In Russia/Ucraine there are four truths, or so it used to be; the truth of the Commuist Party, the truth of the Newspapers, the truth of the people and the real truth. In Russian "truth" is "pravda" like this:
Bearing this in mind and in relation to the above headline on SOTT I decided to illustrate what is happening in Russia. I went to the internet news agency Pravda and below are a string of headlines which illustrate how some people in Russia perceive the rest of the world. There are also a couple about Russia and Russians. The links were spread over several pages and once in a while the heading is a bit hidden, as is the Russian habit from old time. One has to know how to read behind the lines. So what do you think the following means?
"Condoleezza Rice's sexual worries in the White House" This was a real headline when I looked on Don't worry, it will be explained further down.
What is given are just the intros to the articles, for more details click the links.
Clinton calls on Democrats to join Christian voters
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton called on the Democratic Party to find common ground with Christian voters and noted that evangelical leaders are becoming more interested in issues like climate change and AIDS prevention. The former president spoke Monday night at a party fundraiser in New York along with his former vice president, Al Gore. In recent weeks, Clinton and other party leaders have sought to frame Democratic concerns in religious language, and at Monday's appearance Clinton invoked scripture to get his point across.
Anti-Russian hysteria dominates North American press
Those who care to take one look through the press in the United States of America these days will find what has culminated in a feverish, hysterical, McCarthyist, witch-hunt mentality, mirroring a people and a regime living on cloud 9, where a rosy microcosm of self-righteousness defies all notions of logic. Among the hype are stabs at Russia, not in its back, but so venomous they go for the jugular
USA squanders 300 million dollars on war propaganda in Iraq
It goes without saying that the Bush's administration needed to find excuses and enemies to justify its grand failures. The search was a success. As it turns out, it was Russia that did not let Washington celebrate glorious and quick victory in Iraq
Russia able to stave off US nuclear threat until 2020
Following the article published in the American journal Foreign Affairs, the US State Department has released data on the balance of nuclear armaments between Russia and the United States. Judging by this data, the USA can only dream of attaining the supremacy which the article reported on in such detail. According to the State Department data, on the 1st January 2006 Russia had 4399 nuclear warheads, whilst the USA had 5966. However Russia had the upper hand concerning throw weight (the weight of the last stage of the missile's warhead) - 2547.7 metric tons as opposed to 1797.9 metric tons
USA plans to drop A-bombs on Iran's nuclear projects
Iran perceives such news as an element of pressure on the part of the US administration. It is worthy of note that Iran takes quite an active part in the ideological standoff. Last week, for example, Iran held a sensational military exercise to demonstrate its missiles, superfast torpedoes and invisible vessels
Globalization: the peak of imperialism
The world may celebrate the end of the Western civilization
The Western standards have made the world look a fright. Social and political technologies may eventually play a malicious joke with the West. The world is changing right before our very eyes. If events like this continue to occur, the West may fall into a snake pit that it has dug out itself
Refute the policies of Bush and Clinton - declare war on the Nationalist-Globalist Class
When will Americans realize that at this moment, the world stands one or two decisions away from WWIII? When will Americans recognize that theirs is a polarized, politically segregated society, not unlike those they helped create in Iraq and Palestine? When will they come to the realization that their political process is nothing more than a collusive duopoly and, as such, borderline totalitarian? When will Americans refuse to participate in sham federal elections? When will they recognize that all the accumulated data from study after study clearly shows that America is in real crisis across the entire socioeconomic, political and foreign policy spectrum?
T: For a few prognostic probabilities and possibilities of Russia during a WWIII: and scroll down.
