My dreams: Dantalion


The Force is Strong With This One
Name of the dream: The Ripper

I open my eyes, and I found myself on the street in an unfamiliar city. Around me everywhere was thick fog. I look around and I saw many people walking down the street. Houses were built of brick and stone, the streets are paved with stone blocks. Men was wearing long elegant coats, hats, white shirts, walking sticks. Women all in big elaborate robes with hats.
I look at myself, polished shoes, fancy pants, shirt, jacket, long coat, gloves and hat. Again I look all around and notice that it is not present. By people's behavior, dress, environment, as well as the 19 or early 20 Th century. So I'm walking down the street, all unknown to me and while I'm approaching a girl starts to hang around me, then came another and a few of them. There were at least five. I liked it all, they wanted to be with me, each for herself. And suddenly around us appears that fog, I 'm not seeing nothing but me and the girl. I spread my coat and pulled out two knives with rounded tips up. And then I started scoring with knife every woman . All have fallen to the ground, dead. To each of them I removed the clothes, cut the chest and abdomen. I took out the internal organs, the last of which I took from was a sweetheart. With the right hand I took it out, I felt warmth, I felt my blood flowing through my hand, it was warm, I could smell the insides. Everything was too real, I felt every touch, smell, everything. I enjoyed what I was doing.

Then suddenly the darkness. Just me, no one. In front of me appeard old men's head, looking me in the eyes and told me this: "What were you doing before was not good, it's now given the opportunity to fix my sins that I have done and show me that I'm not like I have been in the past, show me that I can be different, I can be better. "
And then I woke up.

In the body of a man I was, riding in his car. We arrive in front of a building that is surrounded by a high wire e and strong security. We're going out, I’m separated from him and watching on side. We are welcomed by two women in white coats, some scholars. Lead to this man in elevator, some kind of teleporter which could only manage with thoughts. Everyone is talking something. In the corridor away from us appeared someone strange, highly evanescent being in dark gray colour. Radiated by an enormous negativity. One scientist told the man to go up to the second floor, and gently pushed him into the elevator. He did not know what to do. Then the scientist told another disturbing sentence: "Impossible, how he came among us", it is meant to they world. Another scientist was hiding in the room. I walked back into the man and activated elevator and took him to the second floor. We were waiting for the scientist. I left the man and came out of the elevator, went down the hall when this creature appeared again and grabbed the man, and entered into him. The scientist was in shock, just stood and watched what was happening. Then I went into him and ran into the elevator and tried to be calm maximum. This creature began to break up because could not manage the elevator. In the meantime, the other scientist steps into the hall. I saw her and followed her. I heard horrible sounds. I saw that the creature is still there. I walked down the hall and the wach slowly. A frightening sight I have seen, the creature saw me and went for me. We came to elevator, but creature caught scientists in which I was, then I left her and went down to the lobby. They heard the terrifying screams from the first floor. After some time in the yard in front there was some cars and some people. Came out, I saw little boy and puppy in the cave. I felt strong energy of the boy, a strange and positive. I walked into one person and I try to explain to everyone that someone will be on the floor that killed two people, and they must run. Nobody listens to me and I'm looking for some shelter. Soon everyone went out and go on fire stairs to the first floor. Suddenly frightening noises were heard, a man is seen through the window of what is happening inside and again I’m entering in body of that man. Suddenly everybody panic, explosions on the second floor, all fleeing. I see a boy standing alone, does not know where to go. He was alone and above all I’m watching him. I saw a lady walking toward the car and enters into it. Then I walked into the boy, at that moment, I saw in my mind everything about him, who he is and why he is here. He was not like other kids. I took him in her car, I opened the back door and sat down on the seat. She started screaming at me, saying that I'm going away from her, that I will kill all of them, that I am guilty. Then I told her that she’s not to be afraid, I'm not like that being, that everything will be fine.

Time at that point was a foggy, rainy and cloudy day, the leaves on the trees are giving the impression that the autumn weather. The surrounding houses and buildings were built in English style. The car had the steering wheel on the right side. Therefore I concluded that it was somewhere in the UK.
Two nights ago I dreamed of three consecutive dreams after that I woke up, then I fell asleep again and dreamed the fourth dream..

