Movie/Documentary "Alien Spiritual Deception" by Elliot Laurence Kramer

I happened upon this video (_ yesterday via FB postings and comments. I thought I would post the video here to perhaps share some thoughts concerning this video and its producer, E.L. Kramer. My initial thoughts concerning this video were that this author/producer is definitely onto "something" such as hyper-dimensional "activity" and separating truth from lies (illusions), but he does not touch upon and/or flesh out the topics of psychopathy, STO and STS, or Being and non-being.
Robin said:
I happened upon this video (_ yesterday via FB postings and comments. I thought I would post the video here to perhaps share some thoughts concerning this video and its producer, E.L. Kramer. My initial thoughts concerning this video were that this author/producer is definitely onto "something" such as hyper-dimensional "activity" and separating truth from lies (illusions), but he does not touch upon and/or flesh out the topics of psychopathy, STO and STS, or Being and non-being.
Yes, without bolded and especially underlined what have You? A start maybe? Maybe so, but IMO not even a good one, not in a long stretch.
Without knowledge of psychopathy and therefore ponerology it's very hard or even impossible to come the conclusion that work (and what kind) on the self is imperative.
clerck de bonk said:
Yes, without bolded and especially underlined what have You? A start maybe? Maybe so, but IMO not even a good one, not in a long stretch.
Without knowledge of psychopathy and therefore ponerology it's very hard or even impossible to come the conclusion that work (and what kind) on the self is imperative.

Upon a second viewing of the video and a bit of digging around today, I have to agree with you clerck de bonk -- this video is not even a "good" start if it considerably lacks the knowledge of psychopathy and ponerology.

In the video, E.L. Kramer puts forth the hypothesis that we are "lab rats" or subjects within an experiment and the experimenters are higher dimensional entities. Concerning the topic of psychopathy, E.L. Kramer touches upon it (at around the 23:10 mark in the video) with the question: "What about evil in the world?" He then gives the answer (paraphrased here):

"At the level of the rats it appears like evil, but from the dimension of the experimenters it could be purely an experiment to see how we will respond."

Further into the video he talks about those who "use conscious power for material and sexual advantage over others" and how these people/gurus are the greatest tool of the experimenters/controllers. He never uses the terms "psychopath", "psychopathy" or "ponerology" within the video, yet comes to the conclusion similar to the Work (4th Way) -- that we must realize that we are "organic stimulus response machines"; we must learn about our mechanical habits and choices if "we are ever to begin to be set free". Based on the comment made by clerck de bonk:

Without knowledge of psychopathy and therefore ponerology it's very hard or even impossible to come the conclusion that work (and what kind) on the self is imperative.

It can be deduced that E.L. Kramer may have come to a realistic or DO-able conclusion, but did so without much basis. In other words, E.L. Kramer lacked a scientific methodology or missed the integral steps needed to arrive at his conclusion. IMHO, the "map" of his belief/idea system severely lacks direction or the necessary steps/elements that are needed to arrive at a proper "destination" or conclusion.

Other "issues" with the video and E.L.Kramer's belief/idea system: 1) E.L. Kramer also uses the term "dimension" to denote a "higher intelligence existing in a higher dimension" throughout the video which shows a lack of discipline and a touch of "new age" thought. Dimension refers to the different configurations of a space or an alternate reality -- both concepts are found within the Cassiopaea material (_ However, E.L. Kramer states in his video that the experimenters/controllers are of a "higher intelligence", therefore the term "density" (_ would have been a more exacting term, because "density" refers to a qualitative level of development or Being; 2) He touches on networking, but never really fleshes the topic out to understand what he means by "a collective". Does he mean a Borg-like collective where we all think and function as one or does he mean an esoteric collective/network where individuals contribute to the whole?; and 3) He refers to "The Work/4th Way" but does not state it as such nor does he direct the viewer to any material other than his own. In the end, the viewer is left with nothing substantial other than E.L. Kramer's opinions/beliefs/ideas with no outside backing/sources which is not indicative or typical of someone who claims to have a PhD..

