Hello all,
I was wondering if there are any economic-savvy thinkers on board that could help me out.
I was musing how a 30-year fixed mortgage (yes, I have one) would play out in the current economic train wreck that is happening in the US.
I tried searching for what happened to people with mortgages in Argentina after their currency devaluation but could not find anything aside from a few references to the Argentinian government converting US dollar denominated loans to Argentinian pesos, with the government kind of "bailing out" the people. Although I haven't read what the details of the currency conversion on loans was, I was assuming that the conversion was done before the devaluation, or if done after the devaluation, the government "took the hit" so that the loan values of the people did not increase in peso amounts because of the devaluation.
I couldn't imagine how a 30-year fixed mortgage during and after a US dollar devaluation would play out. If there was hyper-inflation and banks still were in operation, an increase in the savings and CD return rates (highly unlikely) would be beneficial, especially if you had savings in the bank and the return rate was higher than your mortgage interest rate.
I don't know what the conditions were during the Weimar hyper-inflation scenario. With regards to Zimbabwe, I think the banks were in operation but apart from that, I could not find anything else.
There doesn't seem to be any information I could find on how mortgages were affected during and after the economic crisis/currency devaluation. I would imagine both savings and loans would be revalued to the new currency.
Those with other "stores of value", if the conversions aren't manipulated (e.g. Zimbabwe forcing a lower US dollar to Zimbabwe dollar conversion or the current precious metals price manipulation), would probably luck out by converting their 'stored value' to a new/devalued currency and paying off their mortgages in full/earlier.
Does anyone have any links to articles with info about this particular topic? I tried the search function on this forum as well but couldn't turn up anything after perusing about 6 pages of results on the word "mortgage".
(Also, "TRANSCRIPT # 27 - Surviving The Economic Crash" turns up as a search result but the post is empty: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6079.0)
I know, there are better things to keep track of (like the latest transcripts, or worrying about developing a soul rather than temporal things like money) but I like to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. And living on this 3D STS world entails that you "play the game" to an extent (buy food to eat, pay the bills, pay the rent/mortgage to have a roof over your head while you practice "the 4th way" and breathing exercises), even if only playing enough to help get you to where you hope to be (4D STO).
With the Cass' latest timeline of 5 years, I know I shouldn't be worrying about that but the OCD in me likes to keep the bases covered and likes to have puzzles solved. :)
I was wondering if there are any economic-savvy thinkers on board that could help me out.
I was musing how a 30-year fixed mortgage (yes, I have one) would play out in the current economic train wreck that is happening in the US.
I tried searching for what happened to people with mortgages in Argentina after their currency devaluation but could not find anything aside from a few references to the Argentinian government converting US dollar denominated loans to Argentinian pesos, with the government kind of "bailing out" the people. Although I haven't read what the details of the currency conversion on loans was, I was assuming that the conversion was done before the devaluation, or if done after the devaluation, the government "took the hit" so that the loan values of the people did not increase in peso amounts because of the devaluation.
I couldn't imagine how a 30-year fixed mortgage during and after a US dollar devaluation would play out. If there was hyper-inflation and banks still were in operation, an increase in the savings and CD return rates (highly unlikely) would be beneficial, especially if you had savings in the bank and the return rate was higher than your mortgage interest rate.
I don't know what the conditions were during the Weimar hyper-inflation scenario. With regards to Zimbabwe, I think the banks were in operation but apart from that, I could not find anything else.
There doesn't seem to be any information I could find on how mortgages were affected during and after the economic crisis/currency devaluation. I would imagine both savings and loans would be revalued to the new currency.
Those with other "stores of value", if the conversions aren't manipulated (e.g. Zimbabwe forcing a lower US dollar to Zimbabwe dollar conversion or the current precious metals price manipulation), would probably luck out by converting their 'stored value' to a new/devalued currency and paying off their mortgages in full/earlier.
Does anyone have any links to articles with info about this particular topic? I tried the search function on this forum as well but couldn't turn up anything after perusing about 6 pages of results on the word "mortgage".
(Also, "TRANSCRIPT # 27 - Surviving The Economic Crash" turns up as a search result but the post is empty: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6079.0)
I know, there are better things to keep track of (like the latest transcripts, or worrying about developing a soul rather than temporal things like money) but I like to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. And living on this 3D STS world entails that you "play the game" to an extent (buy food to eat, pay the bills, pay the rent/mortgage to have a roof over your head while you practice "the 4th way" and breathing exercises), even if only playing enough to help get you to where you hope to be (4D STO).
With the Cass' latest timeline of 5 years, I know I shouldn't be worrying about that but the OCD in me likes to keep the bases covered and likes to have puzzles solved. :)