A Disturbance in the Force
Hi everyone, I would like to draw your attention to what is now happening in Montsegur. The local authorities (namely Gérald Sgobbo and Robert Finance) are launching a project to turn the castle area into "a themepark", which involves floodlighting the pog, constructing a security barrier that would restrict access to the area during daytime and completely prevent it at night, the use of CCTVs and civilian vigilante groups in order to "prevent a second Bugarach", and some other equally nasty measures. This project would have adverse consequences for the area's historical heritage, ecology (a number of endangered species, like the Pyrenean Long Eared Bat and the Pyrenean Giant Toad, would be threatened), and esoteric background (there was reported paranormal activity and otherworldy sightings in the area, related to the local folklore and the castle's history of Catharism and the Grail).
Unfortunately this is now only in French news; I think this should be carried on to English-language media. A couple of petitons have been launched to stop the project:
I personally believe that we need to prevent it from happening.
Unfortunately this is now only in French news; I think this should be carried on to English-language media. A couple of petitons have been launched to stop the project:
I personally believe that we need to prevent it from happening.