Modern UFO Sightings with Heat/Thunder/Smoke/Mist


The Living Force
Hey Forumites,

I'm working on a paper describing the UFO phenomena as a paranormal, extra-sensory type of deal. Something that consists of dark matter and primarily exists outside of our normal human perceptual range. I could use a hand at the moment if anyone has the time, or the info easily referenced. What I'm looking for specifically is references to modern UFO encounters in which there's heat/noise/smoke/mist. I have Dolan's books on hand, and will go through them some more tomorrow, but figured I'd ask for some help anyway. I remember reading the accounts just can't seem to find them at the moment.

Puck said:
Hey Forumites,

I'm working on a paper describing the UFO phenomena as a paranormal, extra-sensory type of deal. Something that consists of dark matter and primarily exists outside of our normal human perceptual range. I could use a hand at the moment if anyone has the time, or the info easily referenced. What I'm looking for specifically is references to modern UFO encounters in which there's heat/noise/smoke/mist. I have Dolan's books on hand, and will go through them some more tomorrow, but figured I'd ask for some help anyway. I remember reading the accounts just can't seem to find them at the moment.


Hello Puck, good luck on your paper work! What do you mean by dark matter??? Simply dark black matter? Or something more complex? When you say modern UFO encounters, you mean this decade? Or last decade? Or something else, I think I could help research, I'll let you know if I find something worth mentioning.

By dark matter I just mean matter that we can't perceive. The only reason we know it exists at all is by the gravitational effects it has out there in the galaxy. Most discussion suggests that the majority of matter in the universe is dark, IE outside our perceptual capabilities. My guess is that the higher densities are composed of that stuff.

By modern I just mean within the last two hundred years or so. I was thinking of quotes from Dolan's books, since I remember there being the types of sightings that I'm looking for in them, I just can't seem to find them at the moment and thought many pairs of eyes or anyone who has been reading his stuff lately might have it fresh in their head.

Thanks for the well wishes and help, its most appreciated. :)
Puck said:
What I'm looking for specifically is references to modern UFO encounters in which there's heat/noise/smoke/mist.


For the heat phenomena associated with UFOs, I believe John Keel references several encounters in OTH that describe these effects.

I don't know if you have the book, but p74 offers one description of a sighting involving excessive heat and starting small grass fires (I can't copy paste this due to poor OCR translation).

There are others on p145, p254 and p260 in the same book.

As for smoke, p135-136 (the smoke reference is on p136)

For noise, p87 (not really a modern sighting), p90, p123, p136, p148

I didn't see any references involving "mist", but I know that a huge number of UFO sightings have been documented over water or going into or coming out of water from my understanding, so there should be some sightings where this factor comes into play.

Good luck!
I don't know if it is what you are looking for, but if you go to Sott and type in "humming" without the quotes, several articles pop up about ufos that make a humming noise.
Puck said:
By dark matter I just mean matter that we can't perceive. The only reason we know it exists at all is by the gravitational effects it has out there in the galaxy. Most discussion suggests that the majority of matter in the universe is dark, IE outside our perceptual capabilities. My guess is that the higher densities are composed of that stuff.

Hi Puck,
There is an alternative explanation for what has been dubbed "dark matter" (although certainly there is quite a bit of matter which is 'dark' and can not be seen) If electrical causes are added to those of gravity - which mainstream astronomy claims is the only force involved in astronomical orbits and arrangement of matter into various forms, much of the problem seems to disappear. Check out the site:
Which has a pretty complete synopsis of what is currently though to be so regarding how the universe arranges itself by those who study electrical and plasma dynamics.

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