I was somewhere with a colleague, somewhere in the field, and his fiance was with him.
In the morning we got up, they went to breakfast, and I did not want to, but I had planned to go elsewhere to buy something to eat
But I changed my mind and went back to them because the fellow went with me to work, I was with my car. I sat with them at the table next to her and talk.
She started to lean toward me, I was embarrassed, so I got up and went into another room where there was a buffet for food.
She got up and went for me.
I turned around and she admitted me and started kissing. I push her and asked what she doing. That her fiance is there and can see it. She didn't mind. I went for the food and the table.
Again she came in front of me and kissed me.
I told her to stop. I quickly ate it and told him to wait for him outside.


Somewhere, I do not know where it was foggy, I was there, among a bunch of people, in front of a church, all made of stone, it was a mass or a celebration, I'm not sure. Basically, I did not give it to much to listen and I went to my car.
New, modern and casual. I sat in my car, I drove a bit so I stopped. I watched the sky, a nearby mountain. I stopped, got out, it was all kind of weird, I felt that something was going around, some kind of change.


I'm home, in a room, fiddle around with some of my stuff, I noticed the room black cat. Cornered him outside the room and then I noticed that it was not my cat. He went into the hallway, his hair was all ugly, not to give out, squeezing, his one eye was bigger, looked like the eye of man, and it was completely gray. I took the boot off the hallway and a towel, and with that I pushed him out. I barely ga barely out of the house.
and I noticed that in that his gray eye there something moving like worms
Then I showed up in a room, unknown
an aunt was sitting on a chair
and a reporter. the aunt acted as sick or disabled in development, according to the behavior
She's greeting was tongue licking another person and smelling
such as cats and dogs work
She acted strangely, talking strange
Her movements were strange
something she was talking about, Do not know what
Last I saw that on the table in a large bowl, there was a dead dog with potatoes
then I said it was time to wake up, because I don't wanted so disgusting dream to keep dreaming.


At home in its place I was
drove with two friends
I talked about what is written in the transcripts
I saw that they think I am talking nonsense
I talked to continue
as we were driving normally, we passed next to people
and I mention these things
We went by the school
children were outside, and teachers
and again I told them these things
control and so
we went further
thus reach the road
I looked to one side
I see an ambulance
I feel it coming for me
they was sent to watch me
go over the road
and ride
pass emergency
then came a jeep
and drove slowly behind us
I decide to go fast and he is behind us
hearing that they say that I need to be constantly monitor, keep an eye on
I heard in my head
I say that guys should go to me
We went to my house
e then
We were at my house
I pretended as if nothing had happened, I thought about how to calm them down from me
At one point I found myself outside
somewhere in a place
I watched almost all of the street
it was like looking through a surveillance camera
I saw every house, in every house, who has been, how many, what are they doing, thermal view, energy display, and a glimpse of movement
every house I could scan
and then, there was one house
a little further from my
and one figure
then I went from being primarily
I went to the house and the man
It was one of our business man
We were out there
in the yard
He talked about his love for the land
likes to cultivate
and so
cutting the grass, cut with scissors left left nothing aside
he liked to be all nice,
I enjoyed it, the nature
had one fence
and stone foundations
It was tore to be nicer
and spoke
gives energy to the first in that
so that it is perfectly
not to shoot and similarly odd
with his hands he went over that, it formed
around the stone
I then approached with my hand and I felt the heat, strong energy
Then I told him that I want I try
I went around the stone with my hands
I also tried to shape that energy
and at one point he with his hands
My hands clenched on the rock
and he said some words, I don't remember what
I felt and saw the flash of energie
then he let me go
in the distance in the sky
I saw a UFO
was clearly too perfect for a dream
Then I decided that I have to consciously go out of sleep, and I woke up
What is your interpretation of your dreams Dantallion? What are you expecting by posting them?
Pob said:
What is your interpretation of your dreams Dantallion? What are you expecting by posting them?

Do you have deams? Of stuff that you don't understand.
Maybe he has a need to tell his dreams to others so that others who may understand more able to explain and tell him that his dreams are just a figment of his imagination (which I personally do not believe) or is there is something else that is happening.
Ississ said:
Pob said:
What is your interpretation of your dreams Dantallion? What are you expecting by posting them?