Now onto what I found out about E.L. Kramer. To start, he uses four different names online:

1. Elliot Laurence Kramer _ and _

2. Elliot Laurence _

3. Elliot Kramer (Architect) _

4. Elliot Laurence Ph.D. _

On his "blogspot" he gives this description about himself:



My background has been as an Architect, Designer, Inventor, Musician, Writer, Artist, Actor, Director and Teacher. In addition to a conventional education, I have studied Eastern and Western philosophies and psychology.

I won numerous architectural design awards, have worked in the corporate world planning large complex projects, redesigning the Items Processing System for the Bank Of America, a 1,500-acre destination resort, concepts for the interiors of two major casinos in Las Vegas and hundreds of homes.

I have produced commercials and directed an improvisational theater, written and performed music for a nationally syndicated radio show, given workshops for the Las Vegas Screen Actors Guild Members.

In 1992 I received an Educator of the Year award for my teaching methods at the Academy Of Art College in San Francisco. I am presently a keynote speaker for many Civic organizations, Corporations, Graduation ceremonies, Conference Panelist and Stand-up Comedian.

On Amazon there is this description:

About the Author

Elliot Laurence is dedicated to the advancement of human psychological achievement, through balance of both our given senses and ones that can be developed. In 1974, after he and others searched the world for schools of higher knowledge, its founder Elliot Laurence finally discovered some hidden esoteric Ideas. He spent 39 years practicing what he has learned, the first three years of which living in a secluded retreat, just studying and applying its principals. He has also studied, Buddhism, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Sufism, Gnostics, Kaballa, Esoteric Christianity, the Egyptian Book of The Dead, the Tibetan Book Of the Dead, The Dhammapada, Lao Tsu, Iching and many others practices and rituals. Since that time, he has traveled through Europe and the United States sharing these ideas to a select few who were also committed to personal conscious enlightenment. Now through the wonders of the internet it is possible to introduce these ideas to a greater population.

Also on Amazon there is this insightful review of E.L. Kramer's book, "Why Anything Anyway: The Unified Theory of Conscious Enlightenment":

1.0 out of 5 stars

Author is a self-entitled Pratt September 10, 2010

By Maeven

This review is on the author specifically, not his book. If I could give him zero stars, I would.

I run a Mystery School where I train students in shamanism and psychic development for a year and a day. I have devoted students and a set curriculum of material to cover. They know me and have been working with me for 6 months, learning how to harness and develop their own natural skills. I have already proven myself by my actions and these people trust me. They come to train with me specifically because of my skills, and they have been doing so regularly for some time, which says a lot about my dedication to their growth and their dedication to their path. Obviously, I am authentic and they are getting a lot out of training with me. I do not abuse my role as teacher for flagrant self-promotion even though I have a practice in what I do. The focus always stays on their life, training and growth.

Laurence just attempted to hijack my school, take over my classes, and use my students and mailing list as tools for his book promotions. I refused him membership explaining that the school is for students serious about study, and it is not to be used for anyone's book promotions. His response was that he's not selling used cars, so why do I have a problem with it?

I emailed him a second and final time citing the application questions and his responses to them. He failed to even acknowledge the topics or material the questionnaire asked about. Instead, all of his answers to the application questions were links to his books and YouTube videos (which don't even address the questions and are not relevant to them). He showed a complete disregard and lack of respect for an already existing school with a teacher, curriculum and students. He had zero interest in what was going on in the school or what we are doing there, and all of his focus was on himself and promoting his books. I suggested he try local book stores that host author events, that he consider starting his own MeetUp group if he feels inspired to teach, and that he use normal channels for book promotions. At this point I told him I was done speaking to him about this and blocked his email address.

He then used a different account to email me again, claiming that I was being controlling of my classes (huh? They are MY classes--I'm the teacher!) and have a fear of letting another view point other than my own be heard. (His books aren't even directly about shamanism, magick or psychic development, despite his belief that he is an esoteric guru--so they aren't even relevant.) He then proceeded to tell me that I'm not a very spiritually developed person for not allowing him access to my school, students and email list, and that I would only be a wise teacher if I allowed myself to learn from him, too.

