My mind is on the Astros, Angels, and Cosmic Mystery.(true meanings) of my life.


A Disturbance in the Force
I don't know. I always felt I was Unique person in deed. At age 12 I had my very first nervous breakdown. My siblings describe my life as A sad Niñez(pre-teen Teen- Young Adult life). I said why did you say it was a very sad and ugly one?? Because before in reality I never noticed it. I always considered myself to have lived very lucky one. Despite all my hospitalizations at the Psych Hospital. i was always the Sickest young women patient there. Today a wise woman told me, If it was in your destiny(bookofyourlife) to have what you have it was meant to be. If GOD wanted you to have more, he would let you have more in life. If GOD wanted you to have less he would have wanted you to have less in your point in life. So just make the best of what you have right now. GOD wrote it down in your path/Destiny. As a young child, I loved to read. That I inherited from my mother, Oliva. All my Siblings have appreciation for Good And Interesting Literature. I love to Read Greek Myths, Listen hear music from various artist. Read about Scentology. ( I think Olfate origins) The discovery channels. I like to Listen to Boy George now recently also. I always had an infatuation with the Artist Thalia Sodi. Why I see we have lots of things in common. I personally think We were reencarnated or had previous life together. My 2007 Hallucination at The St Joseph hospital was. Thalia Sodi, Note, at the begging of her career She always wore an Egyptian Cross in her Album LOVE she has it there present. Okay so my hallucination was that , it involved the Pyramids of Egypt, Note My real name is Gizeh. And I don't care if you know me personally or causes Admiration to you. I love that you know me and are reading this , And also like that it causes admiration. Why?? Because I am happy of my life right now, despite how people think and despite how I feel deep down inside of my ser. So the hallucination was, that Thalia Sodi the Mexican Superstar,Married with Tommy Mottola.She had a white Top outfit the one she wore in Siempre en Domingo when she sung her songFuego Cruzado. Okay she was dressed exactly alike. And since she possesed the Egyptian Cross Talisman. She had the Key and secret to the universe. How because the secrets of the universe are located and kept secret at the ,My pryramids of Gizeh. In my Hallucination She was either some kind of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, but not really , she was more like the most beautiful woman/lady, In greek Mythology, Europa. So continuing to my hallusination circa April 2007. There was 16 Beautiful Europa type of Maidens or Young Women. She, Thalia was likeleelo from the 5th element. The Super perfect Supreme Being. Because the she was the only one who could hold the Key. AKA "sacred enough". Because they the High priests of the begging of time created her and then sent her back to our time the 20th century. I was born in the same century as her the 1980s she was born in the 1970s. So my roll in my hallusination was I was second to Her. I was the second most beautiful Europa. And I was her sister or Daughter or I think I wasnt even related but I was something like A bestfriend of her child hood. For some reason all the Europa's were 16 yrs of age. Including Thalia. She was also 16 yrs. Back to the hallusination, I was chosen to help liberate her from inside of the Pyramid inside top chamber. Aka the Top of the Pyramid. In the top and center of the Pyramid, was the Ancients of Ancients, very first Ancients Decendants of Demigods, Queen Chamber. So she was locked in the Queen Chamber. And I was sent by the High priests or so. To liberate her from the top of the Pyramid. So as I climbed up the stones to help liberate her . It was sort of like a maze, that I noticed I was in the dining room of the hospital. And I was making a labrythinth/ maze out of the Sweet and Lows sugars. So in my mind I the sweet and lows sugar box, was the Great Pyramid. And in my mind I was actually inside the sweet and low sugar box and in my mind I was physically climbing the Top of the Gran pyramid. I can't explain , I am writing as my mind remembers and describes by typing it. I am sorry for that. So after I reached the Top , I remember trying to open the walls, the stone walls with my bare hands and finger nails. To free her from her prison. Because the Ancients would lock her up once in a while , Because as the Ancients( Demigods) knew everything of the Universe and of the Cosmos. They knew that Thalia Sodi (Thalia mexican artist international superstar) All of the Super Secrets of the Universe ,of the Night, of the Spirit World, of the Reencarnation process. So they would lock her up in the top of the Gran Pyramid I have no clue why , Maybee it has to do with the center of the universe or of her present and past astrological sign . Gizeh's known Fact: Did you know that Astrology was the first science?or something like that. A cosmic superior can verify and explain correctly what I am trying to say. So after I in my own hallusination, reached the top of the Pyramid, I released her from her own prison, I remember her telling me either run Gizeh Run Gizeh. So to my research Gizeh the Name Gizeh has no known meaning of the name. I went to behind the name . com and I found nothing 0 results. So in my 7th grade Meaning of my name Gizeh, I put down as it meant, OF/From the pyramids of Gizeh. That is what I put my name , Gizeh meant. Okay so evertime Thalia said my Name she was sending out a Warning. In my hallucination, I was the human verision of the city and pyramids too, city of Gizeh, and Pyramids of Gizeh. So when she was shouting , I remember in my hallucination, she suddenly was running with me beside me , running by my side The Guardian of the Keys to Gizeh. And Gizeh was the Key Diamond to the universe. I don't know what all this means. But I know it means something, I have no idea what it is. So after that I remember going back to my hospital room scared, frantic and upset, crying too. And I was overwhelmed for some reason , I felt highly sensitive on my emotions, And covered myself with my blankets, really horrified on what I had just experienced and Shocked too. And I cryed myself to sleep. And then in my Sleep the halluciantion continued. I remember sleeping for six hours or so. And woke late for dinner time. this is what is on my mind lately and once in a while. And I would like to use this time and give a personal message to Thalia. Thalia ni voy a abrir el topico que te hase sentir mal triste . Pero yo se que nunca te voy a ver ni conocer en persona. Cuando te dijieron ese dia. They say we miss The old Thalia. She should of listen to them. Because that day you started over dosing on your confidence the publico lost the Old simple Thalia , The one . Why?Because Fernando Really Loved you for Real. Okay, pero after you broke his heart. you were the second to be the confirmantion that you were the same as the Very first one that to Fernando she promised True Love. That is why he told you what he told you that day. Sometimes you act and feel like a Personality of An Aries. And take it to personally, Te impacto. I was very upset when you married Tommy. Every body was . Why?? Cause the Rumours that Thalia, was a money hungry interesada, even though you are not or dont appear to. Became true autmatically.Eso disuluciono Fernando,and Lo decpeciono. What happended to the Song Aerobico?? Or the song Alma sentenciada?? or Entre el Mar y Una Estrella?? my point you will feel real happy and in love ,when you return to esa idea of that day?? Tu sabes cual. Okay Have a good day , Thalia te deseo felicidad por que te lo mereses. Shout out to Drake. Niki. "Headlines" is for you. And you know the reason why.Treat Drake Good, cause he will move on to a Regular one or even fall in love with a Fan.(regular one) That will make him happy. And he will keep her forever. That is what is on my mind . Good night everyone. Drive safe.(Media people that will send this link to Thalia, Fernando, Drake and Niki. Buenas Noches. 5-31-2012 12:13 AM. by G.E.V.R. aka Bonita Valdez.
Hello Misterysoul89,
It sounds like you have a number of brain chemistry issues which could be related to your physical health and we strongly urge you to continue seeing your doctor. Unfortunately, this forum is not set up to deal with your types of problems/situations.
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