Do you have deams? Of stuff that you don't understand.
Maybe he has a need to tell his dreams to others so that others who may understand more able to explain and tell him that his dreams are just a figment of his imagination (which I personally do not believe) or is there is something else that is happening.

Dantallion's posts do not contain any question or request for help. Besides, while sometimes dreams can be meaningful, the symbolism contained within the dream is subjective and personal. So the dreamer is usually better equipped at taking a shot at interpretation than others.
obyvatel said:
Ississ said:
Pob said:
What is your interpretation of your dreams Dantallion? What are you expecting by posting them?

Do you have deams? Of stuff that you don't understand.
Maybe he has a need to tell his dreams to others so that others who may understand more able to explain and tell him that his dreams are just a figment of his imagination (which I personally do not believe) or is there is something else that is happening.

Dantallion's posts do not contain any question or request for help. Besides, while sometimes dreams can be meaningful, the symbolism contained within the dream is subjective and personal. So the dreamer is usually better equipped at taking a shot at interpretation than others.

Of course, that dreams are personal and that the person can only interpret dreams. Dantalion wants to share their dreams for a reason. He knows why.

I would like say something that has nothing to do with this post, and it's been bothering me for a couple of days. I have not read too many posts, but what I read led me to thinking about some things.

I read the Wave Series, and as far I understand, the only way to move to fourth density is to help others. This is the only way. Knowlege and helping others. Everyone is seeking a way to find theyself and ways to reach "ascendence." Knowlege is that we need!

Neither way is not to blame, because every individual has a right to choose his path. I do not blame anyone if they lived in ignorance, but it is for us to decide whether to help or not. So we decide if we want to attain knowledge and the need to transfer into fourth density or not.

Once again, apologies to my English.
Ississ said:
Maybe he has a need to tell his dreams to others so that others who may understand more able to explain and tell him that his dreams are just a figment of his imagination (which I personally do not believe) or is there is something else that is happening.

Ississ said:
Dantalion wants to share their dreams for a reason. He knows why.

For us to help it would be useful to know that reason.
Hello Ississ,
The Dreams section of the forum is to discuss dreams. In order to do so, usually the dreamer recounts the dream, presents a few hypotheses of explanation, and asks for input or other possible explanations. With no context, it's difficult to have an idea. An other important aspect to consider too is that one cannot answer a question that hasn't been asked :)
Maybe when Dantalion will connect, he will read some other discussions on dreams in the forum and see how to start one.
mkrnhr said:
Hello Ississ,
The Dreams section of the forum is to discuss dreams. In order to do so, usually the dreamer recounts the dream, presents a few hypotheses of explanation, and asks for input or other possible explanations. With no context, it's difficult to have an idea. An other important aspect to consider too is that one cannot answer a question that hasn't been asked :)
Maybe when Dantalion will connect, he will read some other discussions on dreams in the forum and see how to start one.

I got it what you saying. We will wait.... for him to tell us
I have strange dreams, very realistic dreams. Often I'm dreaming of abductions. But how I dream allways this dreams that maybe beneath has somekind of message, I can't explain, so If you can tell me if you know something more than me, is my dreams are only my immagination, o you thing that is something else... Or, you just can read my dreams only for fun
Thanks for responding Dantalion,

Dantalion said:
I have strange dreams, very realistic dreams. Often I'm dreaming of abductions. But how I dream allways this dreams that maybe beneath has somekind of message, I can't explain, so If you can tell me if you know something more than me, is my dreams are only my immagination, o you thing that is something else

Just my opinion but I think dreams of this type can be very difficult to interpret other than that at a basic level it is an indication of general anxiety in your present situation.

10 years ago I was having a series of vivid dreams of an inexplicable nature. They were of an abduction/visitation flavour that I knew I would never be able to fully understand. Instead, I took this as a warning that I was not in a place that was good for me in terms of living the life I should be. It motivated me to change my job and environment. Not long after making these changes I found this site and began the task of working on myself to rid myself of negative behaviour. Still very much 'work in progress' but by getting to know myself better, improving my diet and sharing with like-minded others, I'm pleased to say these dreams have never returned. Now I just seem to dream about mundane trivia - which, while not quite so interesting, indicates to me that my dreams at that time were due to an anxious state of mind. Now much calmer and self-assure I can focus on what is in front of me, instead of worrying and going around in circles trying to interpret dreams that may or may not be significant in content other than a useful indicator of a state of mind.

