Most horrifying Dream I've ever Had!

luke wilson

The Living Force
Last night I had the most horrifying, gruesome dream in my life.

I have no idea what it means but am hoping I could get some help in understanding it.

Due to the graphic nature of the dream, I quickly forgot the dialogue of the dream, but not the images.

It started in an office. There were 2 army workers there. One was a woman and one was a man. The woman seemed to be the superior and the man was there taking notes as she spoke. The conversation panned out that she said some things and the man extrapolated from what she said and connected some dots and the gist of it is that he found out something he shouldnt have.

The lady immediately knew this but she didnt say anything, she acted like everything was normal.

Anyways, the meeting ends and the man stands up to leave. At this point, the lady sends out a signal or message that the guy needs to be killed because he knows to much. A sniper responds and says he'll do the job. The door out the office had a smallish square window at the centre where you could look out and as you approached the door there were some windows by the wall aswell.

The funny thing is that the man immediately knew that he was a target and went straight to the door but didnt show his face through the window so the sniper didnt know where he was. However, on seeing this the lady got abit agitated like, 'how does he know?'. Anyways, the man very calmly turns and looks at the lady who is still sat down and then takes one step back so his head is right infront of the window that's on the door. He kind of smiles and the next thing, I heard a shot. It took like 2 seconds after the sound of the shot before a bullet came flying through the window and right into the man's head and exiting on the other side. This is graphic, you see all the blood and stuff and he immediately falls to the ground.

At this point am thinking, omg he is dead but he gets to his knees and starts to crawl towards the lady holding his hand out. He gets some distance into the room and kneels down on both knees, then the lady comes over and they share some words. Next thing I know she goes and gets a baseball bat and comes over to the guy and starts bashing his head with the bat. I could actually see his skull caving in on itself like a soda can being stepped on as she bashed it ruthlessly. Then she proceeds to tear off what's left of his face from his head with her bare hands. I could see the flesh and the most horrfying thing is that he wasnt dead yet. He lay there and tried to mumble some words from his bloody, disfigured, faceless head.

At this point I woke up in horror.

I have never had a dream like this before and I dont know where the hell it came from. I wasnt even a character in it. All I was, was something in the room just watching as all this unfolded.. I still cant get the image of him, willfully stepping back into the door knowing what was going to happen out of my head. At no point did he put up a fight which has left me baffled.
I wonder if this reflects some past life experience that requires processing? And is it reflecting the fact that you don't want to know too much because you might get your head blown off? And/or does it reflect some program in you toward women; that they are like the woman in the dream - don't reveal yourself or this will happen to you?
Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the length of my reply.

You could be right on all counts.

Laura said:
I wonder if this reflects some past life experience that requires processing?

This could be true and after I woke up I immediately thought of doing EE but the audio version is still offline - I dont have a hard copy. I have a love/hate relationship with the programme so I havent been doing it for acouple of weeks because I wanted to let some emotions process themselves at there own pace. Usually what happens, at the beginning, during the pipe breathing section, the section that is meant to calm one down, I feel this undefinable anger towards me. It took me awhile to figure exactly what it was but I have pinned it down to anger towards myself which makes me unable to continue. So I skipped that section and go straight to the other sections which are relaxing and I dont really experience much except calm.

Laura said:
And is it reflecting the fact that you don't want to know too much because you might get your head blown off?

Well this could be true aswell but I dont know why it would express itself in such graphic fashion. I have bigger fears in life than this and none has ever shown itself in such a way before. Also, I dont really think I could get to a point of knowing to much for such drastic action to be taken against me, this has been one of the issues that I have been dealing with, especially after reviewing the material the site has to offer plus the new stuff, stuff that I really even havent began to look at, I have been feeling almost a sense of defeat, that between actually getting the material, reading and understanding it and then letting it absorb to a level of realisation is something that seems light years away, so eventhough this reason might be true, I think it's unlikely.

Laura said:
And/or does it reflect some program in you toward women; that they are like the woman in the dream - don't reveal yourself or this will happen to you?

Well, this to me seems the most likely situation atleast if I take into account the things going on in my life plus what I feel about myself and my position in life. I was reading the thread, caricature of love yesterday and in a way it made me acknowledge problems that I have that I really dont know how to deal with because they are abit beyond me. Recently I started this thread _ which was basically me talking 'girl' problems. In a way it's more than girl problems, it's a problem about expression and 'sexual energy.' I wouldnt say this is a healthy part of my life. Infact I could say, since I have kind of been working on other parts of myself, it has slowly been moving down to being the most unhealthy part of my life relative to the rest, OSIT.

