My nightmare from childhood


The Force is Strong With This One
When I was 11-12 years old, I had one dream coming up every night. It was a dream about a planet, I always thought it was the Earth. The dream was all the time about how the planet will be destroyed or if the end of the world will come. I was very afraid everytime, and woke up and could´nt sleep anymore. It was going on like this half a year ,going to the bed with the fear that the life on the Earth and the planet will disappear. I didn´t tell about this to anybody, I was a very independent, but on the otherhand very shy child. I was waiting when can I sleep one whole night this dream following me. One night than I went to sleep and finally it ended the planet exploded and I never had this dream again.Maybe I was effected by some rumors about the end of the world, but it was a very strange period of my chilhood, Jaela

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