Maybe this could be similar to where you are now, maybe not. Are there things in your waking life or environment causing you discomfort or anxiety?
I arrived with my sister in some sort of hall where there were a lot of people. Prepared to maintain some sort of lecture. We sat at a table where two men were already seated. One man started telling everyone present, I do not know what. After he finished his speech, Laura arrived. She began to speak something. Then they all attendees received hands and connected to the circuit. I did not want. I put my hand up to the man himself on his shoulder. He began to fret, because I'm not working as they have been doing all of them. I told him not to admit them in your hands, because I do not do as well as everyone else, because it's the same whether I get it in hand or put my hand on his shoulder. But this gentleman was very stubborn, he told me that I must do so as they all do. In the end I did it anyway with hands. Laura began to channel the Cassiopaeans. Posed questions, received answers. I closed my eyes. I was relaxed and I went into a state of trance. My body started shaking, I was shaking the whole. I spread my hands. Passed me through huge vibration. I felt that the product is another frequency. I stopped. I have no idea what's happened. The two men next to me started to yell at me because it's all so was only because they did not want to accept the hand. I told him that if I put my hand on his head, that my energy circulate through his body, or that I does not have to touch him, but I need to just focus on that. Then Laura interrupted session. She went into the room behind. I followed her. I was not allowed inside, but I managed to persuade the man to let me though. I came up to her. I asked her why I was all like that but she did not reply. I asked her if it all has to do with the C's, something she was said, but it was very vague, she will not tell me. I said it was something. Then she got upset, she stood up, something she said and she left. That's how I managed to figure out that it was someone else that was asked her, and to her that is very hard. I do not remember what I asked. I went back to my sister. I noticed two unidentified men watching me. I told my sister to go home right away. She did not understand what was happening. The two men followed us.
Suddenly we come to church. We entered the church. A small church. The priest was sitting on a chair in front of the altar, and he slept. I wanted to sit down, I moved another chair I pulled too much on the floor and so I woke priest. He began to yellwhat I do in the Church, that we have to go as it disturbs the peace of God, that he will call the police. Then came the men who have accompanied us. Priest physically attacked me. The men are also headed to infest me. I told my sister quickly go to the car. I clashed with those two. They were stronger than me. They took me away. It reminded me of the Nazi regime, I do not know why, probably because of military discipline they had. There was a major theirs. He came up to me, really looked at me strange, but I do not know what he wanted from me. I just felt a great evil that is directed at me, as if I was faced with the very own Devil.
He stood in front of me while me was holding second one. Just looked at me. But there was something more out of sight. In my head they arrive images as well as to fight mentally. I felt like I was in hell. With these images he wanted to destroy me. With all of this, others have beaten me, to weaken me more. I can not remember what it was later, just know that I felt that I was finished with the main turned and went. Then I somehow pulled out and left.
And I woke up from the dream.

It was around 4.54 in the morning because I was looking at my watch. I thought about the dream, and I decided that I would go back and I will oppose all of this and will not do harm. I closed my eyes, the passage that it was still open with ease and I was back there.

I found myself in the midst of some of the field, they were all around me, they were surprised. Chief rushed in from somewhere, as if from some building, and stood in front of me. I looked at him, and he watched me, this time he had his eyes wide open. I felt his energy, weak, and he was scared of me, as it is impossible that I have returned. I stood in front of him, with a strong focused energy, I sent him a vibration that I will succeed in destroying him with ease, he and all the others. That my energy was weakening them. And more I can not remember. Just everything was gone.

You were asked a question to try and encourage you to engage and share more about why you might be having the dreams you are.

Are there things in your waking life or environment causing you discomfort or anxiety?

It concerns me that with you not responding to that and by instead continuing to post your dreams it is becoming a one-way-street - kind of dream-spam. Do you want to have discussions with forum members that could help you understand your situation better or do you just want some space on the internet to post?
Thank you for caring so much about my state of mind. I consider myself a normal enough to think that I do not need any help in analysing my dreams. From where my dreams come from, and why we have them, I do not know. I thought it was necessary to share them with you. Obviously to you my dreams look like spam, and I'll leave all future dreams for myselve. I will not burden you anymore with my dreams. Thanks for your concern.

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