Anyways, to cut a long story short, sexual energy is something that no one can escape, it comes and attacks us and I really havent ever figured out a way to use it in a healthy way and of late there has been like an 'upsurge' which really wasnt there before and if anything has brought this issue to my attention. I think some other centres might be stealing it because I notice underneath the current there are feelings of frustration and anger be it subtly hidden that it took me actually reading and processing the information on the thread 'caricature of love' to acknowledge it to myself without more lies. It's really an ugly thing and I dont like looking at it, how something that is meant to be beautiful can turn to be so ugly.

Usually in my dreams, this frustration, anger, sense of defeat reflects itself with me being ignored or rendered invisible by the object of my affection/projection. This reflects real life because I feel exactly the same feelings I feel in real life in the dream so it's easy to connect the dots and know the source of the particular dream. However, they have never been violent and I have always been in the dreams as a character eventhough I never got to interact with the person in question thus feeling invisible and ignored.

In this dream however, I am almost like air, not there in body and I didnt know any of the characters and there was no sense of sex or anything related to that. What makes me think that this might have been a violent explosion of this however, is the dynamic between the man and the woman. Where she was superior than him and where she literally destroyed him in the most gruesome violent way possible, with such ruthlessness that it staggers the imagination. Also I could somehow relate with his sense of willingness victimhood of not putting up a fight and pretty much being pathetic in his own death/demise eventhough he never actually got to die...

About me revealing myself to a girl? Well, if truth be told, I have learnt lessons, they might be that I interpretted them wrong but I have learnt this is not a good idea and in a way, I think what happened to this man is what happens , metaphorically speaking if you do reveal yourself(ones non-perfection) without taking into account that we actually live in a place ruled by the law of the jungle. However in this dream, the man didnt reveal anything, it was the woman who revealed something that the man happened to figure out thus she took action against him. I dont know how this is connected.

Anyways, thanks for the reply and I think it's time I got back to doing EE. If anything this dream has been a wake up call on that front.
Hi luke wilson

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

And, from a Fourth Way perspective,
Approaching Infinity said:
… Basically, in the deepest (i.e. normal) sleep, there are no dreams. Most dreams are left over energy from one or several of the centers, and the dream content reflects this. Vaysse lists three normal kinds of dreams: associative (reactive/mechanical), compensatory (emotional), and symbolic (higher emotional). (Also telepathic, prophetic, etc.)

So … it's important to know if the dream is actually symbolic and not either of the former options. And even then, your higher self will speak in symbols specific for you, ...

To help you in your dream interpretation – of what is subjective, unique to you, and whether you recognize the images or not (and they are in you and pertain to you; they are aspects arising in your-self) - here are some questions to ask your-self. They may help, or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know army worker (do for both woman and man), what is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ to be like?

What is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ like in your dream? What is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ doing in your dream?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’?

Ask similar questions about ‘sniper’.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

What does the ‘bullet’ mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

What is the ‘bullet’ like in your dream? How do you feel about it?

Does ‘bullet’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Ask similar questions about ‘baseball bat’, and ‘soda can’.

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern – living = daily living; bed = private, tranquillity, sex, refreshment, etc; basement/attic = concerns or values, unconscious, forgotten, rejected

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.

Also, Laura has a good point, or two :), my initial thoughts on reading your post inclined towards the former.

Your reply post was made whilst I made this post. :)
Thanks Trevrizent...

I think I know what area of my life this is referring to after having followed your guideline especially one part of it:

What is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ like in your dream? What is ‘army worker (do for both woman and man)’ doing in your dream?

There is only 1 person who I know who fits that description. First time I saw her and other subsequent times, I always used to think to myself, 'omg she looks like she could easily be in the army.' Not only the way she dressed at times, also the way she kept her hair and her general attitude as a person. However, it was only silent whispers to the self. That is the 1st image or thought that came to my mind in those instances. No other person in my life fits the description.

Rooms suggest areas of concern – living = daily living;

So this is basically telling me, since everything took place in that room, this dream is somehow a metaphor of my interaction with her. Great! I suppose that makes me the faceless guy getting his head bashed in by a baseball bat!

