Motorists drove around dead body on road


Padawan Learner
In an area that is drowned with death and violence the toll this is taking on the people of the area is becoming apparent.
article in above link said:
"Israelis have a reputation for rushing to the scene of accidents or Palestinian bombings to help victims, and the apparent apathy shown in Yisraeli's case touched off a public debate over whether Israeli society has become uncaring."
This is incredibly sick and completely in line with their acceptance of the Palestinian genocide. It appears most Israeli's are only concerned about their neighbors if it furthers the Zionist cause. So even in instances of 'Palestinian Bombings' the suffering can be seen as a mask - there is not genuine pain over the loss of life but it is a pain that can be used to manipulate others. If they were to acknowledge genuine pain that might open up emotions which might allow them to see Palestinians as people too. They can't have that now can they.

If you go to the link you can see a traffic video that captured the whole incident.
I saw the video. It's just unbelievable that for a full 2 minutes nobody does anything, people just keep on driving by. Very very sad that it has come to this.

On the other hand, isn't this typical human behaviour? I mean if somebody was drowing and a crowd gathered to see what was going on, nobody would jump in, while if only one person was to see what was wrong he/she would immediately try to save the drowing man. Wonder what would have happened if it wasn't such a crowded intersection...
Yeah, it's a major shock to say the least. This incident sparked very heated debate, probably because Israelis know that everything is rotten inside. I hope that lot of them were forced to face this realization and to decide to do something about it.

I don't watch TV or listen to radio beside music, but I heard from someone else that one of the police officers who was in the area and approached the body, said on the radio that media has overreacted. He said that the biker was crushed by the truck and his guts were all over the road (something that we didn't see in the video) and that it was obvious to everyone who passed by that this man was beyond hope.
I have no idea if it is true, and even if it is true - personally I find nothing wrong with showing Israelis ugly nature in such a harsh way. The more, the merrier.
Maybe they will have a very good look at themselves.
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