Russia and regional associations of the former USSR stand up against USA's supremacy
Those states, which used to be in very warm and friendly relations with the USA, start criticizing its policies today the experience of the recent 15 years showed that the assumption of the USA's generosity and protection does not work always, to put it mildly. Washington follows the English principle in its foreign policy (there are no permanent allies, but there are permanent interests), making it even more grotesque, though: a person, whom the USA views as a "good old chap" today may become a bloody dictator and international terrorist tomorrow. Such a perspective is not good for everyone, of course
Russia to help China oust the USA from Eurasia
Russia de facto loses the status of the world's center of force, which jeopardizes the global stability
The rapidly developing economy of China pushes the country to search for sources of raw materials and sales markets abroad. The USA is China's major obstacle in this respect. According to the law of the struggle of the opposites, any bi-polar world order is dangerous. Those, who will not be making preparations for a war will inevitably lose. This is the description of the world in the beginning of the 21st century: the USA found itself in the bi-polar world, not in the unipolar world, as it may seem at first sight. China will become a visible center of force in 2007, when it declares its ambitions for influence to the USA
Condoleezza Rice's sexual worries in the White House
Condoleezza Rice thinks Moscow informed Saddam Hussein of imminent US-led invasion of Iraq
The US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice has demanded an explanation from Moscow as to why they handed over intelligence on America's planned invasion of Iraq to Saddam's government. She has so far not asked officially since there are serious doubts over the authenticity of the documents which have created a stir in the American press.
A new stage in the 'Cold War' between Russia and the USA has begun US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov to carry out an investigation regarding information that, in the early stages of the war in Iraq, Russia apparently handed over intelligence on the movement of American troops to Saddam Hussein's regime. Pravda.Ru has asked Russian politicians and experts to comment on the American secretary of state's announcement.
Russia and China determined to join forces to establish new grand union
The Chinese will have to develop a passion for Russia during the forthcoming 12 months.
Russian President Putin has recently arrived in China to open the Year of Russia: this is the first time Putin visits the most populated state of the world in 18 months. The president has personally launched the website that will provide the informational support for the event.
Plague and flu change history of the world
The history of humanity is inseparable from the history of epidemics
Specialists distinguish outbursts of serious infectious diseases into pandemics and epidemics. Millions of people may die all over the world as a result of a pandemic, whereas an epidemic is of a smaller scale. Several large-scale pandemics have been registered in the history of the human civilization. The majority of them were of zoonotic character, when people caught diseases from animals
Globalization Over: Plunderers Get the Whole of the World
Finance has become the key strategic power in today's world
To understand present-day events (and it is not ruled out that WWV has broken out), we must first of all look into what happened in the 1990s. That was a period when the whole of the world experienced WWIV within ten years. The ten years resulted in destructive consequences. These are first of all enormous debts borrowed by developing countries, the Russian Federation among them. Majority of the world countries were given loans by international financial organizations and thus were put into a debtor's prison
How Italy and the USA became the most respected nations
That guy whose name I have forgotten: Berlusdoggi, Binisconi, Berlamafia or something of that sound, created a huge TV-conglomeration with the profits of his mafia bosses. The government of this Craxi-State assisted him getting all rights for broadcasting, with the goal to increase the stupidity of the whole population
The relevance of Iran Contra
The penetration in hard targets, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and after 1949, China - that did not happen. In the fifties and sixties, at the height of the post-colonial period, the CIA turned its attention to Latin America and that's where they had success because those targets are so soft, the societies are so corrupt, and the guys in the security agencies lined up - believe me - and said, sign me up! It's a good payday
Who is the threat to Middle East security?
Iran is the western whipping boy but is Teheran the main threat or the excuse? Iran is ruled by a lunatic who used to be a terrorist - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or so the western media would have us believe. Saddam Hussein posed an immediate threat to the USA and its neighbours, because he had Weapons of Mass Destruction which could be deployed within 45 minutes, or so the western media and governments would have had us believe
Why the United States will attack Iran in 2006
The master plan of the United States is to control the oil in the Middle East. Only two countries stood in the way of that plan: Iraq and Iran. Iraq has been neutralized and will remain impotent for the next decade because of civil war. Iran alone now stands in the way of the U.S. master plan. But before proceeding with this line of argument, let's take a side trip
Condoleezza Rice believes USA may invade Iran because of its 'salami tactics'
The USA has destroyed its potential anti-Iranian allies: Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. If the USA ventures to go on another crusade against Iran, the initiative will have no support either in or outside the States
Iran poses threat to dominance of the US dollar
This week began with the opening of the international oil exchange in Iran. The intrigue of the situation is accentuated by the fact that trading will take place in euros. Alarmists and antiglobalists from all countries have rushed to describe this as yet another sentence against the hegemony of the dollar and the USA.