Suppose my interpretation is right, what do I do? Ok, so clearly what's going on is not a healthy thing, especially from my point of view(1stly got a bullet to the brain, then a bat to the head before having my face ripped out).... Maybe the characters werent people I know so that I wouldnt identify with them and develop subjective judgements, instead what was meant was an objective view of the situation from a neutral perspective which was basically, eyes in the room. What is the subconscious trying to say here?

I have been distancing myself from the person in question. Interactions are down to a minimum and usually just involve, Hi. However, physical distancing doesnt equal emotional distancing so how does one achieve that? Emotional distancing that is. I really want my freedom and right now it appears to me that she has the keys that will open this flippin cage I find myself in or the keys are somehow connected to her and I hate not knowing what to do. On a scale of 1 to 100 on frustration, I am sitting on 200!!! Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh..... :headbash:
luke wilson said:
So this is basically telling me, since everything took place in that room, this dream is somehow a metaphor of my interaction with her. Great! I suppose that makes me the faceless guy getting his head bashed in by a baseball bat!

Could it be that these people in the dream (both the man and the woman) are parts of you? Your view of all women, or perhaps your own feminine nature.....and your view of all men, or perhaps your own masculine nature??

Could the sniper also be part of yourself??

I think all three people where 'you'.

Interestingly, I think you answered the interpretation of your own dream in the following sentences.....

luke wilson said:
Anyways, to cut a long story short, sexual energy is something that no one can escape, it comes and attacks us and I really havent ever figured out a way to use it in a healthy way and of late there has been like an 'upsurge' which really wasnt there before and if anything has brought this issue to my attention.

The keys hear being 'no escape' and 'attack'. Can you read the above and apply it to the following part of your dream?
luke wilson said:
Anyways, the meeting ends and the man stands up to leave. At this point, the lady sends out a signal or message that the guy needs to be killed because he knows to much. A sniper responds and says he'll do the job. The door out the office had a smallish square window at the centre where you could look out and as you approached the door there were some windows by the wall aswell.

The funny thing is that the man immediately knew that he was a target and went straight to the door but didnt show his face through the window so the sniper didnt know where he was. However, on seeing this the lady got abit agitated like, 'how does he know?'. Anyways, the man very calmly turns and looks at the lady who is still sat down and then takes one step back so his head is right infront of the window that's on the door. He kind of smiles and the next thing, I heard a shot. It took like 2 seconds after the sound of the shot before a bullet came flying through the window and right into the man's head and exiting on the other side. This is graphic, you see all the blood and stuff and he immediately falls to the ground.

The parts I've highlighted are the emotional interactions (that I can see) one level it could simply be the dynamics of one part of your essence causing reactions in another part.....when someone smiles like the guy did (I can see the smile in my head, and have seen it in real life) it suggests 'game playing'...i.e. manipulation to induce a responce/feeding.

Your last reply has a lot of emotional seems you are stuck in some sort of negative self sustaining feedback loop. The best way to break this is pipe breathing.

luke wilson said:
I think some other centres might be stealing it because I notice underneath the current there are feelings of frustration and anger be it subtly hidden that it took me actually reading and processing the information on the thread 'caricature of love' to acknowledge it to myself without more lies. It's really an ugly thing and I dont like looking at it, how something that is meant to be beautiful can turn to be so ugly.

This may well explain (on several levels) why the dream was so graphic (the use of sexual energy super charging the emotional...thus visual content of the dream) ugly.

I have been distancing myself from the person in question. Interactions are down to a minimum and usually just involve, Hi. However, physical distancing doesnt equal emotional distancing so how does one achieve that? Emotional distancing that is. I really want my freedom and right now it appears to me that she has the keys that will open this flippin cage I find myself in or the keys are somehow connected to her and I hate not knowing what to do. On a scale of 1 to 100 on frustration, I am sitting on 200!!! Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh..... :headbash:

I think you are projecting your emotions onto external people here (in order to self calm the supercharged emotional feedback loop)...just as you became identified with the dream through its supercharged imagery.

Now....what to do and what to interpret from the dream?
The 'female' (creative/motherly/nurturing) part of you is seen as 'pathological' (destructive/controlling)...the 'male' side of you is seem as a victim, but he chose to spite the feminine through his actions....he chose to be destroyed (the smile on his face)...this is manipulation ('look what you've done to me!'), a passive aggressive attack.
This back and forth or parts of yourself seems to sum up the elements of your mental feedback loop.

