most disturbing alien invasion dream


Jedi Master
i was watching part 3 of the series of videos by laura on differential diagnosis on my couch with my ipad and doze off at some point. it was around 8 pm and I had this dream below. Warning: It is long!

I seemed to be at work (environment surroundings seemed to be in flux) when it was announced on tv that alien contact has been achieved and a huge spaceship would come down to the lower atmosphere for humans to see (shades of V-the teleseries).

After a few days (or months? seemed to happen instantaneously), increasingly the aliens seemed to take more and more overt control of the governing structure of human society and the humans were powerless to stop them. After a point, the humans lost almost total control and the aliens were running the show, with presidents and prime ministers being mere figureheads and puppets.

Now this is where things get really weird. There is this feeling of dread and danger and starts to arise from this point, slowly but surely as the signs of control and total dominance increase. I never see the actual aliens in the dream (probably increasing the fear, but always picture a huge, matte black, saucer shaped craft sort of like an hovering over some major word capital, with a very malevolent intent and aura that emanates every sort of like an that image is shown.

Anyway, I was at work one day (in the dream ofcourse), and I realized that all humans were being 'invited' (that was the gorge orwell term used, but it really meant forced) by the aliens individually to have a personal discussion with them on the space ship. So my boss was telling me about this at work, and after a few days it was his turn to go. A colleague of mine and I eagerly waited for him to come back (or see if he ever came back) to see what he had to say. When he came back, he said that the aliens spoke to him telepathically, and forewarned him that his wife would soon be his number one enemy and he would have to disown her immediately if he was to be part of this 'new world order'. He seemed puzzled by the news and couldn't really fathom what it was all about. As he was telling me this, I got the picture of a totally dominated slave state where aliens were at the top of the pyramid and used the humans as slaves (for what exactly I couldn't figure out), with the politicians and police being useful enforcers. I also got the picture of a resistant force, a band of people that lived outside of this structure and were always hunted by the aliens and their cohorts. His wife seemed to be a nurse of some sort that tended to their battle wounds, with him being strictly inside of the alien system of control. It seemed as if the aliens were giving him a glimpse of the future and asking him to choose.

This was the point of realization - the aliens knew what was coming and were brainwashing individual humans today!!! It seemed we had reached a point of no return and it was now or never. It was time to run. As my turn was approaching to have a face to face 'discussion' with the aliens, I ran for my life out of the building.

Gathered all my near and dear ones, and we literally started running aimlesslely out into the countryside. In the back of my mind, the evil alien mother-ship that was also clairvoyant seemed to recognize this was plotting to capture/neutralize me. It immediately 'erased' my digital existence and all my official documents were no longer valid - credit cards, passports etc.

Meanwhile, we were still running and reached some sort of hypermarket (think Wall-mart or Tesco). From here, everything became more and more surreal. The store owner was kind enough to let us take whatever we wanted, but seemed quite nonchalant of the dangers that humans were facing. I was in total flight or fight more and literally ordered each person in my rag tag band to gather a specific type of resource - fuel, utilities, food (and i specifically said dried meats and saturated fats like cream lol) etc.

The atmosphere was intense at this time, to the point of we being in imminent danger of being captured. I was literally looking around every 10 seconds trying to see if anyone was coming for us. To be captured in my mind seemed to mean being turned into a slave, forever unable of having independent thought and becoming a drone basically.

I enquired with the store owner the safest place to retire for the night and a route outside the city. As soon as he gave us one, we took our supplies and headed out, as the sun was setting in the backdrop.

Then I woke up. The feeling of dread was still very much there for about half and hour. Rushed to type this when it is still fresh.

Briefly analyzing this dream, a couple of things stand out. I seemed to be aware in the dream of the alien control of society via psychopaths, and overt alien control had happened as a 'level 2' after that. For some reasons the aliens wanted total overt control, because they wanted the humans to do something - not sure what. Reminds me of those Nephilim slave labor stories.

I had this feeling in the dream that I had seen the signs all along but never really cared to prepare - in every way. And when it happened, it was a feeling of helplessness, but also of frustration of having ignored warning signs. Specifically, of not having stored enough food on time for any type of emergency, and not having a safe place to go that is far outside the city.

If you're read so far, you have a lot of patience - thank you :)
Any thoughts or comments?
Hi Moksha,

That sounds like it was a heavy duty dream. There were a few things that stood out to me, so hopefully this helps.

moksha said:
i was watching part 3 of the series of videos by laura on differential diagnosis on my couch with my ipad and doze off at some point. it was around 8 pm and I had this dream below. Warning: It is long!

I seemed to be at work (environment surroundings seemed to be in flux) when it was announced on tv that alien contact has been achieved and a huge spaceship would come down to the lower atmosphere for humans to see (shades of V-the teleseries).

I've watched a bit of part 3 just now and Laura is talking about psychic attachments which could potentially be seen as an invasion from something foreign which could have been represented by aliens coming down and starting to take over the planet (the body).

moksha said:
I had this feeling in the dream that I had seen the signs all along but never really cared to prepare - in every way. And when it happened, it was a feeling of helplessness, but also of frustration of having ignored warning signs. Specifically, of not having stored enough food on time for any type of emergency, and not having a safe place to go that is far outside the city.

If you're read so far, you have a lot of patience - thank you :)
Any thoughts or comments?

This theme might represent some fears that you are having. Because the alien invasion dream is pretty indicative of what's already happening on the planet, it's just psychopaths have taken on that invasion role and people are already slaves, for the most part. So you might be starting to feel that you haven't done enough IRT preparing yourself for this and where it might eventually lead.

Maybe getting more actively involved in helping yourself and helping others, and becoming more active on the forum like you did by posting this dream might help alleviate some of this by taking an active role in doing your part to help prevent having this happen as a possible future? It could also be that the comforts or ease of your life (assuming things go relatively smooth for you) are causing you to be complacent in preparing for the future and working in the present?
That was a pretty interesting dream, moksha. While I haven't watched Part 3 of the Knowledge and Being video yet (I'll probably watch it tomorrow), I agree with Turgon about certain fears you might have being represented in the dream and that participating more / networking / contributing to the discussions on the forum could help you moving away from fears and doing necessary things like preparing for other reasons (away from a fear-based motivation). FWIW.
Thanks guys, I think you both are right on many fronts. For what it's worth, I do feel that I can do a lot more than I'm doing now. Thanks for listening!

PS: Sorry about the late reply, work keeps me really busy sometimes.

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