My dog doll became a wolf


The Force is Strong With This One
I don't know where to place this topic. I also don't like talking about this as the last time I mentioned this to someone, he looked at me and said, you're crazy, go see a doctor. I am just wondering if someone else has had this experience.

This happened around 52 years ago, I was 4 years old that time, and I remember it clearly as I have always though about it. It is was in Brussels, Belgium, my bedroom and sisters were on the top floor, the attic so to speak. There were three rooms, the attic, my sister's room and mine right in front on the staircase. One afternoon I was bored and for some reason went into the attic, however something felt 'bad' and I ran out closing the door.

That night I went to sleep as usual with my 'snowy doll' (Tintin's dog ) but something woke me up. Looking at my open bedroom door was a wolf, staring at me. It then starting pacing back and forth in front of my door. I screamed, my parents came rushing up the stairs and I told them about the wolf. They searched the attic and my sisters rooms, but found nothing and said I must have had a nightmare. However my mother picked up my 'snowy doll' that was lying in front of the attic door, telling me to not throw my things around.

Has anyone had this type of experience?
Are you saying you don't know how the snowey dog got to the other side of the room? That you don't remember throwing it?

Was it found where you saw the wolf? Or somewhere else?

Did you think that the wolf was the snowey dog when you first saw it pacing in front of your door? Or did you think that later, after your mom picked it up and returned it to you?

I can't say I've ever seen any stuffed animals become animated or transformed into something else. But I did once see a woman dressed in flowing white in my living room doorway. Just for a second though and then it vanished. So weird stuff can happen!
No, not the other side of the room, the end of the corridor. It is impossible for anyone to throw something around a corner. No this did happen, I can stlil see the wolf staring at me after all these years.
Maybe the wolf took the snowey dog and dropped it when it vanished? I don't doubt you saw the wolf, but I'm not so sure the wolf and the dog are one in the same.

Which ever the case, sometimes you just have to acknowledge something strange happened and accept that you will never have an answer as to how and why. I'm sure it was very scary for a 4 yr old. Then your mom scolded you, double ouch!

You may wish to have a look at the Cognitve Science Board for better understanding on how our brains work and how different stimuli affect our perceptions. Everything is not always as it seems, that's for sure! There are plenty of things in our universe that our limited 5 senses just can't perceive - although, once in awhile, if conditions are right, we catch a glimpse of them.

Part of what we work on here as a group, is fine tuning our "wave reading machines". Trying to do our best to increase our "receivership capability".

Learning is Fun! :read:
Hi Lilou, thanks for your response, as I mentioned this is a difficult topic for me. Maybe I 'll get my answers in the afterlife. I have also had other experiences which I will discuss in the different topics and hopefully finally get some answers.
:welcome: CW

I'm glad you found your way here and have the courage to talk about it.

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