I cannot even BEGIN to say how outrageous, immature, and spiritually underdeveloped this man is. He acts like a diva and expects everyone to treat him like one. The only reason I'm writing this review is because I, too, am in the field of spiritual enhancement, and am concerned about the effects this man's lack of morals (as one who touts himself as a spiritual expert) might have on others sincerely seeking spiritual development. He exhibited nothing but emotionally retarded, narcissistic, self-entitled prattish behavior with me. He clearly does not walk his talk, respect any one other than himself, or even pay attention to what's going on in the conversation. I am shocked that he writes about "common sense", "tools to get past disagreements", "accepting criticism", "teamwork" and "stretching one's mind," as he exhibited none of these even once in any of our interactions. Plus, he didn't seem to understand the very general metaphysical terminology used in the application he filled out for my school.

In truth, he is soliciting MeetUp groups to create a book tour. It has nothing to do with joining a community, learning or mutually sharing with others. The graceful way to do it would be to ask first and get permission to speak at an event or solicit someone's school. Approaching with a self-entitled attitude that condescends everyone else and insults the school's founder is not the right way. I strongly encourage prospective readers to judge authors on their ability to effectively demonstrate what they preach. Are they writing to share authentic experience, or to justify the story they built up around their ego?

Remember the saying about opinions...everyone has one? Putting one's opinion in a book doesn't make him or her an expert or a guru. If he really were properly trained and spiritually enlightened, he would have been respectful and appropriate when dealing with me. For true seekers, be aware that this man is nothing like what he spouts in real life. Just because he thinks he's a diva, doesn't mean anyone else is compelled to agree.

E.L. Kramer also uploads videos on YouTube as "comicdisorder" _ Based on his "Religious Views" under his "About" section on FB (_ "don't believe anything, but verify everything." I am beginning to think, perhaps from his vantage point, that the joke is on anyone who believes in his belief/idea system without verifying how he arrived at his conclusions. In other words, this non-action of any potential "follower/adherent" produces "comic disorder" which then induces "comic relief" for E.L. Kramer.

For me, this author, producer, architect, Ph.D., comic, etc., is starting smell a bit like COINTELPRO in that he appears to "use conscious power for ... advantage over others"/disseminate lies sprinkled with a bit of Truth, or it may be simply that he is "tool", i.e. a "useful idiot" of the "highly intelligent" experimenters/controllers he describes in his video.

IMHO, "Elliot Laurence Kramer", "Elliot Laurence", "Elliot Kramer", or "Elliot Laurence Ph.D." is someone to "keep an eye on" as he disseminates his "spiritual" belief or idea system online or elsewhere.
Look at what happened today on Facebook:

A friend took a screen shot (don't know how to display it in this thread) of his wall post:

Here's the "discussion" I had with him, which he's referring to:
About the Author

Elliot Laurence is dedicated to the advancement of human psychological achievement, through balance of both our given senses and ones that can be developed. In 1974, after he and others searched the world for schools of higher knowledge, its founder Elliot Laurence finally discovered some hidden esoteric Ideas. He spent 39 years practicing what he has learned, the first three years of which living in a secluded retreat, just studying and applying its principals. He has also studied, Buddhism, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Sufism, Gnostics, Kaballa, Esoteric Christianity, the Egyptian Book of The Dead, the Tibetan Book Of the Dead, The Dhammapada, Lao Tsu, Iching and many others practices and rituals. Since that time, he has traveled through Europe and the United States sharing these ideas to a select few who were also committed to personal conscious enlightenment. Now through the wonders of the internet it is possible to introduce these ideas to a greater population.

Hmm.. 39 years of studies doesn't give him the ability to see the elephant infront of the eyes as elephant. He is seriously invested in zionism thing consciouly/unconsciously.
I was able to "record" only part of the discussion that was held on Elliot Laurence Kramer's personal timeline a few hours ago. Kramer deleted or hid the post before I could "record" the rest --

Elliot Laurence Kramer's original post 08/28/12:

"NOTICE: I have unfriended Bernhard Guenther due to his spreading of anti-Semitic propaganda. If you agree with his inflammatory agenda, please fee free to unfriend me."

