On this page http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures023.htm there is the following quote:
Emphasis mine.
Now my question is why is there info that they keep from the public? Can anyone more knowledgeable than me justify this?
I dont like it that there are some people that keep knowledge that affects all of us to themselves, but perhaps there is a good reason.
Terry was pretty excited about the C's "take" on the alien abduction issues because it had been an area in which he had invested a goodly amount of time in hard research and where he had access to materials through MUFON that were not ordinarily available to the average person. He knew that something was going on because the C's seemed to "know" things that were not in the public domain.
Emphasis mine.
Now my question is why is there info that they keep from the public? Can anyone more knowledgeable than me justify this?
I dont like it that there are some people that keep knowledge that affects all of us to themselves, but perhaps there is a good reason.