More Hateful Displays from Palin Supporters


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

On YouTube, a racist Palin/McCain fan (yeah, the ticket positions are reversed, but then Sarah's fanatic supporters act like she's the main player) displays an Obama sock monkey puppet...along with some other hateful displays from right-wing fans. Hoo, boy, you can sense their rage and hear their hate.

Seems like an awful lot of right-wingers are acting like they can't wait to turn on those evil liberals, watch them loaded on to boxcars and sent to Haliburton relocation camps or (Praise Jesus!) eliminated from the face of the earth, so that "real Americans" and their offspring can finally live in peace, free from the scourge of intelligent, truth-seeking individuals who are "different", and can (gasp!) think for themselves by seeing through the political platitudes, hypocrisy, and masked evil.

Got news for them: If Palin is elected, she and her Dominionist pals are gonna turn on a whole lot of their worshippers. Sacrifices have to be made to Yahweh, dontcha know.

Sure does resemble a Hitler redo. What a show.
Wow! This IS sad....

Yelling against the absolute "Evil" while themselves stand for all that is "Good"...yeah,right. I can even smell the rot from here. What a scary collection of biped mammals! :shock:

This is the all raw material needed to set the world on fire.

Thank you NormaRegula for the link.
It is sad. And to think that I once attended a church whose members are most likely praying for Sarah Palin, because she is "one of them". Even at this early juncture, Palin's fruit is rotting, what with her hate, baby, hate antics! Yet these church members see what they want to see.

Must admit, whilst searching for truth and the meaning of life via Christianity, I had plenty of doubts about Yaweh's legalistic, controlling, vengeful behavior, the unerring Bible, and the way the monotheistic religious institutions herd its followers into a "Just Believe and ye shall be saved" self-righteous frenzy. Blind obedience was always paramount to actually working on ones soul. Questioning the many contradictions and pathological mandates of the Bible was considered "of the devil" and not tolerated by "True Believers".

Still, during that phase, it was difficult to imagine how so-called Christians could fall for the anti-Christ. Well, looking at Palin and her Dominionist ilk, one might see a living, breathing Whore of Babylon, ripened and ready to lead Christians...and the whole of humankind...down a path of misery, destruction, and evil.

Hate, baby,'s all for (anti) Jeezus, doncha know!
NormaRegula said:
[...] Hoo, boy, you can sense their rage and hear their hate.

Seems like an awful lot of right-wingers are acting like they can't wait to turn on those evil liberals, watch them loaded on to boxcars and sent to Haliburton relocation camps or (Praise Jesus!) eliminated from the face of the earth, so that "real Americans" and their offspring can finally live in peace, free from the scourge of intelligent, truth-seeking individuals who are "different", and can (gasp!) think for themselves by seeing through the political platitudes, hypocrisy, and masked evil. [...]

:shock: yea, i wonder how long it will be before these two sides come to blows in the street, or something worse. doesn't seem that far of a stretch, i've known plenty of people in the past who would relish the chance to beat the snot out of one of "them damn liberals"... an election-inspired riot seems like it would be the perfect excuse... "gangs of new york" anyone?

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