More Data Mayhem As Details of 11,000 Teachers Get Lost By Courier


The Living Force

A disc containing the details of nearly 11,500 teachers has been lost by a courier service while in transit from the Offices of the General Teaching Council for England (GTC) to a data processing contractor in Birmingham.

Unlike other similar data loss cases though, the data - which contained names, addresses and teacher reference numbers - on the disc was apparently encrypted and there were no bank details - NI Number or date of birth - which could be used by cybercrooks.

Teachers concerned by the data loss have already been informed and the GTC has pledged for the use electronic data transfer in the future to prevent any further such cases.

The GTC registrar adding that "We have taken all possible steps to protect the integrity of the Teaching Register and are working to ensure that there will be no similar incident in the future".

But a spokesperson for the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) called for the organisation to reimburse any teacher who could prove that their details had been used for fraudulent purposes.

Of course, this is the latest in a string of very public and embarrassing data losses that have rock the nation's confidence in the way organisations handle the public's data.

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