hi Breo, sounds like you've had your hands full with some type of pathology. This has got to be causing an overload of stress, so I'm curious if you're practicing Eiriu Eolas? If not you may want to give it a go as it'll help bring your stress level down, and you'll need your mind when sorting out such things.
Breo said:
Then comes the phase of daily routines, including seeing me sometimes stressed or tensed, when I am overstrained, overworked. I tend to get fast, sharp and direct, when I am stressed.
Can you clarify a bit about what happens in the bold outline? How do you present/act? What do you say?

The reason I ask is because sometimes when we get stressed, we unconsciously react to others in ways that we may not realize and in doing so, set off their programs. Also, at work, do you attempt to collaborate with those you're working with or feel that it's easier if you do everything yourself?
First I want to thank you all. Your input is very valuable to me!

Hi Alana,

I haven't heard of Snakes in Suits. I will order it and I have read the thread. It dawns on me that all the way long I might have dealt with psychopaths... :scared: But indeed good to wake up, finally! This is a huge revelation, many things now fall into place. It also opens my eyes to why it takes me so long to face this. (It is connected to my personal history, I will have to look deeper here.)

About this last ex team member, I am still not shure if it is a psychopath. Could it be a very rigid, traumatized personality? Where is the "border-line" from a mechanical, neurotic human to a psychopath? I will have to learn here to get clear.

Alana said:
Could you provide some specific examples of what he did to upset the team work?

Troubles started, when the person very enthusiastically volunteered for a training group to set up content for an intranet and would invest days of extra work, that nobody had asked for or needed, as it made our small project complicated, rigid and oversized. When I realized it, I spoke about it in a simple way, as it wasn't a big deal for me, pointing at the oversize. The person would contradict and resist everything I said, plus a big emotional wave, attacking me ("You are chaotic") suspicion ("You turned against me"-was said between the lines) and trying to inflict guilt (shaky, suffering). Now in writing this I realize that I might have been far too gentle and supportive, as I cooled down the emotional wave for the other. Here, did I get into his game? mostly:rolleyes: From this moment on the person was mostly moody, negative, suspicious and more and more double faced. On one side ambitiously trying to be my "best man" - something we don't have and want- and on the other side, stay in a subtle opposition/resistance/doubt that influenced the overall atmosphere. Since then I became aware that he actually never was willing (able?) to do the given task the way it was ment to be, but only suited his personal concepts. His game was: I do my best, which is worth a lot and you don't value it, don't see it. With him around, I was mainly busy not to fall into a vague guilt/anger/blame game, which stressed and drained me.

He also was careless with copyright issues, copying material and spreading it to the team, which he illegally downloaded ("I only meant to help you"), which could have gotten me into trouble. Twice, half-officially he made business contacts in my name without authorisation.

Maybe the most and final startling situation was, that one day on my way to the office by foot, I might have felt being hit by his wave of negativity and piled anger, got very stressed and busy with it, and stumbled and nearly fell in front of a passing car. It could have been deadly. Luckily I only had a sprain ankle and a few bruises. I could still walk and went on. Another 20 minutes later to my biggest surprise, a car passed by (I live in a really big city) and his wife, whom I never met before or after on the street, waves me a hallo. This was a signal for me, that he had to leave the team.

Perhaps you can try contacting them again.
(the organisation)

Thanks for the hint, now that I start to get out of my being stuck, this really seems feasible :)

Shane said:
... some type of pathology. This has got to be causing an overload of stress, so I'm curious if you're practicing Eiriu Eolas?

Hi Shane,

I do practice ÉE, since a few months and its wonderful, bringing me back to life. POTS I do several times a day :) Still issues. like the above, get me out of balance and breath. Could you point me where I can read about the types of pathology, before I will go into deeper reading of ponerology. I still have piles of books from the list next to my pillow...

truth seeker said:
Breo said:
I tend to get fast, sharp and direct, when I am stressed.[/b]
Can you clarify a bit about what happens in the bold outline? How do you present/act? What do you say?