Misinterpretation of creative (sexual/sensual?) part of self as destructive/controlling.
Trigger of 'predators mind' (sniper) through this misinterpretation of self.
Detection of something 'wrong'...misinterpretation of what is actually 'wrong'.
Proof you are a victim (right) through allowed destruction of 'self' (you allow the 'sniper' to 'shoot you in the head' [intellectual self attack]).....thus reinforcing the original misinterpretation.
Reaching out to the other half of yourself (the crawling across the floor with the hand out)....only to have your 'head bashed in' (beat yourself up intellectually from the position of the other 'self').

Does this fit?

If so, I would suggest the problem is how you view your own sexual/sensual self....
First ask how you view yourself....then flip it on its head and see what happens if you take this interpretation as false.

The best way to usurp part of yourself is to reject it as strongly as possible. fwiw
Omg, thanks RedFox. Your post has been enlightening.

There is one detail I missed in my description which I thought was irrelevant and would only discolour the dream but after reading your post, I realise it's now relevant.

It is to do with this:

Anyways, the meeting ends and the man stands up to leave. At this point, the lady sends out a signal or message that the guy needs to be killed because he knows to much. A sniper responds and says he'll do the job. The door out the office had a smallish square window at the centre where you could look out and as you approached the door there were some windows by the wall aswell.

The funny thing is that the man immediately knew that he was a target and went straight to the door but didnt show his face through the window so the sniper didnt know where he was. However, on seeing this the lady got abit agitated like, 'how does he know?'. Anyways, the man very calmly turns and looks at the lady who is still sat down and then takes one step back so his head is right infront of the window that's on the door. He kind of smiles and the next thing, I heard a shot. It took like 2 seconds after the sound of the shot before a bullet came flying through the window and right into the man's head and exiting on the other side. This is graphic, you see all the blood and stuff and he immediately falls to the ground.

All 3 characters involved, including me, the 4th person who wasnt really a person had ear pieces. The lady signaled the sniper using her ear piece and microphone attached to this. The man heard the lady do this through his ear piece and heard the sniper confirm the request through his ear piece aswell. I heard all this aswell. So it could be that, the sniper, the woman, the man and me(the eyes) are all part of my self and what I was seeing was infact some dynamic taking place within me as you have said.

OMG! That was complicated, how did you come up with that? I was ready to just blame someone else and be done with it. The clue should have been that the 3 main characters were connected by the ear piece and thus in a way always knew the communication taking place between the others.

RedFox said:
Misinterpretation of creative (sexual/sensual?) part of self as destructive/controlling.
Trigger of 'predators mind' (sniper) through this misinterpretation of self.
Detection of something 'wrong'...misinterpretation of what is actually 'wrong'.
Proof you are a victim (right) through allowed destruction of 'self' (you allow the 'sniper' to 'shoot you in the head' [intellectual self attack]).....thus reinforcing the original misinterpretation.
Reaching out to the other half of yourself (the crawling across the floor with the hand out)....only to have your 'head bashed in' (beat yourself up intellectually from the position of the other 'self').

Does this fit?

Well, I cant argue against it. Alot of food for thought. This dream was way to complicated.

It could also be that my view of women in real life reflects my view of my own feminine/creative aspect. Because I do see women in real life as I saw the woman in the dream!! I see myself as the man and life itself, the experiences we go through as the sniper.

Redfox said:
it seems you are stuck in some sort of negative self sustaining feedback loop.

That is my work if I had to put it in a single sentence. My ultimate aim. To break that loop.
I would say that what you really need to do is wait and watch and see what develops in your dream time. Do nothing until everything is absolutely clear.
It has been acouple of days since I had this dream and I have followed the recommendations which is to see what happens in subsequent dreams... I have been watching best I can, trying to remember best I can which is usually hard except for stand out events

Ok, something weird is happening atleast in the dreams I have had since. Weird in the sense that, I seem to be transfering my life, my real life into my dreams to such an extent that 2 nights ago I had this dream that sucked me in so much that when I got up, I literally had a jolt like, 'Omg, that wasnt real?.' I have never had anything that felt so real. This is what happened, I have problems to go to sleep. Like it feels hard to engage sleep but when I fall asleep, I FALL ASLEEP and I get up in the morning and it is like, I've been hit by a truck. So I get up the first time and it is literally exhausting so I usually stay in bed for like an hour to relax...

