Moving "star", then is stationary


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I wanted to post this a while ago, but kept reminding myself of the event, which was particularly important to me; so I should be able to recall it accurately.

This was back in March, around the time where Jupiter (?) and Venus (?) were supposed to be very close to eachother. My loving cat of about 20 years had passed that day. My mom, sister, and I went to give some food to some cats that roam the neighborhood.

On the walk back I spotted a light above us that was about as bright as Venus and it seemed to be moving towards the Orion constellation in an arc, meaning it seemed to be very far away. It looked like a moving star to me. I mentioned something about it, but my family didn't hear me and kept walking. When we got to our house, the object stopped and stayed in the same position a little bit above the Orion constellation.

I mentioned to my sister that the star up there seemed to have moved to that location. And we stared at it for a minute and it stayed still. The walk to my house was only a two minute walk. And I had kept my eye on it as we walked and it started almost right above, and ended at about the 10 o'clock positon, so it moved a little less that 90 degrees.

I was thinking whether it could be a helicopter, but I never see them stay still. And it was evening, but there was still a decent amount of light. The day was a little emotional for me because I lost a fellow friend. So I wanted to believe it was some kind of sign or something "supernatural". But nevertheless, I thought I'd post about it. I've never seen a UFO, and this event was ambiguous enough that I don't know if I did seen one.
I am for sure in that you're not the only one to witness such events this year, check out this thread for some similar stories in the same time period. :)

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