Money is Life Energy.

Jim Daniels

Padawan Learner
Money is Life Energy.

A person trades hours of their life, literally a large portion of their Life, for money to buy the goods and services they need to stay alive.

Then, a Banker literally steals those years of person's life with Inflation, printing money out of thin air.

I find it really difficult to understand why this doesn't utterly enrage more people.

It's very disheartening.

Then, a Banker literally steals those years of person's life with Inflation, printing money out of thin air.

I find it really difficult to understand why this doesn't utterly enrage more people.
People were programmed into thinking this is perfectly normal. Most can't fathom a world without money, a world without someone telling them what to do. Essentially, they are living in a bubble, a life that is way too comfortable to challenge the status quo. "Go to school, play video games, buy a new smartphone, be on social media, wear recycled plastic, drink alcohol, eat fast food, get a job, pay your taxes, donate to 'charities', party every weekend, have sex with multiple partners, take your pills, use your credit cards, wait for retirement, hope cancer won't get you, and don't worry about Uncle Sam-—he needs your money to protect you."
Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?
A: 80 or thereabouts.

Q: (Summerlite) Is resistance and exposure foiling their plans?
A: Largely, but people need to suffer enough to lose their fear of action.
From the Money Masters thread, a valuable read by Laura:
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