J. T.: To what are you referring? I am curious as to what specifically made you come to this conclusion...

Elliot Laurence Kramer: This all started by him calling the president of Israel a bigot, based on some convoluted interpretation of something he said. Then I looked back to see how biased he was towards the Palestinians and how his constant commentary is about how Israel is an aggressor and is slaughtering the Palestinians and how it is all about a Zionist plot. Although I feel that Israel has made some mistakes and possibly over reacted to something, which I don't know for sure cause I wasn't there, The Palestinians have sworn to the annihilation if Israel. So how would you respond if you were constantly attracted? Secondly the Islamic practitioners (Not necessarily the pure religion it's self0 are against free thought free speech and especially against the emaciation of women. When that way of life is defended, I have no patience for it. Also, Palestinian schools teach children from an early age to hate Jews and have no intention for peace. Personally trying to make anything holy on either side is a waste of time, but fair is fair. Israel didn't originally pick this fight.

Elliot Laurence Kramer: Benhard is posting all kinds of biased videos about this subject. I tell you this: if you as a women decide to take any side on this and choose the Palestinians, you are cutting your own freedom in the long run.

V. K.: Elliot... I do think you should try to be more objective about this...and look at the video's done by people who are experiencing it.. I too have Jewish blood but that does not allow me to condone what the Militant Israelis and Zionist are doing to the Palestinians..And this is really no reflection on Jewish people in General... Certainly not...!!! I abhor war and genocide of any kind.. ..Something is going wrong in Israel and in our own Country... and I find it frightening and off-balanced.. Please find out more on this subject.. and be open to finding the truth about the situation...It is tragic as so many prejudices and hatreds seem to be consuming this planet all corners

Elliot Laurence Kramer: I am not condoning over reaction of the Israelis, but the prejudice of Bernard

J. T.: I still am unclear from your comments where Bernhard is being prejudice?
You say you have no dog in this fight between Israel and Palestine but it seems as though you avidly defend Israel...

Elliot Laurence Kramer: I defend fair balance. If you go back and read other thing he has posted on this subject you will see his prejudice.
I don't have the time to elucidate all of the examples, but do some research for yourself.

V. K.: I do not think personally that Bernhard is prejudice ... cannot make a judgement call on that... It is important for me to allow my very diversified facebook friends to be who they are... .For Instance....My son and I have different views politically and other things..... and as a non-voter I am very irreverent.. we all have our preferences and dislikes..and things we are passionate about..... and so be it.

H. B.: Elliot: Perhaps your argument be better phrased as "spreading biased, anti-Zionist propaganda", instead of anti-semitic propaganda? Doesn't sound like he has a problem with Jewish people, per se, at all.

On a personal note, it seems to me that throwing away a friendship (and flaming him on your profile) over one disagreement seems EVEN MORE intolerant than the Israelis & Palestinians. If you can't be tolerant of someone with whom you don't agree over something that you have NO direct involvement in, then what does that say about our ability to embrace and overcome our differences, and be empowered by our divergent points of view to explore and rationally discuss them?

All this talk and no reason...

Elliot Laurence Kramer: to each his own, go knock yourself out. You will see his precipice and hate for Jews eventually

Elliot Laurence Kramer: I think he does have a veiled problem with Jews and it will eventually come out in the wash.

J. T.: Elliot: I think your perception of Bernhard is largely a projection. It seems as though perhaps you are Jewish and maybe have experienced intolerance in your life because of it and are therefor very sensitive when it comes to this topic. Understandably so. But just because someone is critical of the Israeli / Zionist government, does not mean they hate Jewish people. I know Bernhard personally and can say without doubt that he is not a racist person in any way shape or form.

I had a gut feeling about this guy over the weekend, hence the previous post, but I did not think E.L. Kramer would be this quick to show his "true colors". The "separating the wheat from the chaff" or the cosmic "house cleaning"/division is happening faster than I thought!! :scared:
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