My attempt at deciphering a dream, somewhat.

luke wilson

The Living Force
I had a bit of a weird dream. Ok, make that acouple of weird dreams last night and I cant remember most of them except for bits and pieces except the very last one before I woke up. And for that I can only remember a tiny section.

I was behind a restaurant which was acouple of storeys. I think I was with acouple of friends. I can only remember 1, who was someone I went to school with when I was like 12 and 13. That by itself is strange, dreaming about someone you knew like a decade ago who was a classmate not even really a friend per se. Anyways I think we were just playing around and there was this girl on the roof, I thought I knew her in the dream as someone I know in real life but I am not to sure now. Anyways, I went onto the roof and I remember her asking me to pick her a magazine/comic/book from the ground and take it to her - the book was called God Send. I did and then I gave it to her but for some reason she couldnt read it so she asked me to read it to her. I asked her if she had like glasses because I thought she had bad eyesight, if it was indeed the girl I know in real life but she said something like no. I cant remember really but anyways, I opened up the book and started to read and weirdly I could read it but the words werent words that I have ever seen before so I kept asking her what this meant but I didnt get an answer. Anyways, I managed to remember a word and hit up google and the whole thing is in german so I wonder if anybody can tell me what these means. I am thinking it's like someones name or something. One word in the middle of the 1st couple of sentences was ohmthall. I remember it distintly being 1 word but I have divided it up just to see what comes up on google.

Now, ohm is like a unit of electrical resistance. Thall is not really a word but google says it is, "Thall or Thal is a village of Hangu District in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan" and "a combining form meaning “young, green shoot”, used in the formation of compound words: thallium." Thall is located at 33°21'52N 70°32'52E with an altitude of 742 metres (2437 feet).

I even took out 1 l and looked for a defination of thal and it says thal is a a fictional race of humanoid aliens from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, originating on the planet Skaro and also a place in austria. "Thal (German pronunciation: [ˈtaːl]) is a small village in Austria, and a suburb of Graz. The village is about 3.2 kilometres from the edge of Graz. Most famous for being the birthplace of Arnold Schwarzenegger, it has a population of 2,138 and boasts a remarkably different and striking modern church."

Ok now I typed in "ohmthall" as I saw it in the book and this is what comes up, "Definition. Mit dem Namen Kolik (Enteralgie, Darmweh) be- zeichnet man gewöhnlich ...... Dieselbe wurde zuerst in Schweinsberg im Ohmthal (Kurhessen), ..." I clicked on the site, went to google translator and copied and pasted and this is what came up for that section that contained the word.

"Schweinberger disease. A special form of chronic
interstitial hepatitis is chronic in some ways, the
Lupinose resembling so-called pork Berger disease ('liver Koller, "" addiction ")
The same horse dar. was first in Schweinsberg in Ohmthal
(Electorate of Hesse), and later in Glon, Maisach, Roth and co-Thai (Bayern),
in the Rhine valley in Baden (Offenburg, Kehl, Achern) including 0th observed.
Here, as there is a certain type of soil
and tied to the plants growing by only in combination
sumpften, swampy, frequent floods exposed districts
as iocale, stationary enzootic and occurs probably by
a gradually on the liver and later applied to the brain
irritant substance (on the analogy of the alcohol. Lupinotoxins or phosphorus)
is generated ((^ arbaminsäure?). More specifically, but not the causes

There is a second link that comes up, but when I click on it my browser crashes so yah. The bit underneath has a section saying Das Ohmthal which means the ohmthal so I am guessing it's like a place??

Oooooook, it doesnt make sense to me but is there any other way I could have gone about doing this? Maybe coming up with a dream journal would be a good idea but my thoughts on dreams is that they are to weird to try and figure out and it's pretty hard trying to translate random images into words in a journal.... I figure dreams are just your systems way of detoxing repressed emotions and stuff primarily. Anyways, what do you guys think about this particular dream?
Well I have been messing around with the words. And apparently OHMT is like somekind of secret order for the rosicrucian. :O Well I dont know how secret it's meant to be because I found it on the net... Anyways, this is some excerpt with the bits that include the word. _

