MSM coverage of Psycopathy

Hi folks,
I saw a segment of a Saturday morning CBS news program today that surprised me a little. You may want to cover it on SoTT.

Though I watch very little TV anymore (thank to you guys!) I was at my parents house and I saw the teaser, so watched it. The news program is mostly crap and fluff, and this segment was way too short and a bit "fluffy" also, but I was a little surprised to see it aired.

The guest they had seemed, to me at least, a little too "lightweight" for the seriousness of the subject, but they did mention the book "Snakes in Suits", and some hard numbers on the percentage of psychopathic bosses and business leaders.

My web skills are not yet developed enough (working on that) to find, copy and paste the segment up here...I looked around a little, but I think it was too fresh, and wasn't posted yet.

If you folks are allowed to use it, maybe someone on the SoTT team that is more experienced at these tasks than I (that's probably everybody!)..could post it as a video/article?

I think this is a good example of how all the hard work that you folks have been doing to raise awareness on this subject is finally getting out there.....kudos to Laura, the SoTT team, and all others involved. :D

The big question that remains is weather this info will help to wake up more of the "sleepers" here inside the fence....or if the media bosses will kill further reporting on this subject, and make sure it gets tossed in the overflowing dustbin of the 24 hr news cycle.
Thanks, Dave
Hi beherenow,

You're right, the psychopath meme has been hitting the mainstream lately. SOTT has carried some articles from CNN and the Guardian in the UK recently, among others. I've also noticed, like you, that some tend to make light of the topic or make it seem less prevalent than it likely is, but on the whole it is encouraging to see the subject being put out there.

One benefit to this that I have noticed is that it makes this topic more acceptable as something to discuss with people in general. I've been surprised at how readily people are willing to accept the idea and think about it.
Hi Venusian, Thanks, and your right also. I didn't' want to get long-winded in my post, but I had thought of mentioning that I noticed the same thing. Two years ago, if I brought up this subject in conversation, it seemed to be about a 70/30 split, with the 30 concurring with the info, and the 70 giving me that "look" you get when bring up some of the other things that are so freely discussed and analyzed on this wonderful forum.

I too have noticed an increase in the acceptance of this meme.

This is one of the subjects that caused me to keep coming here and want to participate. Your methods and dauntless research (on all subjects) also helped me to understand "the horror of the situation", and to further explore, and understand, some of the very things that I once thought were "crazy ideas".

Your psychopathy research really brought together, and clarified, something I had already figured out before I got here. Experience with being the target for bullying in my youth, combined with having many different "bosses".....( almost 30 different jobs, from the age of 14 to 42)..had made me aware that there was a small percentage of people, who in many cases, rise to positions of power and "authority", that just did not "function" with the same morality as most people.

I had grokked that there was something "missing" for them. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you..." was just a platitude and nothing more. No mirror neurons whatsoever.

At that time I was not aware of the research that was already being done in the field. I was just an honest country boy trying to find a job that I could tolerate, where I wasn't lied to and manipulated....which became a much more daunting task than I ever anticipated!

I should admit here that some of my job woes were due to my own thick-headedness and emotional reactions. Though the emotional reaction was almost always just, due to my intolerance for being lied too, I really should have come to the realization much sooner about the "way things are", and to not have had such good faith in employers promises.

I guess some things you just have to learn the hard way. I think that's why it just cracks me up every time the C's say.."Learning is FUN!" :lol:
Keep up the good work,

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