Murder Dream


A Disturbance in the Force
Hello all!

I had this dream quite a while back, but I have still been wondering what it meant.

It began with me in my normal school classroom, but it seemed to be night time. My classmates (although I did not notice any faces) and I were all seated and apparently listening to the teacher. Suddenly, I notice that there is fire outside our classroom and for some reason, I have the feeling that we were locked in the room to protect us from some kind of danger outside. Soon after, I see a man with a gun outside the classroom shooting madly around as well as into our classroom.

The scene then changes to after the "attack" although it is day time now. We are all released to go home, so I go outside to the school car park where I meet my sister who also just came out of her own class. Together, we find our parents and they drive us home.

We reach a very futuristic-looking but small, glass house. My sister and I go up the steps and into separate study rooms where we begin to do our homework, while my parents continue talking outside. Even more futuristic-like, I realise that we have a family robot which appears very human. I feel very comfortable with 'his' presence, as if I have known him for a long time. Reaching a part of homework I do not understand, I call over the robot for help. He begins to explain it to me, but when I still do not understand, he gets very angry. Starting to feel scared, I try to get away. However, he corners me into another darker room with no windows, and pulls out a baseball bat. He raises the bat and at this point I feel like I know that this 'robot' was the same person as the man shooting at the school. Just before the bat comes crashing down on my head, I wake up, terrified.

I think this was all that happened. I also noticed that no one, including myself actually talks in this dream. I just seemed to "know" what everyone was saying.

So, any suggestions as to what my dream means?
That does sound a bit terrifying. Whenever I have strange dreams I go here _ to see if I can make some sense 'em. Usually I can find some correlation with things I've had on my mind and the symbols in the dream, even though I had no prior knowledge of the symbology, very interesting how that happens... Just pick something from the dream and look it up in the dictionary like the robot or even the baseball bat. Try looking up anything you feel may be important, even "abstract" things like murder and death, lots of info at that site. House and home would be a good one to look up too... Hope that helps :) and welcome to the site :D
Hey halfling,

I'm not great at dream interpretation, but usually dreams regarding a house or dwelling/structure have to do with the self (the house many times may be a representation of the person having the dream).

Perhaps there is something in your life that scares or worries you?
halfling said:
I had this dream quite a while back, but I have still been wondering what it meant.

Greetings halfling,

Your dream does indeed seemed to be a bit unnerving for you. I am reminded of what John Van Auken wrote in his essay, "River of Dreams," where he said "...the subconscious [mind] gets our attention: exaggerated activities and shocking imagery will do more to get our attention than sweetly whisper instructions..." The imagery in your dream seemed to be enough just to shock you out of it in order to remember it and "might" act as a reminder for you in some way, so to speak.

Your dream can be depended on the conditions of what was going on with you (emotionally, physically/health, mentally, etc.) in life. So naturally, I would ask the same question as truth seeker did: something that scares/worries you in life.

My other question would be who is or whom (or maybe even the situation itself) in your life that you might be having a trouble "understanding," "listening," and "frustrated" with or "scared" to face? No one is "talking" in your dream (even though you "know" what they were saying), which, along with other keywords, indicated major "communication" issues of sort that you might be experiencing in certain situation(s) before the occurrence of your dream. I've also noticed a "lesson" symbolism was involved in both settings, so... Something that you were afraid to face and decided to "lock" yourself from it? That lesson itself is "danger" to you?

Anyway, thought I'd throw these possibilities out there, judging from what you wrote on your dream, but I can be off. :)

For what its worth.

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