My Mother's Dog


Jedi Master
My mother's dog is driving me up the wall. It is taking a great deal of patience not to yell at him, but at the same time I am not sure how to deal with him.

He was not well-disciplined before she went to rehab, and he has always gotten EXTREMELY anxious during storms and when the garbage truck comes by.

Last night he woke everyone up with his incessant panting/whining at 5am and no one was able to get back to sleep. There is no consoling him. Also, he has been using the bathroom in the house even though we take him out like every 2 hours. :/

I know where the problem stems from, I just don't know how to fix it, but here is how my mom handles the dog:

She loves on him constantly until she gets tired of him, he doesn't understand and keeps trying to get close, so she screams at him or lights a lighter in his face to get him to go away.

If he would start whining at her door at night she would always let him in, so he has learned this works.

I feel really bad for him... I don't think he knows what place he has in the family.

As far as the going in the house - a lot of the stuff I've found is saying confine him to a smaller part of the house and take him out very often, and praise him when he goes where he is supposed to. I can definitely give that a try. But I don't know what to do about his anxiety.
Well, you grew up with your mother - imagine being her dog! Poor thing never had a chance.

It sounds like he would benefit from Rescue Remedy in his water or a few drops under his tongue every three hours or so. With Bach flower remedies it is the frequency that is important, not the quantity, so a few drops every few hours should help him. Or, put it in his water (but not enough to effect the taste so he won't drink it). This should help calm him down.

Will he sleep on the floor in the bed room or does he try to get on the bed? If he's been used to sleeping in the bed room and now not only is his (abusive but loved) human gone, but he can't even sleep where he thinks he is supposed to sleep, no wonder he's making messes in the house and whining all night.

If you look at it from his point of view, the world has turned upside down!

Rescue Remedy should help, for a start.

Plus, it's been my experience that even the most abused animals will come around amazingly quickly with sincere love and guidance from a human who is actually present. The dog needs some love and guidance - with any luck, that and the Rescue Remedy will work wonders - though it does sound like he's high strung in general.
anart said:
Well, you grew up with your mother - imagine being her dog! Poor thing never had a chance.

It sounds like he would benefit from Rescue Remedy in his water or a few drops under his tongue every three hours or so. With Bach flower remedies it is the frequency that is important, not the quantity, so a few drops every few hours should help him. Or, put it in his water (but not enough to effect the taste so he won't drink it). This should help calm him down.

Will he sleep on the floor in the bed room or does he try to get on the bed? If he's been used to sleeping in the bed room and now not only is his (abusive but loved) human gone, but he can't even sleep where he thinks he is supposed to sleep, no wonder he's making messes in the house and whining all night.

If you look at it from his point of view, the world has turned upside down!

Rescue Remedy should help, for a start.

Plus, it's been my experience that even the most abused animals will come around amazingly quickly with sincere love and guidance from a human who is actually present. The dog needs some love and guidance - with any luck, that and the Rescue Remedy will work wonders - though it does sound like he's high strung in general.

Thanks for the advice.

As far as sleeping in the bedroom, my mom was letting him sleep in the bed. We tried to let him sleep on the floor, but not only does he try to get in the bed, but he whines constantly when we don't let him. :( However, he's used to sleeping in several other places, as well. I think he is trying to come in here more because my mom is gone, though.

I definitely feel bad for him. It's so much harder with animals because I can't explain to him that mom will be gone for a while and that we have to do things different. At least not with words.
Brenda86 said:
As far as sleeping in the bedroom, my mom was letting him sleep in the bed. We tried to let him sleep on the floor, but not only does he try to get in the bed, but he whines constantly when we don't let him. :( However, he's used to sleeping in several other places, as well. I think he is trying to come in here more because my mom is gone, though.

I definitely feel bad for him. It's so much harder with animals because I can't explain to him that mom will be gone for a while and that we have to do things different. At least not with words.

This whold situation is upsetting to me, especially because, like you say, you cannot explain things to him. I am not so happy for him when your mother does come back, either. Especially knowing that she puts a flaming lighter in his face to get him to go away.

Cripes, no wonder he's anxious and psychotic! The poor dear.

Does he have any toys to chew on? Not that this will help in the long run, but maybe a little interaction with him will give him a little more comfort in the fact that someone is paying attention to him. Although, it will take a while. Also, taking him out for vigorous long walks would be very good in helping him to get rid of excessive negative energy.

I have never had to use Rescue Remedy before, but trust very much in anart in this situation. I also have heard good things about it from various people who work in the alternative health industries.

Good luck with him, Brenda86.
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