The standoff over Iran's nuclear program nears the peak
Aside from the desire to control the regions rich in hydrocarbon reserves, there is a psychological motive behind the U.S. actions. Despite today's assurances and speculations, the U.S. brass will never forget a wound inflicted to the nation's pride by a humiliating defeat in the hostage crises at the end of the 1970s
USA's idealism threatens the world
On Thursday the White House published a 49 page paper, "National Security Strategy". The current NSS in contrast to that of 2002 pays less attention to a doctrine of preventative strikes. However, this of course does not mean that the American administration is intending to call them off. "If it is necessary, we will take preventative measures before we are attacked, even if there is some doubt regarding the date and place where the enemy attacks will take place."
Russia: friend or foe of the USA?
As the G8 Summit in Saint Petersburg draws closer, people are saying more often that the leaders of western countries must consider their position towards Russia. People accuse the Russian government of authoritarianism, oppressing the opposition and limiting the freedom of the press. In recent times there has been criticism of Russia's law about NGOs and their role in the energy crisis.
Young people all over the world protest against ideals of capitalism
The son of my old friend is a pretty successful young man. He is a co-owner of a computer software company. His office is in the center of the city. He recently bought an apartment, got married, and begot a child. He usually spends his vacations abroad. All of a sudden, his life began to falter. He used to love his work. Now it is a bore. Money is a drag. The man is in his early thirties, and he recently developed a passion for music. He takes piano lessons. He can realize that he will hardly make a Vladimir Horowitz. But his heart seems to defy his mind. His heart is out on a quest. France is a good example of today's youth that is unwilling to be happy with the blessings of the world of capitalism.
It is not ethnic Arabs from the poor suburbs who took to the streets this spring. This time it was the university students, mostly boys and girls from the well-off middle class. What exactly set the bomb off?
Russians develop massive consumption instinct steadily
Russian people start spending their money with pleasure after many years of financial difficulties
Russians have been developing their consumption instinct lately. Russian people tend to do pleasurable shopping nowadays, although it used to be characterized with daily needs only before. Two regions, which accumulate about 50 percent of the global population - Asia and Central/Eastern Europe - are becoming the driving force of the global economy. Most active consumers reside in China, India, Turkey, Vietnam, Russia, Romania and Bulgaria
What does it mean to be a Russian?
Can you tell me why we are still so keen to prove to the whole world that a Russian cucumber is thicker and longer than a French gherkin? Nowadays one can hear shouts echoing through the desolate quarters: "Russia is for Russians!" Where do these shouts coming from? Do they come from some pimple-faced teens stupefied by Nazi propaganda? Are they heard in the speeches of sleazy politicians who want to capitalize on the subject? Both within and outside the prison walls propaganda was relentlessly driving the ideas of supremacy into the hearts and minds of the Soviet citizens
Russia's Federal Security Service closes down Pravda.Ru's Russian version over Danish caricatures
The visitors of Pravda.Ru website have been deprived of a possibility to access the website and its materials today. The main Russian version of the Pravda.Ru portal has been closed today. The message, which appears on the blank white page, says that the site has been closed down pursuant to the requirement from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Chairman of Pravda.Ru Board of Directors, Vadim Gorshenin, said that the office of Pravda.Ru received an email from masterhost Internet provider on Thursday morning. The company particularly informed Pravda.Ru about a letter which they had received from the Federal Security Service of Russia. The letter said that the provider should take measures to remove several materials from the Pravda.Ru website, particularly those stirring up religious strife.
Sky is the limit for the USA's national debt
The USA's National Debt Clock can't keep up with Bush's spending
The USA's national debt is increasing by $2.43 billion everyday. People expect the state debt to top the ten trillion dollar mark in the next few years. A special huge electronic display in New York which shows in real time the size of state debt will not be able to cope with such a high figure. In 1989 the national debt clock was placed in Times Square so that Americans could see how effectively their government was working. At the time the national debt stood at 2.7 trillion dollars.
