My babies have flown the nest(s)!


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Three years ago I put up a nest box hoping to get a colourful woodland bird known as a redstart to use it. This year I finally had success.


The nest box


The nest with 4 eggs eventually 6 were laid .

Of the 6 eggs 4 hatched

Only 2 chicks out of the 4 survived however

The chicks and adults will shortly be migrating to African for the winter but hopefully I'll see them in the garden again next Spring.

The handling and ringing of the chicks was done by a fully qualified ringer by the way.

Here's what an adult male redstart looks like

Earlier on in the nesting season a pair of Blue tits occupied another box. One day I happened to look out the window to see a woodpecker with a mossy nest in it's bill which it had extracted from the box. I rushed outside, startling the woodpecker which then dropped the nest. Luckily it had not yet found and eaten the eggs. I replaced the nest back inside the box and carefully returned the eggs (which were loose at the bottom of the box) to the nest. I then placed a wire mesh over the box which allowed enough access for the parent birds but would keep the woodpecker out. Eventually all the eggs hatched and all the young flew. :)

I know this could be see as interfering in the processes of nature, IE, predator and prey relationships, but I figured that I had 'invited' the birds to nest in the box and therefore had a 'duty' to protect them and their nest, osit.
Thanks for sharing your bird nesting story and beautiful photo's. It brightened me up for I had a sad experience this week. I had House Martins nesting underneath my roof and all seemed to go well, the chicks must have been a week old and then,last week we had lashing non stop heavy rain. The birds were not able to catch insects to feed the chicks.They must have died for I see no parents returning to the nest.
Wooow :D cool stuff !!
I have a hand made "bird house" outside my house too, and now birdies has a second hatching in it (this year). Also , to my great surprise , there is an old polyethylene pipe that another birds family adopted as a home - this one is literaly in my house. I am afraid to take any close photos though , to not "contaminate" their nest with human smell.
I am really enjoying the bird photos and stories. I myself am a fan of birds. One Christmas we dumped our Xmas tree on our balcony.
Some time later, maybe spring (was quite some time ago and we were really lazy!), I noticed something gleaming in the distance - a nest had been made from the tinsel in the tree by a houseproud bird family.
Patience persists treesparrow and thank you for those pictures,red start is a fantastic bird and always wished to see one,having my own garden invaded by young Sparrows who love my daughters Fat(lard) balls
shes been putting out..well actually all the birds do and the birds seem to be telling us how good Lard was all along. :D
This is house of birdies at my place :)


and thats the weirdest birds house I`ve ever seen :D old pipe that I mentioned ;)

drygol said:
and thats the weirdest birds house I`ve ever seen :D old pipe that I mentioned ;)


The bird in the pipe looks like a Tree Sparrow! :D (Compare with picture under my user name.) Though I suspect you may have already known that :). In parts of their breeding range, where there are no or fewer House Sparrows, they will occupy man-made sites. Amazing how adaptable some birds are. Thanks for the photo :).
Though I suspect you may have already known that

To be honest , I didn't know english name for this bird :D
Also I noticed similarity to your avatar just right after I read your post :D
Wow, what cool pictures, really made my day. Thank you for sharing. Love watching the birds. :)
Missed this thread earlier, thanks for sharing treesparrow - cool house, glad you had guests. :)

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