Murdered 3 times


The Living Force
Hi everyone. I had this dream on the 26th IIRC. It was totally nuts.

The dream starts in a cottage type room with a group of young people around a table, perhaps a communal living situation. I became lucid and realized I was dreaming. I looked at the group and asked "are you guys just parts of myself?". As usual for lucid dreams, once you are aware others in the dream just seem to go full autopilot mechanical and not do anything interesting. They behaved as if they weren't concerned about my question at all. After a pause, one of them calmly said "no", shook his head without a hint of uncertainty or concern. I was watching with intense interest, and was apprehensive of his answer. I said "I think the truth is more interesting". I was thinking more about his answer and what I would have considered the correct answer, how they are both probably not entirely correct.

I turned and found myself in the kitchen with a lady smiling at me serenely. Then she pulled out a big knife and attacked me with a demented smile. At this point I did something that I have not yet done in a lucid dream. I recognized that I was in a dream and could not be hurt. So I did block her attack but my intention was to stop the drama. I only succeeded in waking up, the feeling of not fearing the illusion stayed with me and I quickly fell back asleep.

Then I was walking through a cavern type area, perhaps an exhibit or tourist attraction of some sort. I was lucid, but decided I wanted to explore rather than try to ask people questions, as I rarely get much of a response. I walked into another part of the cave where a man pulled out a small knife and attacked me. This dream I am not entirely sure about, the details are more fuzzy. It ended there.

Next I am in a place similar to my room. "voldemort" bursts in, grabs me by the neck and pins me down on the bed. I'm shocked, but I still know it's only a dream. Based on experience I didn't know how to change what is happening, so I just pretty much let it happen, giving a sort of internal sigh as I felt the knife go in the left side of my neck, then the right side, and the warm stuff come out. "Voldemort" in this case, had curly blonde locks.

After this I was in my room working on something, there was another lady with me working at her desk. A cat got in the room and nearly killed me. So we spent the last of the dream barricading the hole in the door so the cat wouldn't get in again.

The way this dream was going I almost expect in my next dream to meet the Architect, where we have a short, interesting conversation, then he pulls out a knife and kills me. I had the feeling that getting attacked was somehow related to being lucid and what I did at the beginning. And I also feel somehow that the following attacks occurred because of how I responded to the first attack.

I guess this is sort of a theme in my recent dreams. In one of my earlier dreams I asked my mother if she was going to tell me I was dreaming. She displayed a feeling of defeat and veiled exasperation in her body language as she was facing away from me, and she said "yes", but I knew the answer was no. Maybe that is unreasonable to ask of her anyways.
I suspect that there is an interconnected realm where we go when we sleep/dream. It sounds crazy, but from some of my own experiences I'm beginning to sense the existence of a hierarchy or society that specializes in removing 'lucid' players from suggested realm.

I've been having this same issue myself. It's to the point now where I just wake up the moment I'm 'discovered' as I find the longer I fight it and try to stay the more terrible the experience.

I remember a recent dream where I was being asked to do something I didn't want to and I stood up for myself and became aware I was dreaming, that was where the antagonist suddenly started choking me and shaking me. I knew as he was doing it that he wanted me to wake out of the dream. I wanted to make the others lucid and he knew it. This 'force' usually succeeds.

Then there are dreams where I'm lucid temporarily and then fall back into the hypnosis of the realm.

It sounds crazy.
Sometimes when I think about these things I am struck with the feeling of extreme vindictive sadism emanating from behind a curtain somewhere. Some of my past dreams have been so unbelievably bizarre and shocking that I can't see how they could have been intended to convey a useful message. One thing I know for sure is that I should never, ever let direct moonlight touch me while I sleep!
Hi All

Lucid Dream- means during the sleep You are awake, like in this state of mind that we have when we don't sleep. There is one thing that when we are awake while sleeping so we create this world. Important is to control Our dreams, before dreams starts to control Us.. One of the way to learn control our dreams is to see our hands in the dream. Greetings
I don't know whether it is really a good thing to try to "control" the dream. But I do wonder if there is a purpose to "waking up" inside one.
biala84 said:
Hi All

Lucid Dream- means during the sleep You are awake, like in this state of mind that we have when we don't sleep. There is one thing that when we are awake while sleeping so we create this world. Important is to control Our dreams, before dreams starts to control Us.. One of the way to learn control our dreams is to see our hands in the dream. Greetings

I've never 'controlled' a dream. To me, a lucid dream is when I control myself and am consciously aware of who I am.