Bearing this in mind and in relation to the above headline on SOTT I decided to illustrate what is happening in Russia. I went to the internet news agency Pravda and below are a string of headlines which illustrate how some people in Russia perceive the rest of the world. There are also a couple about Russia and Russians. The links were spread over several pages and once in a while the heading is a bit hidden, as is the Russian habit from old time. One has to know how to read behind the lines. So what do you think the following means?
"Condoleezza Rice's sexual worries in the White House" This was a real headline when I looked on Don't worry, it will be explained further down.
What is given are just the intros to the articles, for more details click the links.
Clinton calls on Democrats to join Christian voters
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton called on the Democratic Party to find common ground with Christian voters and noted that evangelical leaders are becoming more interested in issues like climate change and AIDS prevention. The former president spoke Monday night at a party fundraiser in New York along with his former vice president, Al Gore. In recent weeks, Clinton and other party leaders have sought to frame Democratic concerns in religious language, and at Monday's appearance Clinton invoked scripture to get his point across.
Anti-Russian hysteria dominates North American press
Those who care to take one look through the press in the United States of America these days will find what has culminated in a feverish, hysterical, McCarthyist, witch-hunt mentality, mirroring a people and a regime living on cloud 9, where a rosy microcosm of self-righteousness defies all notions of logic. Among the hype are stabs at Russia, not in its back, but so venomous they go for the jugular
USA squanders 300 million dollars on war propaganda in Iraq
It goes without saying that the Bush's administration needed to find excuses and enemies to justify its grand failures. The search was a success. As it turns out, it was Russia that did not let Washington celebrate glorious and quick victory in Iraq
Russia able to stave off US nuclear threat until 2020
Following the article published in the American journal Foreign Affairs, the US State Department has released data on the balance of nuclear armaments between Russia and the United States. Judging by this data, the USA can only dream of attaining the supremacy which the article reported on in such detail. According to the State Department data, on the 1st January 2006 Russia had 4399 nuclear warheads, whilst the USA had 5966. However Russia had the upper hand concerning throw weight (the weight of the last stage of the missile's warhead) - 2547.7 metric tons as opposed to 1797.9 metric tons
USA plans to drop A-bombs on Iran's nuclear projects
Iran perceives such news as an element of pressure on the part of the US administration. It is worthy of note that Iran takes quite an active part in the ideological standoff. Last week, for example, Iran held a sensational military exercise to demonstrate its missiles, superfast torpedoes and invisible vessels
Globalization: the peak of imperialism
The world may celebrate the end of the Western civilization
The Western standards have made the world look a fright. Social and political technologies may eventually play a malicious joke with the West. The world is changing right before our very eyes. If events like this continue to occur, the West may fall into a snake pit that it has dug out itself
Refute the policies of Bush and Clinton - declare war on the Nationalist-Globalist Class
When will Americans realize that at this moment, the world stands one or two decisions away from WWIII? When will Americans recognize that theirs is a polarized, politically segregated society, not unlike those they helped create in Iraq and Palestine? When will they come to the realization that their political process is nothing more than a collusive duopoly and, as such, borderline totalitarian? When will Americans refuse to participate in sham federal elections? When will they recognize that all the accumulated data from study after study clearly shows that America is in real crisis across the entire socioeconomic, political and foreign policy spectrum?
T: For a few prognostic probabilities and possibilities of Russia during a WWIII: and scroll down.