This transfering my life into my dream thing is really getting weird, like last night, I was in a supermarket, in my dream and I put my card into the machine and actually typed in my real PIN - i got it wrong the first time because the machine was like 'incorrect pin' then I stood there for awhile and I remember watching everyone wait for me but I didnt experience any emotions that caused me to hurry, I took my time, re-typed the PIN and it was right(My real life PIN), it is like I can remember easy my real life or aspects of it in my dream. 3 nights ago, I was talking with the girl who I mentioned before in this thread and I told her something she had stuck on her facebook page(we were like on a date or something) on the previous day and I remembered in the dream and thought, that is weird. Night before that, I was in a parking lot with 7 other people and we were playing a trick on this other person we supposedly knew by doing stuff to his 'aston martin' which for some weird reason I knew costed £72000. And I said, omg, you know if we damage his car that will be £9000 each. I did a calculation in my head, whilst I was sleeping, just like that... This stuff is NEW! Never before in my dreams have I somehow had access to my normal everyday brain and never before in my dreams can I like, self-observe myself and think, hmm, this is weird... Maybe it's this Leo thing the Cs were on about?? The weird thing about this dreams though, is that they arent staged in this world. Like another thing I remember from last night, I was in London and the East End and no way was that London but the place was called the East End which was part of a bigger city. They are staged in a world just like this, with people and cities and small towns even snow but it isnt this one... However, I should mention that I dont have any control in the dreams, so it isnt lucid dreaming. It is like, the way I act or interact or react to things is automatic like I am missing this concept of the 'SELF,' the 'I'. In real life, you always have this concept of the 'I' so you work to it but in the dreams it is weird in that it is missing so it is abit of a different dynamic.. The clincher for me though is that acouple of days ago, I dreamt I was like an animal, actually a bunch of the other people were like animals and we were being chased but the animal that was chasing us was FAST and terrifying and I knew that I had to get to a bridge and JUMP. Couldnt get to the bridge on time because he was just to fast so as soon as he was about to pounce on my back, I changed back into a human and like kicked him or something as he was coming down on me after jumping in the air which sent him flying backwards, then changed back into this animal and ran and jumped over the bridge then at some point some guy was like, they track you using magnetic lines or something like that... Couple of days later on SOTT i read this article on FOXes using magnetic lines to track there prey.... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD!

Does any of this sound normal or make sense?? Do you guys experience dreams that somehow seem to evolve over time?? This is bad especially after that Loughner thing with his yapping about conscience dreaming something that I for one had never heard of before until the events last weekend... Weird that, am experiencing something like that just after all this stuff is in the news...
I've thought about this hard and this may sound just bizarre.

But it kind of feels that I am waking up, in a different place eventhough I am not asleep in that place and seem to have a 'life' there and everytime that happens, I get this 'JOLT' of, 'this is weird' if not downright terrifying, it's like a self-realisation... Like my mind of here collides with that reality and I get a jolt, a shock of realisation that I called, self observation(maybe the wrong word) where I notice something about myself and that specific moment. It is like a parallel universe where things are similar but definately not the same... Or maybe our world is modelled on another one somewhere out there...
I think you've embarked on an interesting adventure... funny what key turns in the lock, eh? You just have to keep trying different things until you get some action.
Hi Luke,

I read your dream with interest and can identify with your feelings on the horrfic nature that you experianced. I think, we have all experianced unsettling dreams, at one time or another. In my experiance, the more unsettling and convoluted the dream sequence, the harder it is "to dismiss" the experiance. The general feeling, is that there's a hidden message that needs to be deciphered, whether personal or general. Either way, the experiance "has gotten your attention!" It's hard to dismiss it because there's something inside of you that needs to make some kind of sense - to it.

You have received some really good replies and advice to help you in your quest. I would like to share my impression "of your dream" by quoting some of your remarks and adding comment - after it.

'It started in an office. There were 2 army workers there. One was a woman and one was a man. The woman seemed to be the superior and the man was there taking notes as she spoke."

*** I sense the office as a confined space with the referance to "army" meaning a regimented "ground force." The woman as superior seems to denote - a nurturing quality to aurthority (not nessarily a woman figure but what would be expected from a caring Mother - a protector.). I feel, the "man" represents "humanity as a whole." Man and woman acting as opposite forces - dual concept. "Man taking notes as she spoke" meaning Humanity takes orders from a separate Authority - not self regulating.