The reason I ask is because sometimes when we get stressed, we unconsciously react to others in ways that we may not realize and in doing so, set off their programs. Also, at work, do you attempt to collaborate with those you're working with or feel that it's easier if you do everything yourself?

Hi truth seeker,

Yes, I probably many times did activate the programs of others. Stress mounted to nearly unbearable in the last year on all levels. I used to continue to give service even when I was already flat on the floor and fully in pain. I just could not accept, that there was hardly anybody alive out there...I had collected lots of data on what is going on in this world/universe, became more and more cautious. But I lacked the overall context on how to "connect the dots". For this I am eternally thankful for having found Laura`, her work, The Wave and more.
I am cooling down now, phhhhht, I am taking care of myself, I rarely sharp and direct. Thanks for bringing it up.

And I realize there exists strategic enclosure. I begin to learn how to apply. It is such a relief.
Thanks for the clarification Breo. :) Don't know if I'm on the right track or not, but it almost does seem as if someone or several someone's may be unconsciously or consciously trying to co opt the work you're doing. I hope I'm not instilling paranoia in you by saying this. There's just something about the word volunteer in your last post that raises a red flag for me.

Second, if you'd like, when you get to 50 posts, we can move this thread to the swamp area for more privacy. :)
truth seeker said:
it almost does seem as if someone or several someone's may be unconsciously or consciously trying to co opt the work you're doing.
Second, if you'd like, when you get to 50 posts, we can move this thread to the swamp area for more privacy. :)

Truth seeker, you express what I suspect since long. It tremendously helps me to get this resonance here. I am "paranoid" since long. It rarely prooved to be paranoia. I wanted to seriously go into this work here since a year...only now I managed! And yes, thank you for your consideration. I try my best to get ASAP to 50 posts :)

Yesterday I got an email from the guy from the organisation, who excused himself for the delay and offers a date for appointment in the soon.

Interesting, that things started to flow again, when I finally was able to address the issue here on the forum! This meeting will be relevant on many levels.
Update 2

Last night I had a straaange dream, that also adds to the assumption, that it is not a paranoia. Things clarify and intensify, since I do write here.
I feel awkward, that I started this thread without having read BEFORE all the section of " Psychopaths at Home, at work, and in the Garden", which I now did for several hours. The subject comes on so many facets...

This I would like to quote for self remembering:

PepperFritz said:
JonnyRadar said:
i do not mean to say that predators should be ignored or allowed to get away with feeding, not at all, nor that disgust is not an understandable reaction - rather that in engaging jest and humor, one could possibly turn off their source of food in oneself and utilize that energy towards more pragmatic goals....
I'm in agreement with you on this, Jonny, as this has been my life-long learning curve in dealing with predators. For so many of my younger years I "went to war" with them, only to learn that you cannot "win", sapping myself of energy needed in other parts of my life. Then I learned to step back and observe them, and learn their ways. But while I learned not to automatically "do battle" with them, I still wasted so much energy feeling angry, nauseated, disgusted, etc. by them. It has only been in recent years that I have been able to "laugh at that which disturbs" and to "picture them as squawking dodo birds". For they really ARE ridiculous.

The key phrase for me over the years has been "DO NOT ENGAGE", which I repeated to myself over and over again, like a mantra. It took me a long time to realize that applied to the engagement of my EMOTIONS as much as physical, interactive engagement. But disengagement from predators doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, understanding, and discipline. If one only succeeds in disengaging for brief periods of time, it is a step in the right direction.
Breo said:
Truth seeker, you express what I suspect since long. It tremendously helps me to get this resonance here. I am "paranoid" since long. It rarely prooved to be paranoia. I wanted to seriously go into this work here since a year...only now I managed! And yes, thank you for your consideration. I try my best to get ASAP to 50 posts :)
No need to rush on posting. It will happen sooner than you think so take your time. :)

Breo said:
Interesting, that things started to flow again, when I finally was able to address the issue here on the forum! This meeting will be relevant on many levels.
Yes, this is one of the reasons that networking is important.

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