Russia and regional associations of the former USSR stand up against USA's supremacy
Those states, which used to be in very warm and friendly relations with the USA, start criticizing its policies today the experience of the recent 15 years showed that the assumption of the USA's generosity and protection does not work always, to put it mildly. Washington follows the English principle in its foreign policy (there are no permanent allies, but there are permanent interests), making it even more grotesque, though: a person, whom the USA views as a "good old chap" today may become a bloody dictator and international terrorist tomorrow. Such a perspective is not good for everyone, of course
Russia to help China oust the USA from Eurasia
Russia de facto loses the status of the world's center of force, which jeopardizes the global stability
The rapidly developing economy of China pushes the country to search for sources of raw materials and sales markets abroad. The USA is China's major obstacle in this respect. According to the law of the struggle of the opposites, any bi-polar world order is dangerous. Those, who will not be making preparations for a war will inevitably lose. This is the description of the world in the beginning of the 21st century: the USA found itself in the bi-polar world, not in the unipolar world, as it may seem at first sight. China will become a visible center of force in 2007, when it declares its ambitions for influence to the USA
Condoleezza Rice's sexual worries in the White House
Condoleezza Rice thinks Moscow informed Saddam Hussein of imminent US-led invasion of Iraq
The US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice has demanded an explanation from Moscow as to why they handed over intelligence on America's planned invasion of Iraq to Saddam's government. She has so far not asked officially since there are serious doubts over the authenticity of the documents which have created a stir in the American press.
A new stage in the 'Cold War' between Russia and the USA has begun US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov to carry out an investigation regarding information that, in the early stages of the war in Iraq, Russia apparently handed over intelligence on the movement of American troops to Saddam Hussein's regime. Pravda.Ru has asked Russian politicians and experts to comment on the American secretary of state's announcement.
Russia and China determined to join forces to establish new grand union
The Chinese will have to develop a passion for Russia during the forthcoming 12 months.
Russian President Putin has recently arrived in China to open the Year of Russia: this is the first time Putin visits the most populated state of the world in 18 months. The president has personally launched the website that will provide the informational support for the event.
Plague and flu change history of the world
The history of humanity is inseparable from the history of epidemics
Specialists distinguish outbursts of serious infectious diseases into pandemics and epidemics. Millions of people may die all over the world as a result of a pandemic, whereas an epidemic is of a smaller scale. Several large-scale pandemics have been registered in the history of the human civilization. The majority of them were of zoonotic character, when people caught diseases from animals
Globalization Over: Plunderers Get the Whole of the World
Finance has become the key strategic power in today's world
To understand present-day events (and it is not ruled out that WWV has broken out), we must first of all look into what happened in the 1990s. That was a period when the whole of the world experienced WWIV within ten years. The ten years resulted in destructive consequences. These are first of all enormous debts borrowed by developing countries, the Russian Federation among them. Majority of the world countries were given loans by international financial organizations and thus were put into a debtor's prison
How Italy and the USA became the most respected nations
That guy whose name I have forgotten: Berlusdoggi, Binisconi, Berlamafia or something of that sound, created a huge TV-conglomeration with the profits of his mafia bosses. The government of this Craxi-State assisted him getting all rights for broadcasting, with the goal to increase the stupidity of the whole population
The relevance of Iran Contra
The penetration in hard targets, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and after 1949, China - that did not happen. In the fifties and sixties, at the height of the post-colonial period, the CIA turned its attention to Latin America and that's where they had success because those targets are so soft, the societies are so corrupt, and the guys in the security agencies lined up - believe me - and said, sign me up! It's a good payday
Who is the threat to Middle East security?
Iran is the western whipping boy but is Teheran the main threat or the excuse? Iran is ruled by a lunatic who used to be a terrorist - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or so the western media would have us believe. Saddam Hussein posed an immediate threat to the USA and its neighbours, because he had Weapons of Mass Destruction which could be deployed within 45 minutes, or so the western media and governments would have had us believe
Why the United States will attack Iran in 2006
The master plan of the United States is to control the oil in the Middle East. Only two countries stood in the way of that plan: Iraq and Iran. Iraq has been neutralized and will remain impotent for the next decade because of civil war. Iran alone now stands in the way of the U.S. master plan. But before proceeding with this line of argument, let's take a side trip
Condoleezza Rice believes USA may invade Iran because of its 'salami tactics'
The USA has destroyed its potential anti-Iranian allies: Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. If the USA ventures to go on another crusade against Iran, the initiative will have no support either in or outside the States
Iran poses threat to dominance of the US dollar
This week began with the opening of the international oil exchange in Iran. The intrigue of the situation is accentuated by the fact that trading will take place in euros. Alarmists and antiglobalists from all countries have rushed to describe this as yet another sentence against the hegemony of the dollar and the USA.