Something in me detests the notion of controlling the external circumstances surrounding me in the dream. It's as if I'm being prevented from incurring any new experiences, any new lessons.

Letting the dream unfold subconsciously, outside of my awareness, allows for unique, soul expanding experiences.

I find people miss the point about what being lucid really means when it comes to having dreams.
Don't get me wrong!!!!! Is only to read world by world and use a little bit of your imagination.... Lucid dream is rather the name using by New age... That's why i try to explain what is lucid dream, because even You know that is exist, but then the new age age try to make You fall a sleep again.
Voldemort with curly blond locks is funny :)
It is interesting that everytime you have been murdered in the dreams, you were stabbed with a knife. One possibility would be that at some level, there is an anxiety related to the fact of being betrayed, that despite being in control of what you do, you have no control over what other might do. Being stabbed with a knife means that this hypothetical other is close enough, at least within reach, to inflict damage. It's a personal interaction, in contrast to an impersonal interaction like being shot with a long range weapon. OSIT
It did feel personal, in the sense that maybe I got in their way trying to do something and it seems I became a target. That matches the feeling in the dream I think. The first lady did seem totally nuts but I still got the sense it was brought on by something. In the dream the attacks were too sudden to even begin to think of what that may have been.
Maybe that's the point (again, it's speculation), that there are uncontrollable elements in the environment (like mad people when otherwise we are "lucid" and in control) that are unpredictable. I've had my share of killings in my dreams by all means imaginable (and often it hurts, the downside of having realistic dreams), and for the ones with stabbing I got the sensation that it's about betrayal (sometimes they were premonitory and other times just an anxiety of not being totally safe in an unpredictable environment).

The places where it happens it also significant. For instance, a kitchen is a place of nourishment, not a battlefield or some dark alley. An attack is out of place because it is unexpected in the context of what the place represents. Same for the room, maybe a representation of an inner, personal or private space. The cave may signify something like the inner safe, the unexplored, something like what's beneath the conscious awareness (again, all speculation). Usually when there is conflict in a dream and it gets resolved, one feels better, lighter, as if an internal tension (emotional or intellectual) has been dissipated. It may take several dreams over a certain extent of time. Whether they point to an internal conflict or to an unconscious awareness of an external "threat" is difficult to ascertain but keeping both possibilities in mind is not useless IMVHO.
monotonic said:
Sometimes when I think about these things I am struck with the feeling of extreme vindictive sadism emanating from behind a curtain somewhere. Some of my past dreams have been so unbelievably bizarre and shocking that I can't see how they could have been intended to convey a useful message. One thing I know for sure is that I should never, ever let direct moonlight touch me while I sleep!

Well, I'm not so sure about moonlight. In the dreams you mentioned, knives seem to be more of a problem to you, with one exception - that very aggressive cat! Mind you, a knife may just be symbolic of a tool used to attack and 'kill' you. As an 'attack' symbol, it means up close and personal (as apposed to a gun or any other type of weapon?). So, any person who attacks you with a knife, has to get quite close to you.

The fact that you see the people yielding this weapon as less than threatening (a lady smiling serenely in the kitchen of a communal living situation and Voldemort with curly blond hair) tends to indicate maybe one of two things:

1. you're not taking any danger seriously.
2. the danger is from people you don't expect, seemingly benign or it occurs in seemingly 'safe' places.

I think that the dream maybe a warning of danger found unexpectedly.

Oh and the bit about your mother. Perhaps you think she is lying to you or trying to hide something?

At least you don't have to worry about her picking up a knife, or letting incredibly aggressive felines in the house. :shock:
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