My Observation while Alone

I been off the Cassiopaea Forum for a week now and appeared on Face Book one time in the last week for a brief moment. I did so because I wanted to clear my head and direct my energies towards the many books I purchase and only been sitting in my closet. But of course that was not my intention when shifting to be alone but rather it seems that Iam following some kind of gudiance I know not of my own making. This and much more I have observed by being by myself as much as possible. One of the two most intresting things I have notice is that it seems when I read something or become indulge in most things they become very very real to me. What I mean by this is that words on a screen in a book. Manifest itself in reality. for example: I decided to play a comp. game "Sherlock Holmes" for the purpose of Hightening my detective ability. ( I know it seems worldly but I hold back on nothing when it comes to creatives ways that support the Aim). So at my job working in a hotel, Im on the PC playing this game I come to the first level of the "jewlery thief", ok I pass it no big deal I go back to reading my book. The next day I come to work A guest rings and tells me her jewelery has gone missing. To make a long stroy short there was a minor investigation I was one of the suspects yada yada. Some hysteria thoughts came to me given being caught in the middle of this and thinking it was my fault( probably was) Of course to experience all this is what made this kinda unbelievable not the words here. I wasn't surprise because this has happen several times before up and down on the richter scale. But this episode really caught my attention. 1. So I thought either I know something is about to happen before it does only I not know consciously and it can only be express through my actions. 2. thinking on an energy combination level, what ever I focus on it manifest in reality with the foundation that I believe in what ever I'm doing or when I choose to take literally. This latter may seem like self aggardizement but like I said everything is up in the air when not knowing so I can't exclude. Okay I just start reading ISOTM I'm on chapter 9 at this moment. As I started the book read along the sequence of the book seems to following along coherently with the events of my life as I read. So either I'm accumilating information and its only my awarness that is increasing or like I said things become manifested in my surronding the people I interact with as in explanations in the book. Honestly this is one of the greatest books I ever read its really up my alleyway. On a intuitional level when I go against it I'm lead away from certain books thats reccomended reading at least for the time being as if I'm not ready to read these books just yet or they are a distraction for the time being? This is long I know but there is more not even relating to this. I can say that after all the experiences with my books and meditation that there has been another shift which is why I'm back on the Forum and maybe face book as a result of a good knowing. thanks :halo:
Roland JP said:
I been off the Cassiopaea Forum for a week now and appeared on Face Book one time in the last week for a brief moment. I did so because I wanted to clear my head and direct my energies towards the many books I purchase and only been sitting in my closet. But of course that was not my intention when shifting to be alone but rather it seems that Iam following some kind of gudiance I know not of my own making. This and much more I have observed by being by myself as much as possible. One of the two most intresting things I have notice is that it seems when I read something or become indulge in most things they become very very real to me. What I mean by this is that words on a screen in a book. Manifest itself in reality. for example: I decided to play a comp. game "Sherlock Holmes" for the purpose of Hightening my detective ability. ( I know it seems worldly but I hold back on nothing when it comes to creatives ways that support the Aim).

You may want to read some of the threads here concerning video games, like these..
Mrs. Peel said:
You may want to read some of the threads here concerning video games, like these..

The last time I played a video game was over 9 months ago. I should have explain that this was a spur of the moment to do this and only for a 30 minutes one time. No excuses for the detrement of vidoe, but giving you the opening of this. I know the effects of video games and useless energy spending The decision to do so was an inclination to do so. As times I recongnized my intuition. And in doing so a day later the relationship of it happen. Just as me visiting a graveyard which I never been to in my entire life as far as I know yeilded my uncle dying a few days later. or inclination to walk around a corner to discover an eye opener to recieve other information not yet past. So what I'm explaining is occurences that have been developing here and there.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Roland JP said:
But this episode really caught my attention. 1. So I thought either I know something is about to happen before it does only I not know consciously and it can only be express through my actions. 2. thinking on an energy combination level, what ever I focus on it manifest in reality with the foundation that I believe in what ever I'm doing or when I choose to take literally. This latter may seem like self aggardizement but like I said everything is up in the air when not knowing so I can't exclude.

Hi Roland JP,

The type of event that you described could fall under the category of "synchronicity" or meaningful coincidence - as called by psychologist Carl Jung. If you do a search in this forum with the term "synchronicity", you will find quite a few references to similar events.

Synchronous events happen - we do not really know how or why. The C's had this to say on synchronicity
[quote author=C's transcripts]
Q: (L) I would like to ask a little bit about synchronicity. I would like to know what is the source of synchronous events. Is it a multiple source or is it something that comes out of the percipient's own mind or... (J) is it random?
A: It involves aspects in every imaginable state of reality merging together in what could best be described, if seen visually, as a massive mosaic in perfect balance. But, that is not adequate to a response for your question, however, hopefully, maybe you can contemplate the visual image presented and help yourself to learn a more complete answer.

I think it is best to keep an open mind about such things and note them without getting attached to them in a sense that boosts one's feeling of "specialness".

My 2 cents fwiw
davey72 said:
Could it also be that you are subconciously creating your own reality?

That's a good question. I don't yet believe one can create a reality knowingly or not. I think there is many probabilities of reality already in existence and one probability leading to another hall of realities that leads and leads and so on. I think one can set themselves up in falling into a "subconciously creating your own reality" as you so put it. In such a case one can be decieve into thinking they have. Where here and many things happening through us and around us...
obyvatel said:
The type of event that you described could fall under the category of "synchronicity" or meaningful coincidence - as called by psychologist Carl Jung. If you do a search in this forum with the term "synchronicity", you will find quite a few references to similar events.

Synchronous events happen - we do not really know how or why. The C's had this to say on synchronicity
[quote author=C's transcripts]
Q: (L) I would like to ask a little bit about synchronicity. I would like to know what is the source of synchronous events. Is it a multiple source or is it something that comes out of the percipient's own mind or... (J) is it random?
A: It involves aspects in every imaginable state of reality merging together in what could best be described, if seen visually, as a massive mosaic in perfect balance. But, that is not adequate to a response for your question, however, hopefully, maybe you can contemplate the visual image presented and help yourself to learn a more complete answer.

Good stuff! I also have come to a ponderance base on what you quoted that synchronicity on the viewer part includes sensitivity. Like if an individual does something completly or slightly different at an unusal time in relation to the usual also stuff like this happens because to me it seems one has slip out of a paticular given line pattern and therefore in a snice the individual is open to another force which maybe always looking for an opening to do so, or to bring in its understanding of the universe or given law in this case from our perspective "synchronicity"

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Synchronicities are also a favorite tool of 4D STS to lead one down the primrose path.
anart said:
Synchronicities are also a favorite tool of 4D STS to lead one down the primrose path.
Reminds me of the celestine prophecy. Ironically, the book that started me on the path to cassiopaea. That, and Whitley Streiber.

Mod edit: fixed quotes

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