The standoff over Iran's nuclear program nears the peak
Aside from the desire to control the regions rich in hydrocarbon reserves, there is a psychological motive behind the U.S. actions. Despite today's assurances and speculations, the U.S. brass will never forget a wound inflicted to the nation's pride by a humiliating defeat in the hostage crises at the end of the 1970s
USA's idealism threatens the world
On Thursday the White House published a 49 page paper, "National Security Strategy". The current NSS in contrast to that of 2002 pays less attention to a doctrine of preventative strikes. However, this of course does not mean that the American administration is intending to call them off. "If it is necessary, we will take preventative measures before we are attacked, even if there is some doubt regarding the date and place where the enemy attacks will take place."
Russia: friend or foe of the USA?
As the G8 Summit in Saint Petersburg draws closer, people are saying more often that the leaders of western countries must consider their position towards Russia. People accuse the Russian government of authoritarianism, oppressing the opposition and limiting the freedom of the press. In recent times there has been criticism of Russia's law about NGOs and their role in the energy crisis.
Young people all over the world protest against ideals of capitalism
The son of my old friend is a pretty successful young man. He is a co-owner of a computer software company. His office is in the center of the city. He recently bought an apartment, got married, and begot a child. He usually spends his vacations abroad. All of a sudden, his life began to falter. He used to love his work. Now it is a bore. Money is a drag. The man is in his early thirties, and he recently developed a passion for music. He takes piano lessons. He can realize that he will hardly make a Vladimir Horowitz. But his heart seems to defy his mind. His heart is out on a quest. France is a good example of today's youth that is unwilling to be happy with the blessings of the world of capitalism.
It is not ethnic Arabs from the poor suburbs who took to the streets this spring. This time it was the university students, mostly boys and girls from the well-off middle class. What exactly set the bomb off?
Russians develop massive consumption instinct steadily
Russian people start spending their money with pleasure after many years of financial difficulties
Russians have been developing their consumption instinct lately. Russian people tend to do pleasurable shopping nowadays, although it used to be characterized with daily needs only before. Two regions, which accumulate about 50 percent of the global population - Asia and Central/Eastern Europe - are becoming the driving force of the global economy. Most active consumers reside in China, India, Turkey, Vietnam, Russia, Romania and Bulgaria
What does it mean to be a Russian?
Can you tell me why we are still so keen to prove to the whole world that a Russian cucumber is thicker and longer than a French gherkin? Nowadays one can hear shouts echoing through the desolate quarters: "Russia is for Russians!" Where do these shouts coming from? Do they come from some pimple-faced teens stupefied by Nazi propaganda? Are they heard in the speeches of sleazy politicians who want to capitalize on the subject? Both within and outside the prison walls propaganda was relentlessly driving the ideas of supremacy into the hearts and minds of the Soviet citizens
Russia's Federal Security Service closes down Pravda.Ru's Russian version over Danish caricatures
The visitors of Pravda.Ru website have been deprived of a possibility to access the website and its materials today. The main Russian version of the Pravda.Ru portal has been closed today. The message, which appears on the blank white page, says that the site has been closed down pursuant to the requirement from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Chairman of Pravda.Ru Board of Directors, Vadim Gorshenin, said that the office of Pravda.Ru received an email from masterhost Internet provider on Thursday morning. The company particularly informed Pravda.Ru about a letter which they had received from the Federal Security Service of Russia. The letter said that the provider should take measures to remove several materials from the Pravda.Ru website, particularly those stirring up religious strife.
Sky is the limit for the USA's national debt
The USA's National Debt Clock can't keep up with Bush's spending
The USA's national debt is increasing by $2.43 billion everyday. People expect the state debt to top the ten trillion dollar mark in the next few years. A special huge electronic display in New York which shows in real time the size of state debt will not be able to cope with such a high figure. In 1989 the national debt clock was placed in Times Square so that Americans could see how effectively their government was working. At the time the national debt stood at 2.7 trillion dollars.