"The conversation panned out that she said some things and the man extrapolated from what she said and connected some dots and the gist of it is that he found out something he shouldnt have."

*** The man (humanity) broke through "the veil of illusion" posturated in front of him.

"The lady immediately knew this but she didnt say anything, she acted like everything was normal."

*** The false illusion needs to be maintained and re-inforced, even during a breach.

"Anyways, the meeting ends and the man stands up to leave. At this point, the lady sends out a signal or message that the guy needs to be killed because he knows to much. A sniper responds and says he'll do the job."

*** I sense, the phrase "the man stands up" refers to "Truth being acknowledged by Humanity" and covert/overt negative measures instrumented by a hidden force behind the "Authority figure" which is opposite of nuturning. As is the nature of psychopaths, someone else does the dirty work.

"The door out the office had a smallish square window at the centre where you could look out and as you approached the door there were some windows by the wall aswell."

*** My impression is that the "smallish square window at the center" reflects limited exposure to outside needs (of other's) - even though in a position to acquire that information (additional windows near the door.)

"The funny thing is that the man immediately knew that he was a target and went straight to the door However, on seeing this the lady got abit agitated ...."

*** Humanity is willing to open the door - to expose the Truth - while adverse aurhority tries to hide it.

"Anyways, the man very calmly turns and looks at the lady who is still sat down and then takes one step back so his head is right infront of the window that's on the door. "

*** The man (Humanity) in a non-violent way (calm) will address and confront - the adversity of the Authority (lady who is still sat down)

"He kind of smiles and the next thing, I heard a shot. ....... a bullet came flying through the window and right into the man's head and exiting on the other side....... and he immediately falls to the ground."

*** Many of Humanity will stand in the light of the window (Truth) and fall to the ground.

"At this point am thinking, omg he is dead but he gets to his knees and starts to crawl towards the lady holding his hand out. He gets some distance into the room and kneels down on both knees, then the lady comes over and they share some words. Next thing I know she goes and gets a baseball bat and comes over to the guy and starts bashing his head with the bat."

*** When one falls (baseball bat)- another will take his/her place to expose the Truth. Words will be ineffective (they share some words,)

" I could see the flesh and the most horrfying thing is that he wasnt dead yet. He lay there and tried to mumble some words from his bloody, disfigured, faceless head." "I still cant get the image of him, willfully stepping back into the door knowing what was going to happen out of my head. At no point did he put up a fight which has left me baffled." (Luke, are you still "baffled?")
Hey angelburst29

That was a really good interpretation. The beauty of a network like this, you get to see things from lots of different angles.

angelburst29 said:
Luke, are you still "baffled?"

In a way yes and in a way no. Yes in that, there is no concrete way I can know exactly what the dream means. Just the nature of dreams. It could be that dreams offer objective truths but we interpret them subjectively and try and make the images conform to our subjective realities or it could be that dreams are just another form of illusion that has little or no truth in them but just reflect our illusion back at us. I personally think the former is the truth and not the latter. I say this because, I dont think dreams are images per se, I have got the impression lately that we dream interms of pure impressions or energy and we try and match the impressions or energy we perceive in our dreams into images that are familiar to us, that is where the subjectivity comes into play and maybe the symbolism, where what we see, the image, is symbolic and closest thing we have in our subjective existance at representing that impression or energy in the dream. For example, if it is a nurturing feminine kind of energy, you could perceive it as let us say ones mother, or something like that, if ones mother was nurturing and caring...

And No I am no longer baffled in that, I have learnt so much from this thread about this particular dream that I am really satisfied with what I have got.
luke wilson said:
The beauty of a network like this, you get to see things from lots of different angles.

angelburst29 said:
Luke, are you still "baffled?"

In a way yes and in a way no. Yes in that, there is no concrete way I can know exactly what the dream means. Just the nature of dreams. It could be that dreams offer objective truths but we interpret them subjectively and try and make the images conform to our subjective realities or it could be that dreams are just another form of illusion that has little or no truth in them but just reflect our illusion back at us. I personally think the former is the truth and not the latter. I say this because, I dont think dreams are images per se, I have got the impression lately that we dream interms of pure impressions or energy and we try and match the impressions or energy we perceive in our dreams into images that are familiar to us, that is where the subjectivity comes into play and maybe the symbolism, where what we see, the image, is symbolic and closest thing we have in our subjective existance at representing that impression or energy in the dream. For example, if it is a nurturing feminine kind of energy, you could perceive it as let us say ones mother, or something like that, if ones mother was nurturing and caring...

