Multiple Grey Alien Dreams, What?

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Deleted member 8431

I'll breifly share about my "alien encounters" during dreams. It started at the same time (that I can remember) as my big "drop down" into negativity. I'll give an interpretation after.

Curiously enough, when even younger, I've always had a great and deep fear of the "grey aliens". Whenever I'd see a picture in a book, magazine or on TV, I would feel deeply disturbed and terrified although I didn't know why. All other creatures, demons, monsters etc. never bothered me much more than the usual as a kid. The fear eventually got away but I still felt somehow "disturbed" by them, just not as scared.

When I got into the "hardcore" part of my life (emotional struggle, addictions, wishful thinking etc) I remember having this dream. I was around 18 back then. I was in my house saw UFO's and became terrified. Then, I saw this thin grey alien being looking at me emotionless and the feeling of terror was so intense I woke up and had to put on the light for the rest of the night.

No other alien dream for years although demons were common things in my dreams. Until then...

Prior to finding this website, I had a dream of invasion. Ships looked odd and like some sort of "hologram". They were coming here for invasion and I didn't feel really scared. Sort of like I knew it was coming. Just as the ships were starting to land, I was preparing but dream ended right away. Just as if my deep self was saying "not yet".

Then, at about the same time I found the website (and had gotten fully aware of the Orion Group stuff), I had my last alien dream so far (that I am aware of). I was in the house I am currently in (with uncle and aunt) and I knew aliens were coming. My uncle was by my side with a shotgun as if he wanted to protect me. Then I was carefully walking around the house, I came by the stairs and those 3-4 grey aliens were coming down looking straight at me. They were all black as if they were wearing a black leather suit. Now the amazing thing is I wasen't scared at all! Once I noticed them, they kind of stood there and gazed at me as if they were wondering why I wasen't trying to run. They finally didn't get me and I woke up feeling great about it.


You know, many theories here. The one I am contempling is the possibility that I may have been abducted. Perhaps more than once. That may be why I previously felt deeply terrorized by their sight although nothing else in the world did scare me as much, not even close (horror movies, demons, exorcist etc). That could also explain why I would always see them at the place I was living and why they were always "looking for me". The invasion dream might be methaphoric for upcoming events. Last dream, I was already well-aware of their existence (gained knowledge) and that may be why I didn't feel scared and why they didn't run for me (as far as I have seen before waking up).

I have always been very open minded to paranormal etc. since I was around 12 and always "eager" to know more about truth. That may be a reason why I may have been subject to a self-destruction program since young age. That could explain why my self-situation degraded so much despite not-so-bad living conditions (caring parents, friends etc). That may also explain why I got into various addiction problems and at one point in early 2008 summer, on the edge of commiting suicide.

Finally, note that even this interpretation is theorical for my own self. Feel free to discuss about what you think. I'm not looking for definitive anwsers here of course, just points of views in order to expand mine. I may be over-reacting to all this but beleive me, as crazy as this theory may sound, it "feels" right. It "feels" as if it contains at least a part of truth. The more I think about it, the more it does.

No matter what, the anwsers will be found one day through knowledge application to my everyday life.


Just forgot to mention that at the age of 12, when I got fully interested in the paranormal etc, is also the year when my father's new girlfriend moved with us andin regards to her, that's when my emotional situation got deeply messed up. And following that, 6 years after (when I turned 18) is when I moved from this house and fell down into the mosh pit.

Coincidence? Maby... or maby not...

Felt it was important to note. There is clearly a pattern here although I can only speculate about the "big picture" here.

Interesting read, thank you for sharing it. I have a friend who is terrified by the sight of elephants, although I am not sure why. I'm not a psychology major (more like a psychology minor), but there's a chance your 'deep-rooted' aversion of 'grey aliens' is a response to your subconscious 'eagerness' to search for extra-terrestrial life.

However, I think it's positive to reflect on your own 'dream encounters' (lacking a better term) in this way and within this forum. Especially since trying to explain the phenomenon in the first place seems quite difficult. It may lead you to some very valuable insights about your own personality. Knowledge protects, and the more you know, the less you have to be anxious about. That's the only advice I can offer.

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