My Daughter woke up today with a Mark in her Leg


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Today My First Daughter woke up with a Mark in her Leg, I wasnt in my home since I left the last thrusday for work, she called me so scared about that mark, but I thought it was "nothing" some insect bit her maybe, I arrived an hour ago and I coud see that the mark have shape and It is like a burned or like a tatto!!

Her father gave her a "gift", a trip to Texas (flower mound) with a program from the high school, from january 6 to january 26, one of these days she said that she woke up in the middle of the night very scared her bed shaked a lot and nobody else felt that movement, after that she could not sleep again not after even this week she said.

I´ve never saw someone who have a mark so suddenly with no human hand as her mark so I would like some feedback in this situation, ( I dont know how to explain her that)


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cassandra said:
It does look very strange, but I would get it looked at by a doctor.

Yes, that would be the first thing. It would also help when you take photos of such things, to place a ruler beside the mark so that an exact measure of it is available to those who are viewing it.
That is very strange looking. Definitely get it checked out. And as Laura mentioned, how big is it?
cassandra said:
It does look very strange, but I would get it looked at by a doctor.

Ok I´ll take her today to a doctor, she woke up me about 4 am telling me that she have too much afraid and she didnt know what to do!!!! :( :cry:.... as I left the house the last thrusday I didnt know that she have been had such bad nights !!!! :cry:

Yes, that would be the first thing. It would also help when you take photos of such things, to place a ruler beside the mark so that an exact measure of it is available to those who are viewing it.

The measures are :

1,60cm long
1,00 width
I put the picture withe measures inside.


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Looks to me like some sort of filaria or subcutaneous worm. See:
Laura said:
Looks to me like some sort of filaria or subcutaneous worm. See:

This is a good place to look first, in order to find out if it could be a bite from a larva!!

The larva, after penetrating the epidermis, is unable to enter the blood or lymph streams and instead burrows just below the corium, travelling up to an inch a day. Papules mark the site of entry and advancing end of the larva, and the tunnelling causes linear, slightly elevated erythematous and serpigenous areas which itch intensely

If it is a Larva, it will make more marks during this week while his traveling.....

My Daugther doesnt have itch in the area of the mark and it is completely flat subcutaneous but totally flat.

I have gave her before EE and meditate prayer but she didnt wanted to do before, I will offer again so she can manage her afraid during the nights!

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