A Disturbance in the Force
July 20th Time Magazine US cover is:
While I did not have time to read the entire article, I skimmed it and it has several other shots of Palin in various casual/flattering/horrifying poses and discusses her 'outsider politics', her strong charisma and following and the fact that a 2012 White House bid is anybody's guess. It instantly brought to mind the several Time covers of another charismatic, psychopathic leader who no one took seriously in the beginning:
At first blush, the article came across as fawning, which considering it's Time Magazine is not at all surprising. They also had an article on airliner black boxes - what they are and how they work, in which they mentioned that the black box in flight 93 documented the "heroic effort of the passengers to overpower the highjackers"....
- from my very brief perusal of the magazine, it's lies cover to cover -- quite creepy to actually delve into.
Here's the link to Time's site featuring July 20th...,9263,7601090720,00.html
Oh - here is the article - though it's missing a LOT of the pictures of her that were in the print version...,8599,1909442-1,00.html

While I did not have time to read the entire article, I skimmed it and it has several other shots of Palin in various casual/flattering/horrifying poses and discusses her 'outsider politics', her strong charisma and following and the fact that a 2012 White House bid is anybody's guess. It instantly brought to mind the several Time covers of another charismatic, psychopathic leader who no one took seriously in the beginning:

At first blush, the article came across as fawning, which considering it's Time Magazine is not at all surprising. They also had an article on airliner black boxes - what they are and how they work, in which they mentioned that the black box in flight 93 documented the "heroic effort of the passengers to overpower the highjackers"....

Here's the link to Time's site featuring July 20th...,9263,7601090720,00.html
Oh - here is the article - though it's missing a LOT of the pictures of her that were in the print version...,8599,1909442-1,00.html