My first dream in awhile


The Force is Strong With This One
I want to post my dream here just to see if anyone is willing to share ideas about it. Maybe someone will notice common themes? Maybe someone will have had similar dreams? Maybe I will post this and nobody will reply? Either way, I want to write it down and attempt to share it.

I just posted on another thread about not being able to dream and basically I was just explaining that I thought my own inability to dream or remember them if they even occurred was due to smoking marijuana. My reasoning is that each time I experience a period of sobriety, I do have dreams...vivid dreams...and frequently. I like it much better this way! :) I have also had other stoner friends agree that smoking equates to not dreaming.

I recently embarked on another period of sobriety and I had been consciously distancing myself from smoking for about two months. I was still indulging occasionally with old friends up until about a few days ago when I came to London to stay with my girlfriend. I realized it was providing me no real benefit and that it had become simply a habitual indulgence over 7 or so years and I'm sure it has affected me in some negative ways such as zapping my creativity, making me lazy and lethargic at times, and suppressing certain emotions that I would rather express and let out.

I have also been beginning to get into EE (I had a powerful meditation/breathing session yesterday afternoon which I believe may have triggered this dream) and I'm making my way through the Wave series at the moment, although I still have much reading to do! I mention these things because my interest in the C's, the wave, my own spirituality, the plan of the PTB, etc. has been increasing exponentially over the last couple of months and now that I'm finally graduated from university and dropped the marijuana habit (which has been a somewhat gradual process), I have had a clearer head and much more free time to sit and do my own little research into these kind of things. :)

Anyway, so last night, I had my first dream in a long time...several months maybe? I think the last time I dreamt was last summer when I was traveling in central america with my girlfriend and we had been sans weed for about 3 weeks. I wrote this down as soon as I woke up because I was quite disturbed by this dream. I'll just copy and past what I wrote even though its choppy and doesn't quite read like a beautiful piece of prose, haha.

"Part 1
Me and hometown friends from high school (Matt, Brent, Zack, Ryan) are at Kid’s Choice (my childhood day-care center) having some kind of party. Everyone was being kinda rowdy and then [edit for decency's sake: I have a sexual exchange] with matt’s red-haired girlfriend (who I have never seen before) right in front of him and he doesn’t seem to care but I know it is wrong. The thought crossed my mind that I have a girlfriend, who I am in love with, but at that moment, I'm some sort of primitive/animal version of myself and I don't care and do it anyway. Then I remember there is a cake with 3 pieces left and I want it all. (I don't even like cake!!!!) I step away for a moment while everyone is talking and when I come back someone has eaten most of the cake. I am furious and I turn around and punch my friend, Brent, in the stomach twice or maybe three times. He falls to his knees, I feel terribly guilty and when I look again, there is a brownish fish floating an inch r two off the floor there instead of him. I then turn around and walk to a couch in the room, lying down while I hear an ex-coworker and my ex-boss talking about how unruly I was and I felt terrible about it all. This scene ends with no transition to the next...
Part 2
I am somehow on the lamb with 2 others, who I don’t recognize, and it is somehow related to what just happened. Me or someone else that I was seeing from both 1st and 3rd person was wearing an orange jump suit, like prison-style. We were figuring out where to go to be safe and I guess we just left or something because I don’t remember anything else that has happened there.
Part 3
Me and a small group of the same friends from part 1 (I think they are the same people) are plodding along an old road in the forest when we see a huge B2 bomber-looking airplane (making no sound) fly over head and circle around. Somehow we know its bad news and I tell everyone to run for it. So we’re running as this thing dives at us and we come to this HUGE drop-off in the road. It is maybe a 25 degree angle slope and possible to slide down but I take too big of a step off the ledge and start falling through the air to the road/forest below. Somehow I have some kind of parachute in my hand and I let it go at the last second and land safely amongst the trees while my friends must have slid down the slope. So we are running through the forest and we come to a small concrete trench where I tell everyone to get down because we know something/somebody is coming. Just after, a group of hard-looking men walk by slowly, obviously in pursuit of us. One looks down right at me and has this evil grin on his face. We are very frightened. They walk by and we try to make our way out of this forest. We come to a platform with a slimy-reddish substance-covered ladder. Almost as soon as we arrive there, we are swarmed by vicious people-things (reminded me of the zombies in "28 days later") in tattered clothes and also covered in same substance. A girl in our group gets to the ladder first and climbs up while I follow. I realize my shoes are covered in the same sticky-redish-bloodlike substance and it is very difficult to climb the ladder because my feet are heavy with the stuff and sticking to the ladder rungs. One of these people/creatures reaches the ladders underneath me and I kick him in the face twice. The second time I am higher up the ladder and he falls maybe 15 feet so that allows me to make it to the top of the ladder and onto the platform. There is an elevator door covered in same substance and I press the button. It opens and I step in. The door closes immediately behind me and I assume everybody outside is dead or something and I feel bad for it. As soon as the doors close, the elevator free falls at a tremendous speed, fast enough to put me on the ceiling!

Just then my girlfriend calls on the phone and I woke up feeling distressed and very much affected by this dream/nightmare…
What does all this mean?"

So there it is. Again, I don't really expect much of a response because any idiot can have a strange dream and I'm sure that the people here are having and exploring their own dreams. I feel better having written this down, though, and I invite anyone who took the time to read this to provide your input! :D
Hi kidcharlemagne,

Dreams to me are always a mess, they are a mixture of habits, desires, fears, expectations and aspirations, all combined with varying intensity to make a weird story. Only you can decipher them, good luck :zzz:
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