Ordo Rosæ Aureae (ORA) descends originally from the order of Peladan. The successor of Peladan, Emille Dantinne (Sar Hieronymous) reformed the CRC together with his kindreds (for instance assisted by some members of KRC), and became its new Imperator. The CRC was renamed: R+C Universitaire (9 degrees), R+C Universalis (3 degrees) and R+C Interioure (the inner order). Beyond the latter was the «Celestianl R+C» which was only reserved to a very few, notably those who attained such heights of illumination. The deputy Imperator of RCU was Francois Soetewey, and Jean Mallinger (leader of the Belgian OMM, among else) also being one of its most important members. Jules Rochat of Abbaye was made the Imperator of the inner order. Dantinne resigned from his office as early as in 1952 (He died in 1969), replaced by the former German Grand Master of AMORC, mr. Martin Erler. Again the order was submitted to reorganizing, and got the name ORA in 1956. ORA also consists of the Pythagorean Order (OHMT). Both HSL and RML of AMORC, received their Imperator Initiation (the 13th degree of R+C, slightly analogue to the LI of Martinism) from Dantinne in Europe (the current AMORC imperator, have not received such a recognition yet). RCU had been one of the participants of FUDOSI, and ever since the dissolution of the latter in 1951, ORA have been operating very quiet and in small restricted groups. They obviously does not desire great attention.

Alchemical Rose-Croix Society (originally: Association Alchimique de France) was headed by the mysterious alchemist, writer & eccentric; Francois Jollivet-Castelot. The organization seems to have been reorganized in 1896. Some of the members are well-known characters; Gerard & Philippe Encause, H.E. Lalande, Charles Barlet, Paul Sedir, M.S. DeGuaita, Tabris, etc. At a time it seems that "The Société Alchimique de France" was a section of the Faculté des Sciences Hermetiques. FJC was also involved with other orders, such as AMORC, the Martinist Order, FUDOSI, KRC, OHMT, and more. Also, it is claimed that he was the head of the Parisean body of the «Toulouse R+C». FJC even founded an organization called the 'Non-Materialist Communist Union', as an alternative to the socialistic internationals dominated by atheists. August Reichel was FJC faithfull disciple, and the former was the Grand Master of a very interesting and obscure order called the Brotherhood of the Illumined Brethren of the Rose-Croix. FJC was also the brain behind a popular occult magazine which had been in existance since 1875, named "l'Hyperchimie". Sedir was the Chief Editor and Jollivet Castelot was the manager. From 1904 to 1914, the review was published under the name of "Nouveaux horizons de la Science et de la Pensee". In 1920, it eventually became "La Rose-Croix". This periodical, which was the Rosicrucian version of «L`initiation», declared the formation of the FUDOSI in 1934, and also published the «Fama Fraternitatis» of Lewis and FJC. FJCs alchymical society does not apper to have survived him, but many of his books explaining his occult and political work still exists, though not yet in English.

Antiquus Arcanus Ordinis Rosæ Rubæ Aureæ Crucis (later: Antique Mysticusque Ordo Rosæ Crucis - AMORC) was originally founded as the American branch of the European R+C Order, between 1909-1915. The Imperator, Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, claimed an initiation into the august order in 1909, but this relation have often been questioned by the critics. However, Lewis did manage to collect different small bodies throughout Europe and melt them into the American AMORC concept, especially after the World War II. Lewis also co-operated with several individuals & orders, as OTO under Reuss, Tranker's Pansophia, and later with the old authentic orders associated in the FUDOSI. Ralph Maxwell Lewis, succeeded his father HSL as Imperator and developed AMORC into the vast organisation they are today. After his death in 1987, Gry L. Stewart succeeded him, but after a few years during his reign, it all culminated into a big-time scandale, with mutual accusations of conspiracy and corruption. After this, Stewarts counterpart, the former French Grand Master Christian Bernard, have held the office as Imperator. Another former French Grand Master, mr. Raymond Bernard (father of Christian) created an order called CIRCES, focusing on the heritage of the Templars, Pythagorean Order & Melchizedec order. I have been led to believe that the material CIRCES works with, originally derives from the OHMT and other FUDOSI affiliated orders. Extremely many occultists (many which have been involved into other order later) have been involved in AMORC during their walk on the mystical path. But also a few celebreties have held membership, such as Walt Disney and Edith Piaff.

Now I can say I have exhausted this dream for all its worth.
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