And No I am no longer baffled in that, I have learnt so much from this thread about this particular dream that I am really satisfied with what I have got.

Awesome description of ways to look at dreams! I sense a completion of some kind, as if the dreams, your descriptions and the feedback has resulted in a most satisfying end of some lesson or something. Way to network!
Hi Luke,

My interpretation of your dream was basically a general impression, on my part and could relate to "a collective conscienceness of archetypes" in a World-view scenerio, for we all get bombarded with external stimuli on a daily basis. We live in such a fast pace world of schedules, work, home and entertainment at our finger tips, add to it - responsibilities and obligations - to family and friends and once in awhile, to ourselves, if we can fit it in. How the mind processes all this - is questionable - given the highly emotional impact it all creates on a daily basis. I think, the mind processes what it needs to and "cleans house" of residue not applicable. It might be, that sometimes. we become aware of the cleaning process (upon waking) picking up bits and pieces of random thought. The lucid semi-dream state doesn't make any logical sense nor what is discerned in the content, threating in any way, so we usually dismiss it. On the opposite end, it's dreams with vivid content, emotionally impacted with preceived degrees of possible harm - that gets our attention.

It's not often I remember any dreams but on those rare occassions, when I virtually find myself in a dreamscape and the content is highly charged and convoluted, I have learned to take note of it. Not so much in the literal sense but how it may apply to my personal life in terms of addressing buried issues or "something put off" to a more appropreated time (which I had forgotten about.) I have often wondered, if some dreams are like an internal alarm clock? Appearing at a moment, when a situation needs to be addressed, via as in discernment or as an opportunity "to do."

Then there's the single isolated dream and those that come in clusters, one building upon the other. Within recent months. it's been the "cluster dreams" that have kept me awake. As problemic as they may seem, deciphering them - a challenge but growth has no bounds in learning towards knowledge. The benefits are endless - once you grasp a better understanding - of the concepts of working within yourself to solve problems and going forward. It is an adventure, of sorts and the ride, much like a rollercoaster.

In getting back to my first general impression of your dream, Luke, the contents mimic what might reflect a more general view of Humanity's present ordeal Subservient to a governing body (who represents us and our interests as a whole) who have hidden agenda's which don't benefit humanity or it's well being. To the blind, those who have eye's but don't see, the governing body is an adorning caretaker, to be worshiped and not questioned, no matter what the personal consequences may entail. Those that see through the veil are silenced or worse. Horrfic scenes of death are a common by-product of the elimination process. But "Truth" will not be silenced - so another will step in it's place. In time, an awaken and aware group will form and expand. It will be a "peaceful revolt" done in such a creative way, as to preserve "life - which is sacred to our species." Remember, Humanity holds the Creative Spark of Divinity, where as, the degenerating psychopathic populance can only mimic or destroy. They carry their own "self-destruct button" through greed and wanting to be the only one on top of the pyrmind. (If they eliminate all on the bottom and get rid of competition through in-fighting, who's left - to serve them?)

Although, some dreams may reflect a universal theme, I sense they still hold a personal message in their over-all content. I think, Laura brought up an important question, "I wonder if this reflects some past life experience that requires processing?"

You're responce, "This could be true and after I woke up I immediately thought of doing EE but ...but.. BUT ... I have a love/hate relationship with the programme I havent been doing it for acouple of weeks because .. because ... BECAUSE... I wanted to let some emotions process themselves at there own pace. Usually what happens, at the beginning, during the pipe breathing section, the section that is (meant to calm one down,) I feel this undefinable anger towards me. It took me awhile to figure exactly what it was but I have pinned it down to anger towards myself which makes me unable to continue. So I skipped that section and go straight to the other sections which are relaxing and I dont really experience much except calm."

Perhaps, "anger towards oneself" is pointing to an area that needs to be addressed and processed. I feel you were given a clue, by the immediate thought of doing EE? Sometimes, it's harder "in initating the path" and jumping over that first hurdle, then progressing forward, once a successful attempt has been made. After the fact and looking back, you might wonder "why" you hadn't taken the step sooner, for the benefits gained in self knowledge - far out weigh the initual fear.

To be continued on next post.....

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